Ring Town

Chapter 523 Release


A sudden explosion shocked the entire Tongshan, flying sand and rocks, dusty, and suppressed the roaring echo at the foot of the mountain, accompanied by how many people screamed and hissed, making people feel like hell on earth.

And the scene is indeed so suspicious.

I saw that the crowd who were still surrounding the crowd just now were desperately running out at this moment, but in the middle of the blast, there was a huge pit, the bluestone was shattered, and there were wisps of smoke.

And on the edge of this huge pit, there are several broken stones and debris, and there are many mutilated corpses, which makes people feel shocking just by looking at them.

The chaotic crowd, what kind of order is there at this moment, all of them only hate their parents for having lost two legs, and ran desperately outside, not only because of the deafening explosion just now, but also because, at this moment, there are still countless people. People shouted hoarsely: "Run, there are terrorists!"

These words, combined with the fact that the explosion just happened, really worked better than anything else, and the scene became a mess for a while.

A group of soldiers and police who were still maintaining order now became chaotic, their eyes were full of the rushing crowd, their eyes were red like blood, and their scolding could be heard there.

The cordon that the general and the police had finally pulled up was completely disrupted. [

Although all the military and police are trying their best to maintain the order at the scene, whoever listens to them now, even though they have a gun in their hand, but facing the countless civilians, this gun must never be fired.

I don't know how many people were trampled below, and the screams kept coming and going. The military and police are also human, and they didn't know what to do when they encountered such a sudden situation.

Just like that, the abruptly fleeing crowd dispersed.

Huangfu Qiangren stretched out his hand and patted Yun Feiyang's shoulder, who had been stunned, and shouted loudly: "Go into the mountain at speed!"

Then he directly strode out from the crowd.The road was squeezed open, and a group of people, I don't know how many people fell down, but they quickly entered Tongshan.

On the mountainside of Tongshan, Chu Yaxuan frowned tightly.Watch the commotion below.But he spat bitterly: "Huangfu Qiangren, you are too much, you actually use such a method. You don't care about other people's lives at all!"

Standing beside him was Li Moran, but he sighed softly: "It hurts the harmony of heaven, it hurts the harmony of heaven!"

Chu Yaxuan's thick eyebrows were tightly frowned, piercing into his temples, his eyes condensed with a strong evil spirit, and he snorted coldly: "Let's see how long he can be arrogant!"

With a big wave of his hand, he pointed at a group of camouflage men who were bowing low in the tall grass and woods behind him and said: "Send the news to others. Just say that Huangfu Qiangren has entered the mountain! And, let the guards Let the military and police at the foot of Tongshan Mountain pay attention to keep vigilant, just stop ordinary people, and for those strong people who want to fight for the Fire Phoenix, don't stop them, just put them on the mountain!"

then.He looked at Li Moran again: "It's time for us to withdraw, the rest is up to Xiaofeng!"

Li Moran nodded, but looked at the top of the mountain with a hint of worry in an instant: "Yaxuan, Xiaofeng is alone. Can it work?"

Chu Yaxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and narrowed all the worries in his heart to the depths of his eyes. After a while, he said slowly: "Since Xiaofeng said yes, he will definitely do it!"

The faint words, full of strong confidence, made Li Moran swallow all the words he wanted to ask again.


At the foot of the mountain, the riot was finally successfully controlled. In a temporary headquarters, a middle-aged general with a face full of heroism, with four stars on his shoulders, a straight chest, and his firm eyes were looking outside, trying to protect the A group of soldiers and policemen. [

"Go and tell everyone that the mission has changed. Just look after ordinary people and don't let them enter the mountain. As for those strong men, since they want to fight for the Fire Phoenix, then let them go!"

Beside him, the servant with a stack of documents in his hand answered loudly: "Yes!"

There was a look of unbearable in the middle-aged general's eyes, and he said in a low voice: "Let those boys pay attention to their own safety, and the explosion just now, the injured must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible, regardless of the cost. The price must be rescued for me!"

After finishing these words in one breath, his mood finally calmed down a little, and the gloom on his face also eased a little. Then he glanced at the top of Tongshan Mountain, and muttered bitterly: "Let's all go!" , it’s best to all die there, when the time comes, I will collect your corpses!”

The servant looked at his officer in astonishment, and retreated cautiously.

It wasn't until outside that he dared to wipe off the cold sweat on his face, and muttered to himself: "What is the mission this time? Going down, it sounds like you want to let people go up the mountain on purpose to make people go shopping, this matter..."

He chanted up to this point, couldn't help shivering, and didn't dare to say any more.

As a servant responsible for conveying information, he is not a subordinate of a middle-aged general in the true sense. He is a policeman who was temporarily transferred here.

But after coming over, I realized that it was just for him to do odd jobs.

And those people wearing military and police uniforms are not ordinary military police at all, but elites of the special forces, and each of them carries a strong evil spirit.

Such a person is obviously a guy who has experienced life and death and seen blood.

But such a group of people wants to surround Tongshan, and just to prevent ordinary people from entering Tongshan, they let some strong people enter.

Who is the strong man?Is it more powerful than these special forces who are full of evil spirits?

Thinking this way in his heart, he showed a wry smile, shook his head vigorously, and then walked to each unit, conveying the meaning of the middle-aged general.

As soon as such an order was issued, all the people guarding Tongshan breathed a long sigh of relief.

You know, the explosion just now injured several military and police officers. This is because the guy who carried out the attack was afraid of being discovered, and he just wanted to use the explosion to cover Huangfu Qiangren from entering the mountain, so many ordinary people were killed or injured. , but only a few people were injured by the military and police.

But even so, it made everyone feel very uncomfortable for a while, and felt the tension and danger of the situation.

Moreover, these people can be regarded as masters among ordinary people, so they are more sensitive to some auras, so they can feel the many terrifying auras hidden in the crowd.

If these people really exploded into trouble, it might be more terrifying than the bomb just now.

So now that it is released, it is a sigh of relief.

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