Ring Town

Chapter 529: Ruyi Golden Cudgel

Strong people gathered, after experiencing the horrible scene just now, now they don't have the fear of walking like flying in the beginning, and they are more cautious and tentative to move forward.

Although Tongshan is not a tourist attraction, it does not mean that it is not majestic or spectacular.

On the contrary, the beauty of Tongshan and the danger of Tongshan are considered unique in the whole of China.

There are several reasons for this.

One is that Tongshan has no man-made carvings, and there are no well-repaired stone steps for people to climb. There are wild grasses and giant trees everywhere, and wild birds, beasts and poisonous snakes wander in the forest from time to time. Grass.

Although these will not have a great impact on the powerhouses, they undoubtedly increase the difficulty of advancing.

Of course, this has something to do with the decision of Huaxia's top management, because as early as the founding of the People's Republic of China, Huaxia's top management had asked an expert to read Fengshui. This Tongshan Mountain is exactly a dragon vein of Huaxia.

Therefore, development here has always been strictly prohibited, and it is even more impossible for people to go up the mountain to log casually. In order to deceive people, the high-level officials of Huaxia also set Tongshan as a natural ecological protection area, so everything here has been preserved in its original flavor. Too many artifacts.

Secondly, the danger of Tongshan Mountain is no less than that of famous mountains and great rivers. There are many places that almost stand upright, which is unspeakably steep, which increases the difficulty of proceeding. [

The last reason is because a group of strong men have already seen the power of that weird mountain wind before, and they are afraid that when they are walking on this dangerous and steep mountain road, a gust of that mountain wind will happen to come. It's hard not to get caught.

Even Huoyun Cthulhu is currently devoting most of his energy to climbing the mountain road.

Although he really wanted to reach the top of the mountain in one step and take the rumored Chinese auspicious beast Fire Phoenix as his own, but he knew better.Haste makes waste.

The mountain wind just now didn't seem to have much influence on him, but if he really encountered it halfway up a steep mountain, it might be him, and it's hard to say that he wouldn't be affected by it.

And within this Kiriyama.But I don't know how many strong people are watching from the sidelines. If my side exposes its weaknesses prematurely, I'm afraid it will be attacked by the crowd.

Although he wasn't afraid of these things and had already made mental preparations, he didn't want to waste too much energy on it before he met Huo Fenghuang.

After all, the rumored fire phoenix.God knows what price it will cost to capture it.

Even if my group is completely damaged, I'm afraid it will take a lot of fighting.

So it's on the road, he's bold though.It is much faster than the usual strong, but still maintains enough vigilance.

In this way, not only him, but almost all the strong men were pulled down at once, which just gave Chu Feng enough time.

Of course, no one knows this.Even Chu Feng, at the beginning, did not expect that things would be so troublesome and unexpected.

In fact, Chu Feng's original purpose was to use the Fengshen pterosaur to dress up as a fire phoenix, and then bring fire to attract the fire cloud evil god and a group of powerful people to Tongshan.

Then let a group of strong people fight against Huoyun evil god. At that time, Huoyun evil god will not die, and his strength will be consumed to a great extent.With the help of the fire phoenix and a mysterious treasure that he just got from the ring space, he will definitely be able to rectify the evil god Huoyun on the spot.

When I think of the treasure stored in the ring space.Chu Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

The reason why he has such great confidence is because the origin of this treasure is really too big, so big that when he saw it for the first time, he thought he had run into a ghost. [

It stands to reason that it is impossible for this to appear in the ring, something in this celestial waste station, but it just appeared.

At that time, Chu Feng was blissfully dazed for a while, and he was so dazed for a long time before he finally came to his senses.

Speaking of this treasure, almost everyone on the earth knows it. When its name is mentioned, it is absolutely thunderous and shocking!

I believe that almost all the little friends will be so excited that they will urinate blood when they hear this name.

Its name is:

Ruyi Golden Hoop!

Wipe, wipe, wipe!

This shockingly "pissing" name made Chu Feng even more excited when he thought of it now.

Indeed, the image of Sun Dasheng that Fatian, piercing the sky with a wishful golden cudgel is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially the hearts of the little friends.

In fact, Chu Feng really did not expect at that time that he randomly searched for a treasure from the chaotic garbage dump, but he found nothing after digging through seven or eight garbage mountains. When he was about to leave the ring space depressed, the entire ring space was shaken because of his kick full of anger.

At this moment, it was too late to say it, but it was so fast, a thin rusty stick fell in front of him like that.

Having been baptized by the vast amounts of heavenly court garbage and waste, and even shocked by many familiar secret treasures of the Heavenly Palace, even in his hands, he has many of them.

Chu Feng's vision was already very high, so he would put this rusty stick that was too broken and rotten into his eyes.

But at this time, he was in a very bad mood and depressed, so he directly kicked the tattered rusty stick fiercely.



Next, Chu Feng was sad.

He didn't kick the rusty iron rod, but his foot was really broken.

"Fuck! What the hell is this!"

After Chu Feng yelled in pain, he couldn't help but scolded again.

Fortunately, his body is far different from that of ordinary people, even compared to those strong men of the same level, it is absolutely awesome to the extent of abnormality.

The super strong healing ability made it not take too long for the pain at the fracture site to subside a lot. Although it will take a while for the fracture to heal to be as good as before, it is finally not a serious problem.

His eyes immediately lit up.

God, what kind of broken iron rod is this?It's so heavy, my kick has the strength of a thousand catties, but I didn't kick it at all, isn't this too exaggerated?

His heart moved immediately, this broken iron rod is definitely not simple!

So, the next moment, he bent down deeply and looked at the broken iron rod carefully.

Because of the big loss just now, he learned a monster and used three times the usual strength in his hand to grab the broken iron rod.

Then, he was shocked again, he didn't lift the iron rod at all.

"This this……"

Even if Chu Feng looked down on this broken iron rod, he knew that he had met a baby, and it was definitely a big baby! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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