Ring Town

Chapter 521: All Know

Shengjing, which has been deserted for many days, seems to have concentrated all the hustle and bustle on this day. At this moment, in Shengjing city, there are crowds of people, and the streets are full of crowds of people, making noise there. talking.

Of course, it is impossible for them to know exactly what happened, but it is all based on hearsay.

But it is these half-truths that are vague enough to be full of mystery, but known half-truths, that arouse people's interest the most.

What's more, it is one of the most legendary Chinese auspicious beasts, the phoenix.

On that day, the scene of Chu Feng riding the fire Fengshen pterosaur burning a raging fire in the air was seen by many people, and this scene was also captured in videos and photos, which were widely spread on the Internet.

Therefore, using this topic as an introduction is indeed a very good topic of conversation, and it can also fully arouse everyone's interest and curiosity.

In such an era when there is no gossip, but gossip is created, such a topic is guided a little bit, and some real information is added to it. The speed of the spread and the richness of the talk means that the heart of gossip is not strong. It is inevitable that people will ask: "Hey, brother, have you heard? The fire phoenix has landed on a mountain in our Shengjing!"

"Cut! You don't even know the place, so you have the nerve to come out and say it. Let me tell you, buddy, this is inside information. That fire phoenix inhabits Tongshan in our Shengjing!"

With a ostentatious answer, the voice was not low, and even passers-by could hear it very clearly. How could the news spread so fast?

Of course, these people just sprung up like mushrooms today, but it was because of Chen Zhongyu and sisters. This was also one of Chu Feng's plans.

That is to release the news of the fire phoenix.What I want is exactly the effect now.

Only in this way can many things be covered up, making Chu Feng's plan more reasonable under such circumstances.

After all, at this time, if other sects knew about it, it became logical.


When Huangfu Qiangren walked out of the Huangfu family, he vaguely heard the news, which was enthusiastically used as a topic of conversation among a few ordinary people in Shengjing.

His thick eyebrows were tightly wrinkled immediately, and he glanced at the people around him, but he saw that a group of people were all at a loss.Obviously they didn't expect such a situation to happen.

His heart trembled violently, he regarded it as the top secret news, even more so, he also accepted the Wang family's love, but now it has become inside the city of Shengjing.Everyone knows.

It really changed so unexpectedly that people didn't know how to react.

He scowled.He snorted bitterly.Then he turned to the people behind him: "We must hurry up and reach Tongshan ahead of others!"

Huoyun Evil God and others also sensed the urgency of the matter, and immediately nodded heavily at Huangfu Qiangren: "Qiangren is right, they are very clear about their failure to assassinate Wang Tianming. This news will reach our ears , That's why they set up a maze to simply spread the news, trying to win in a chaos. Hehe, this also shows that the news is true, and their strength is worse than ours!"

There are very few stupid people who can become a strong person. After a little thought, everyone understood the meaning.

If the news that came out was false, the Chu and Chen families didn't have to use such a drastic method to assassinate Wang Tianming, and after the assassination failed, they put all their eggs in one basket to spread the news.

On the other hand, it also shows that the Chu and Chen families have no confidence. If they are confident that they can defeat the Huangfu family and win Huo Fenghuang alone, then there is no need to do this at all, just snatch Huo Fenghuang away.

You must know that if this is done now, everyone in the world will know it, and it will inevitably cause competition among the various sects. Even if Chu Chen wants to get a piece of the pie, it will be extremely difficult.

But it was precisely in this way that the Chu and Chen families had the opportunity to share the spoonful when they were no match for the Huangfu family in strength. Otherwise, they might not even have a little soup to drink.

After all, with the current hostility between the Huangfu family and the Chu and Chen families, it is impossible for the Huangfu family to share or unite with the Chu and Chen families, let alone.

After figuring this out, everyone was a little frustrated because the secret was spread just now, but now it doesn't exist at all.

Since the information is true, and the Huangfu family is the strongest, don't people like myself have a chance by then?

Everyone had the enthusiasm just now, and now they wanted to go to Tongshan in an instant, but they didn't expect Huangfu Qiangren to stop. He didn't let everyone go immediately, but turned his eyes to the distance.

"Patriarch, should we go?" Looking at the restless crowd below, Yun Feiyang quietly walked to Huangfu Qiangren's side, and asked in a low voice.

Huangfu Qiangren's eyes narrowed slightly, but then he said cautiously: "Feiyang, I'm waiting for someone, when he comes, let's go!"

waiting for someone?Yun Feiyang was taken aback, he really couldn't figure it out, now that the strongest members of the Huangfu family have gathered here, who else is he waiting for?

It's just that he is very clear about his identity. Although he is the most powerful member of the Huangfu family, there are some things that he cannot touch.

Moreover, because he is the most powerful member of the Huangfu family cultivated by Huangfu Qiangren, he knows more about Huangfu Qiangren. This person is absolutely unfathomable!

This is not to say his scheming, but his cultivation.

Don't think that Huangfu Qiangren is an ordinary person just because Huangfu Ao has no cultivation base at all, that's absolutely wrong.

In fact, his aptitude is very good, and what he cultivates is the kung fu inherited from the Huoyun evil god, and he has gathered the power of the Huangfu family to collect a large number of rare blood for advanced use.

Moreover, because the Huangfu family's mansion is about to collapse, and his father suffers from dementia, his heart is not only cruel to others, but even more cruel to himself.

He even disregarded the precepts of his ancestors, forcibly bought the blood essence of the vampire earl through some secret channel, and fused it into his blood.

You know, even Huoyun Cthulhu was afraid of this matter back then, but he actually did it.

Not only that, after successfully merging the blood of the vampire earl, he was irresistible, and he collected werewolves, bears and other dark blood from the West, and of course there are bright blood like paladins.

Yun Feiyang did not dare to guess how strong Huangfu Qiangren was after merging these bloodlines that had not been tried before.

All he knew was that he couldn't see through Huangfu Qiangren at all.

Therefore, he didn't dare to ask Huangfu Qiangren, unless Huangfu Qiangren wanted to say it himself. (to be continued..)

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