Ring Town

Chapter 522

Facing the blowing wind, at the end of the wide avenue, he was finally alone, wrapped in a thick layer of exhaustion and dust, and walked quickly towards Huangfu Qiangren.

It can be seen that his body has serious injuries, and even some places are still bleeding, but he didn't care about these at all, and walked straight towards Huangfu Qiangren under the surprised eyes of everyone.

The dried blood stains, mixed with the soil, stained the hair into strands, combined with the several wounds that were flowing out of the body, it looked embarrassing.

Huangfu Qiangren's body moved, and he quickly walked towards the visitor. There was a surge of heat in his eyes, and a deep sorrowful voice: "Anzi, I'm sorry!"

The blood-like existence called Anzi by Huangfu Qiangren smiled at what Huangfu Qiangren said: "I have earned it after living so many years, haven't I?"

With a hint of happiness in his eyes, he stared at Huangfu Qiangren's face, showing a mouthful of white teeth, making him look a little shy.

When Huangfu Qiangren heard this, the sadness on his face became more intense. He ignored the blood on Anzi's body, and hugged him directly: "Stop talking, take this medicine quickly, you It will definitely get better!"

In his hand, there was already an extra elixir, which was the rejuvenation elixir refined by Chu Feng.

Rejuvenation Pill has almost become a necessary panacea for the rich and powerful of the Yinmen, because the healing effect of this medicine is absolutely inexhaustible. Although the price is very expensive, for a family like the Huangfu family, A few rejuvenation pills are still affordable. [

And this time, for the inevitable Fire Phoenix, Huangfu Qiangren spent all his money and exchanged more than a dozen rejuvenation pills for backup, but what he didn't expect was that he was going to use it before he went out.

It was just beyond his expectation that Anzi did not take Chundan back.He just took a deep sniff at the fragrant Rejuvenation Pill, then shook his head with a weak smile, and there was a touch of relief in his eyes: "Qiang Ren, I hurt my heart. I have also been poisoned. You must die, so don't waste the panacea."

A group of people watching from the side saw this moment.I also understand a little bit more, it seems that Huangfu Qiangren has been waiting for this person named Anzi.

Seeing that he is just an ordinary person, he should be a spy sent by Huangfu Qiangren.

For a spy, Huangfu Qiangren was so emotional, and even took out the precious and unusual Rejuvenation Pill, which really made everyone stare out their eyes.

All of them stared enviously and jealously at An Zi, waiting to see that he hadn't taken the Hui Chun Pill.Instead, he refused to accept it, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

But looking at Huangfu Qiangren's eyes again, he became more and more fanatical. What more could he ask for to follow this patriarch who was willing to take out such a precious panacea to heal his subordinates?

Huangfu Qiangren didn't know a move he wanted.It actually played such an unexpected role, even if he knew it, he didn't have time to take care of it at this time.

Because the person in front of him named An Zi is one of his few friends, and he has played with him since he was a child.Someone who grew up naked.

Anzi himself was an orphan adopted by Huangfu Qiangren's father. After careful training, he was sent out at a very young age and became the eyes and ears of the Huangfu family in other homes.

If it weren't for the time when the Huangfu family was in crisis, Huangfu Qiangren would never touch Anzi, a dark child.

He knew better how dangerous it would be to ask An Zi to come back with news at such a time, but he had no choice.

This time, the Huangfu family has put all their eggs in one basket and there is no way out, so he must do everything to the best of his ability, the slightest carelessness may make all his efforts go in vain.

He dare not do that.

Although he was already prepared in his heart, seeing An Zi in such a state of embarrassment, not long after, his heart was still deeply touched. [

Even an iron man has a heart made of flesh, but the heart will be hardened.

He even forgot about the task of asking An Zi, and only wanted to make An Zi better. At this moment, he was still the innocent child in his early years, the innocent boy who played with An Ziyi.

"Anzi, take it, you will definitely not die, and I will definitely not let you die!"

An almost angry growl, expressing the regret and sadness in his heart.

An Zi laughed suddenly, until tears welled up.

For many years, he has been thinking about his childhood, and for many years, he feels that he will not be able to persist, but when he thinks of his mission and the smiling face back then, he has motivation.

Now, I finally saw it, and that person was still worried about him, almost crazy about him, he was satisfied, he felt that everything was worth it!

"I really miss it. At that time, you called me big brother kindly. It has been so many years that I almost forgot that voice." In the faint words, there is nostalgia for the beauty.

The voice became softer and softer, and the luster in the pupils dimmed. An Zi's hand slowly lowered, and there was still an unclosed smile and regret in the lusterless pupils.

"Big brother!"

Huangfu Qiangren finally roared out, hissing in grief, which moved the world and made the sun and the moon pale, but it couldn't move the emotional world.

This big brother who is late will never be sent to another world, and An Zi will never hear it again, but just looking at his smiling face, maybe he has already expected it.

The people next to him were dumbfounded. This person named An Zi was too exaggerated, right?Did you run here desperately just to say goodbye?

There's not even a single sentence in the middle, but is it Shang Cunzi who came here to express his sorrow?

Moreover, now that the Patriarch looks like this, he seems to be going crazy, right?Then go to Tongshan, how to fight?

A series of questions made the expressions of the people standing behind Huangfu Qiangren become very complicated. In their hearts, there were fifteen hanging bottles, up and down, and they were very anxious.

Huangfu Qiangren didn't look at this, his eyes were fixed on Anzi's face, his eyes were round and red, and he was about to bleed, but he hugged Anzi, walked into the courtyard slowly, and put the An Zi placed it on the hall, and then bowed deeply, prostrating himself to the ground.

After a long time, he finally stood up, looked at the crowd with a serious expression, waved his big hand, and roared: "Go, go to Tongshan!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't even look at the crowd anymore, and just sat in his car, whistling away with a cloud of smoke and dust.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Yun Feiyang was also surprised, he approached Huoyun evil god, and asked softly: "Master, what does Patriarch mean?"

Huoyun Cthulhu smiled slightly and explained: "That person's return is the answer in itself, that is to say, the thing about Huofenghuang is true. If it is false, he doesn't need to reveal his identity at all, let alone come back desperately." report."

"Oh." Yun Feiyang showed a dazed and enlightened expression, but then he glanced at the living room where the corpses were placed in the courtyard, showing a complex expression.

This man is a true righteous man!


The convoy was mighty, but because of their impatience, they traveled very fast. In less than 10 minutes, they had already reached the foot of Tongshan Mountain.

I saw that here, too many people have gathered to watch the excitement, surrounding the entire foot of the mountain with three floors inside and three floors outside.

However, Tongshan Mountain is majestic and majestic, and it covers a huge area, so it is the many onlookers who focus on the foot of the mountain. For the towering and continuous Tongshan Mountain, it is still so majestic and majestic.

And in front of Tongshan, there is a large expanse of green space, which makes it not particularly crowded for these people to stand here.

Even so, these people still surrounded the mountain road into Tongshan densely. It was impossible to enter Tongshan without the sight of the people.

What's more, between the spectators and Tongshan, there are teams of military police on duty, verifying their guns and being heavily guarded.

If it was normal, how could Huangfu Qiangren see these people in his eyes? After all, he is also one of the six major families in China and one of the highest levels of power in China.

But now, he is very clear that these military police are probably not that simple, they should be sent by the four great families headed by the Chu and Chen families.

As for the purpose, it is very simple, it is to prevent myself from entering Tongshan.

After all, no matter how arrogant I am, I dare not openly cause a massacre here.

There are too many people, more than a dozen or 20 onlookers, even if they are killed, they cannot be killed.

And if I really did that, I'm afraid I fell into the scheme of the Chu and Chen families. I wasted time here, but they took the opportunity to capture Huo Fenghuang on Tongshan.

It's a good strategy!

"Patriarch, what should we do now?" Yun Feiyang, as the chief powerhouse of the Huangfu family, felt even more excited at this moment, after all Tongshan was right in front of him, and the alluring fire phoenix was even more so on top of Tongshan.

He wished he could fly up the mountain immediately, but the situation in front of him did not allow him to do so, so his heart was burning like a fire.

When Huangfu Qiangren heard him coming to ask, he immediately sneered: "It's really naive to think that with such a force, I can be delayed here!"

He squinted his eyes slightly, turned his gaze to a place with fewer onlookers, and said softly: "The crowd will be chaotic in a while, and once there is chaos, you will take everyone and rush in together, understand?"

"Oh?" Yun Feiyang was stunned, he didn't understand Huangfu Qiangren's meaning, but seeing Huangfu Qiangren's cold eyes squinting, he didn't dare to ask again, so he went to a group of people and conveyed his meaning down.

Then, Huangfu Qiangren turned his gaze to the driver who had been following him, and whispered a few words in his ear.

The driver nodded, walked towards his car, took out a bag of things, and walked into the crowd.

A cold sneer flashed across Huangfu Qiangren's eyes: "Hmph, since that's the case, let me choose a little surprise for you!"

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