Ring Town

Chapter 528

On this tree, one can feel a majestic and unyielding vitality, a kind of amazing perseverance that is not afraid of any difficulties and obstacles.

What's even more weird is that at the root of this tree, there is actually a pattern, but half of this pattern is buried in the soil, and the complete appearance cannot be seen.

It is the small half above, which was also "exposed" by the hurricane just now, blowing away the gravel and dry grass covering it.

But only looking at the upper part, it is a quaint flame figure, which seems to be still burning soundly.

The pattern of burning flames grows on a giant tree that grows naturally, and this giant tree regenerates from the roots after being burned, which is really too weird.


The Fengshen pterosaur neighed softly, and then with a beak, it bit Chu Feng's clothes, pulling him awake from his contemplation.

"You guy, don't you know that it's very impolite to interrupt someone's thinking!" Chu Feng was interrupted by it, frowned slightly, and pointed at the forehead of Fengshen pterosaur .


The Fengshen pterosaur did not argue with Chu Feng at all, but pulled Chu Feng eagerly and excitedly, and turned to the towering giant tree.

"Ha, what did I think it was? This one is the legendary Fengqi sycamore tree on Tongshan Mountain. It turns out that you know how to look at the scenery!" Chu Feng was slightly stunned, and then the so-called laughed. .

Although he likes the scenery, he always takes a rough look at it. Of course, he doesn't pay attention to it carefully. He has to walk around this giant tree a few times, and even ask the bottom line.

"Gah..." Fengshen Pterosaur's expression became even more anxious, tearing almost all of Chu Feng's clothes to pieces.

Chu Feng finally realized something was wrong with the Fengshen pterosaur. He smiled lightly and joked, "You bastard. Don't tell me you want to feel the way of heaven under this phoenix tree where the phoenix once lived?"

"Ga..." Fengshen Pterosaur could not speak, but there was eagerness in his eyes.But not pretending.

Chu Feng was so pulled by it, he followed him to the sycamore tree.

"Don't even mention it. This sycamore tree is really strong enough to survive. It was split like this by thunder and fire, and it can give birth to a new tree. It's really an ancient tree that the phoenix inhabits according to legend, but Phoenix. How could it really come to this world!"

He didn't believe that the phoenix could come to this world, because the power of the phoenix was too strong.This world is difficult to accommodate, and he doesn't feel too special aura on this giant tree.

It's just that Fengshen Pterosaur's almost pleading eyes made him unable to refuse, so he took a few steps.Arrived at the side of that strange old tree.


Chu Feng finally discovered the quaint flame pattern, and immediately opened his eyes round.

His heart skipped a beat, his toes moved, and he cleared out the gravel covered with patterns in an instant.

Suddenly a complete flame pattern appeared in front of Chu Feng.


Looking at this one, it is extremely simple, and it is definitely not a human-made flame pattern.Chu Feng was shocked immediately.

What does such a pattern represent?

And it also appeared at the root of this giant tree that was inhabited by the phoenix in the legend. Could it be that the ancient legend is actually true?

In his mind, his own ring suddenly flashed, and the space of Linglong Pagoda flashed.

All of these should appear in reality, but they have already happened to me. Even if there is a phoenix once inhabited on the top of Tongshan Mountain, what is there to make a fuss about?

As soon as he thought of this, his thoughts suddenly became clear. No wonder, Fengshen pterosaur would desperately pull him to come over. It turns out that this giant tree really has such a legend.

In the mind, suddenly there was an obscure idea of ​​Fengshen pterosaur passed over.

Although it was difficult to understand, Chu Feng understood it.

Fengshen pterosaur actually wanted to complete its journey of changing fate against the sky under this legendary sycamore tree where the phoenix once lived.

But that divine thought was talking about the throbbing in its heart, as if it heard the call of this ancient tree that existed for thousands of years.

This call may be because the Fengshen pterosaur is the ancestor of the birds in the world, or it may be because he carved the dense pattern on the Fengshen pterosaur that can communicate with the world, or it may be that he burned the true fire of his life on the Fengshen pterosaur. .

After all, no matter how you say it, the phoenix is ​​still a bird. Although it is a divine beast, it is indeed a different bird.

And Chu Feng believes that, as a divine beast, the phoenix exists at the same level as the black tortoise, and there must be some kind of dense pattern on its body that can communicate with the world. Perhaps these dense patterns have something in common, so they can The voice of this call can be heard.

Furthermore, the phoenix has the fire of nirvana, and his dark gold fire also belongs to the different fire between heaven and earth, and they are both top-level existences, so there may be a certain connection between them.

If I transformed into a black turtle by myself, would I...

This idea just flashed in Chu Feng's mind, and then he threw it out. At this time, he was thinking about changing the fate of the Fengshen pterosaur against the sky. As for his transformation into a black turtle, let's save it.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng stared straight at the root of the ancient tree, on the simple flame pattern, but the more he looked, the more he felt that this flame represented the fire of Nirvana.

And because he stared too closely and for too long, Chu Feng's eyes became blurred.

He was about to withdraw his eyes, but he suddenly discovered that the simple flame pattern seemed to be alive, and it became bigger and bigger, and in the end, it turned into a simple dense pattern, communicating with each other. Follow the Heaven and Earth Avenue.


Chu Feng was startled immediately, and cried out in surprise.

Could it be that this dense pattern is actually a dense pattern that can communicate with heaven and earth left behind by the phoenix that passed through nirvana here in ancient times?

If that's the case, it's really posted!

Chu Feng's heart skipped a beat, and a bold idea was born immediately.

"Ha ha……"

Crazy laughter jumped the Fengshen pterosaur who was staring blankly at the flame pattern, but before it could react, it was pulled over by Chu Feng.

He laughed and shouted: "Xiaolong, your luck has arrived!"

"Gah!" Fengshen pterosaur protested against Chu Feng's tugging, but looked at him questioningly, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Indeed, Chu Feng's current appearance makes people look, the more he looks, the more he looks like a wretched uncle who is coaxing children.

"Cough, cough..."

As if realizing that his image was not maintained well, Chu Feng coughed twice in embarrassment, faded the smirk from his face, and put on a serious expression.

"Xiaolong, this flame pattern is exactly what was left by the phoenix that nirvana here in ancient times. Although I don't know why it left such a pattern, I can be sure that this pattern, It is fused with the dense patterns that can communicate with the heavens and the earth on the phoenix who was here in nirvana at that time!"

The eyes of Fengshen Pterosaur suddenly lit up.

It already has too much affection for this pattern, and this flame pattern seems to have a strong attraction to it, and there is a call to make it want to get closer.

That is from the induction of the soul, it is from its instinct.

As for the Fengshen pterosaur, an ancient giant bird with memory inheritance, it is very clear about this instinct, so it believes that this time is its chance.

But now that Chu Feng said that again, it immediately became more and more excited.

The dense pattern that can communicate with the world, isn't that what it needs?

Although it is powerful, it is not a little bit worse than the divine beasts in the ancient world that have dense patterns that can communicate with the heavens and the earth.

It's just hindered by its physique, unless it is changed against the sky, it is possible to have such a dense pattern, but now, there is such an opportunity, just put it in front of it, how can it bear it.

Immediately, he pointed his long beak and light beak at Chu Feng.

At this moment, Chu Feng was deep in thought. He was very excited just now, but when he calmed down, he felt a little helpless. After all, how to integrate this dense pattern that communicates with the world into the body of the Fengshen pterosaur is really a challenge. A very troublesome thing.

Before, it has been proved that it is not good to use the secret method to paint it. You know, what he painted at that time was the dense pattern of the black turtle, and he also used the essence and blood of his own body.

He also used the Twelve Capital Heaven Formation and all the creatures on Tongshan, including Tongshan's aura power, but it didn't work at all.

Now, what should be done to successfully imprint this phoenix's nirvana flame pattern on the Fengshen pterosaur's body?

This made him difficult.

"Flame Dense Pattern, Reborn Indus, Nirvana Fire, Phoenix..." Chu Feng fell into deep thought as he muttered these names softly.

The Fengshen pterosaur at the side also seemed to know that Chu Feng was trying to figure out a way for it, so it stopped restless, and stood there honestly, waiting for Chu Feng to figure out a way.

After a long time, Chu Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

"This sycamore tree was already destroyed by the fire of nirvana when the phoenix inhabited here in ancient times, but the fire of phoenix's nirvana destroyed this sycamore tree, but it miraculously possessed the power of the fire of nirvana. , it is quite equivalent to having a chance to be reborn, so it will have a second life and grow this giant tree."

His speed of speech became faster and lighter: "Moreover, it not only regained its life, but also brought out the chrome imprint of the Phoenix's Nirvana fire, and this dense pattern that communicates the world, because of its original It is the plane tree that the phoenix wants to inhabit, so it will not exclude each other, but it is also because although it has the aura of a phoenix on its body, it is not a bird after all, so it will not be attracted by it, so it will show up!"

The voice gradually faded until it was almost inaudible at the end, then suddenly turned to Fengshen Pterosaur and smiled: "Xiaolong, I have figured out a way!"

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