Ring Town

Chapter 524 Chu Bridge

One can imagine how attractive a Chinese mythical beast with ancient inheritance is to the strong in this world with thin aura.

Almost as soon as they were released, more than a hundred strong men rushed out, quickly passed through the barriers, and entered Tongshan.

These strong men include not only people from the hidden sect, but also some casual cultivators who are struggling to practice in the world.

Needless to say, the people in the Yinmen form a group, and these casual cultivators are obviously very aware that this opportunity is rare, and the competition is fierce, so they all find familiar people and form a temporary group. A combination to deal with the next unbearable situation.

However, the group of strong men who rushed in would not start shopping at this time, because they tried their best before even seeing the shadow of the fire phoenix, they would be fools at all.

Everyone knew that the real killing started when they climbed to the top of the mountain and saw the habitat of the fire phoenix.

Therefore, each of the strong men just glanced at each other in a hurry, and then went their separate ways.

Of course, there are also some strong people who went up the mountain alone. These people either did not find anyone to form a team at all, or they were confident that their strength was strong enough, and they wanted to use their own strength to break through the puzzle and get the Fire Phoenix. .

However, even the strong man who was so strong that he wanted to get the Fire Phoenix by himself was shocked when he saw so many people. [

In such a situation, it is really difficult to obtain the Fire Phoenix by relying on one person's strength.

Unless it is, there are many organs or magic circles on the periphery of that fire phoenix to prevent many people from entering at the same time, but no one is sure about the extent of such hopes.

Moreover, no one knows how powerful the Fire Phoenix is, how terrifying its strength is, but everyone understands one thing.This fire phoenix is ​​not easy to deal with.

Because fire is the most powerful kind of lethality, and the fire of the fire phoenix is ​​one of the famous strange fires, so it will be even more perverted.

It's just a matter of wealth and danger. If you want to be a strong man, you must have a strong heart.


But for a moment.The more than 100 people who poured in quickly sank into the dense forest, creating a lively scene.They were also left behind, those ordinary people watching the excitement.

Of course, among these people, there are many people who want to sneak in, but when they see those strong people going in and stop them, they are immediately anxious.

Some of them yelled loudly, fanning the ordinary people who didn't know where they were: "Hey, how do you let them in. But they stopped us here, isn't it fair?"

In fact, among these people, there are many people who want to fish in troubled waters. After all, the one on Tongshan is the Fire Phoenix.Even if the rumored Chinese mythical beast only got one feather, it would definitely sell for a sky-high price!

And as long as it can be mixed in, the possibility is very high. After all, the fire phoenix I saw that day was astonishingly large. God knows how many feathers it has on its body.

Moreover, the raging flames make it easier to find. Among them, of course, there are reporters who want to grab first-hand materials, so they also want to get in, take a few photos, make a video, and then sell it. good price.

Of course they would not have thought of the cruel competition on this mountain, the minds of those cultivators and ancient warriors, when these people competed for treasures, Chi Guoguo's weak meat and strong food did not hesitate at all.

If ordinary people go up, as long as their interests are threatened, they must be killed immediately, and there will be absolutely no psychological burden.

After all, the path of the strong is paved with blood. [

But many people don't understand this truth, and they don't even think of the bloody and cruelty on the mountain. They just want to fish in troubled waters and get rich overnight, so after hearing this person's fanning, they immediately responded with encouragement.

"That's right, why they can go up, but stop us here, we have to go up to see the fire phoenix!"

"Those people must have a relationship with them, so they were put in."

"This is too cheating, fight with them!"


The crowd gradually became chaotic. Under the leadership of a few people with ulterior motives, a group of tens of thousands of people finally rushed towards a group of soldiers and police.

Riots were imminent.

"Da da da……"

A burst of intensive gunfire suddenly rang out at this moment.

The commotion crowd suddenly fell silent.

They looked at the source of the gunshots in astonishment. In their hearts, they remembered the horrible explosion scene just now, and many people retreated backwards slowly.

The middle-aged general threw the smoking submachine gun directly to the orderly beside him, and then looked sternly at the crowd.

The attendant handed over a microphone with a wink.

The middle-aged general squinted his eyes slightly, his aura was strong, and there was an indescribable majesty in his voice.

If you look closely, you will find that he has a similarity with Chu Feng.

This middle-aged general is the son of Chu Feng's uncle Chu Yasheng, Chu Zhiqiao.

Now he is a major general.

In the aristocratic family, everyone walks on two legs, and the military and government are not separated from the family. If they go one way alone, they will lose the influence on the other side, and it will also reduce the weight and voice of their own family.

So the six great families are all like this.

This time, it was actually Chu Xiong's intention to call Chu Zhiqiao over. Firstly, it was for safety reasons. After all, what happened this time was not trivial.

Secondly, Chu Xiong also wanted to let Chu Zhiqiao take this opportunity to appear in Shengjing City.

After all, he had been in the army for too many years, and very few came back, and now the Chu and Chen families were fighting with the Huangfu family, and in this struggle, Chu Xiong was full of confidence because of Chu Feng.

Then after the successful removal of the Huangfu family, Huaxia will usher in a big wash of power. In this case, it is obviously inappropriate to let Chu Feng out.

Because Chu Xiong himself asked Chu Feng what he meant. Chu Feng just wanted to walk the road of being a strong man, and he only cultivated longevity. He didn't pay attention to the power in the world at all.

So letting Chu Zhiqiao come back means officially bringing the third generation of the Chu family onto the Chinese stage.

Chu Zhiqiao was originally a leader of the Chu family. In Shengjing, he could count among the children of the family for quite a long time, but he was very low-key.In addition, he has been in the army for the past few years, so there are not too many people who know him.

But if it is in the army, when it comes to the name of King Chu Yan, no one knows, no one knows.

He was in the army, so he was considered number one.And the means are tough, and he has successfully completed many impossible tasks.

More experienced the baptism of blood and fire.So let him exude an unconcealable evil spirit.

What's more, he is a child of a family and has been in a high position for a long time, so the accumulated power is also very strong.

Therefore, although the situation in front of him was chaotic, Chu Zhiqiao reacted immediately, and the shuttle shot directly into the sky, shaking the scene down.

This is a kind of momentum that cuts through the mess with a sharp knife, and it is also a kind of courage.After all, in this case, shooting a gun also requires a lot of pressure.

But the most indispensable thing in Chu Zhiqiao's heart is iron and blood.

After reaching out to take the microphone handed over by the attendant, he coldly swept across the restless crowd, with a fierce look in his eyes.It made him look a little more majestic.

The voice was high-pitched and powerful, with a touch of hoarseness, but it added a bit of masculine charm to him.

"Everyone, now this is a special military control area, and we will conduct military exercises here, gun situation, please go back quickly!"

There was no nonsense at all, just such a military exercise, but it stunned the crowd of onlookers who were still commotion just now.

Muddy horse, what's the matter?

Didn't it say that there is a fire phoenix on Tongshan?Why did it turn into a military exercise after a while?

Not to mention the bewildered onlookers, even the servants were also bewildered.

Military exercise?Why didn't you say anything about it beforehand?Didn't you just say that you let people in, you want...

However, this servant is not stupid. He has been a policeman for more than ten years, and he has come into contact with all kinds of people, and his eyelids are vivid, so after carefully reading Pinchuzhiqiao's words, he understood what he meant.

This method is really brilliant!

Just one sentence of military exercise can cover up everything, and it can also drive people away in a straightforward manner. Even afterward, any abnormalities in the world here can also be explained by military exercises.

Moreover, it was easy to give an explanation for the previous terrorist attack.

After figuring this out, the servant looked at Chu Zhiqiao again, his eyes were already so fervent that he worshiped him.

"Who are you kidding, someone went up the mountain just now." After a short period of daze, someone in the crowd finally came to their senses, but they spoke in a low voice. .

Someone uttered the first sentence, and then there were more words.

The chattering noise sounded again.

Chu Zhiqiao raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and made a gesture directly to a soldier behind him.

The soldier ran out quickly.


Not long after the soldier ran out, a deafening cannon sounded.

People are dumbfounded.

Mud horse, this is really a drill!

At this moment, Chu Zhiqiao's voice rang again: "Everyone, the military study has officially started, please leave quickly, otherwise I can't guarantee your safety, and the terrorist attack that happened here just now , I suspect that its planner is among us, so please don't be used by others!"


As if in response to his words, another cannon rang out, shaking the ground until it trembled.

The people who reacted finally knew what to do, and each of them became a [-]-meter master, and ran outside like flying.

Who would dare to stay in this place?

A military exercise for a while, a terrorist attack for a while, and then stay, it is really the old birthday star eating arsenic and looking for death!

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