Ring Town

Chapter 539: Garbage is divided into high and low

When the tribulation thunder came, Huoyun evil god had almost reached the top of Tongshan Mountain, so the strength of the tribulation thunder he endured was even more violent than those who were pulled behind him.

However, Huoyun Cthulhu's strength is still unfathomable. Under such circumstances, he just survived.

But even so, his leg was seriously injured because he could not bear the pressure of the huge tribulation thunder.

This injury didn't affect him too much, but it only affected his speed.

Therefore, after the thunderstorm ended, his climbing speed was also greatly reduced.

However, within a quarter of an hour, he still climbed to the top of Tongshan Mountain.

"Fire Phoenix!" The moment he climbed to the top of Tongshan Mountain, Huoyun Cthulhu was shocked.

The outstretched wings of the Fengshen pterosaur flowed with the mysterious pattern of heaven and earth like flames, and on the meat crown, there was a dark golden noble pattern, which made the current Fengshen pterosaur definitely have a shocking appearance.

When people look at it, they will worship and tremble.

Realizing that someone had climbed to the top of Tongshan Mountain, Fengshen Pterosaur suddenly spread its wings and let out a high-pitched neigh: "Qiang..."

Chu Feng was awakened by the scream of the Fengshen pterosaur immediately. He turned his head and met Huoyun evil god's sweeping gaze. The two of them both showed a look of shock when they met their gazes.

But then, in the meeting eyes, amazing sparks burst out, and the piercing air sizzled.

Between the two, it is not only that the hatred cannot be solved, but also because of the conflict of interests, there is absolutely no room for the two of them to maneuver. Therefore, after a short period of stupefaction, the two almost shouted in unison: "Yes! you?"

After shouting loudly together, Huoyun Cthulhu narrowed his eyes tightly.

The reason why he is so embarrassed.He was even injured by Jielei, but it was all thanks to Chu Feng.

If it wasn't in the hotel, he suffered Chu Feng's sword and cut off one arm, and he definitely wouldn't lose his strength, and he wouldn't be so seriously injured under the thunderstorm.

So much so that one of his legs was broken.

However, the blood of his body is particularly strong, and he has also fused the blood of vampires and werewolves, so his healing ability is far superior to that of the same level.

But no matter how powerful his healing ability is.It is absolutely impossible to recover in such a short period of time. Although walking is not affected much, the speed has been reduced by at least [-]%.

As soon as I exerted force on my leg, it hurt like a heart, and all of this.It was all caused by Chu Feng.

But for Chu Feng, Huoyun Cthulhu had touched his bottom line.And the more you know about Huoyun Cthulhu.Chu Feng became more and more wary of him.

This guy's murderous intentions are too deep, and he doesn't care about the morals of the world at all. The rules of the game that do not harm his family are just empty talk to him.

In order to achieve the goal, use any means.This is what Huoyun Cthulhu has always believed in.

He didn't touch his family now, it was because his injury didn't heal and he didn't dare to act rashly, but it was definitely not that his heart had become kinder.There are principles.

That's why Chu Feng set up the situation in Tongshan, in order to lure Huoyun evil god to Tongshan, where he would be killed in one fell swoop.

This game, it can be said, is for Huoyun Cthulhu, and he is the one who designed it!

So the two can be said to be enemies when they meet each other, and they are extremely jealous.

"Hey, it's really hard to find nowhere to go. I wanted to find you after I got the fire phoenix, but I didn't expect you to come to my door. I let Tongshan today, Be your burial place!"

Amid ferocious laughter, Huoyun Cthulhu approached Chu Feng step by step.

Although there is Fengshen pterosaur standing aside at the moment, Huoyun evil god can see that Fengshen pterosaur has no ability to fight anymore at all. Although he is not very clear about the reason for this, it should be related to the thunder calamity that day. .

Of course, it was impossible for him to think that the Fengshen pterosaur was not a fire phoenix, and the Fengshen pterosaur was definitely not injured, but it was a critical time to integrate the power of the secret pattern, so it could not move, let alone make a move.

But why, is it so important?As long as this fire phoenix doesn't make a move, then he will definitely win.

At that time, this fire phoenix will not be the same thing in his palm.

Although he also had some doubts about the appearance of the Fengshen pterosaur, who in the world has really seen what the phoenix looks like?I don't know how many kinds of those ancient patterns are handed down, but most of them are the imagination of the ancients.

Therefore, although the appearance of the Fengshen pterosaur is a bit weird, what does that matter? The blood on its body is definitely not fake, it is undoubtedly the blood of ancient times, and the nobility of that blood is definitely the only No. 2.

As for No.1, it is of course Chu Feng's bloodline. Although Huoyun Cthulhu himself can't explain why Chu Feng's bloodline is so powerful, but what does that matter? It will soon become his own. No matter what happened to him, it might be the one in a billion bloodline awakening, maybe.

In the eyes of Huo Yunxie God, the gap between Chu Feng's strength and his, although he dare not say that there is a huge difference, but he wants to kill Chu Feng, but it is just a little trouble.

As for the loss last time, it was definitely because I was too careless. This time, I will never make that mistake again.

He wanted Chu Feng to have a good taste of the blood-devouring drug that he had become famous for a long time, and he wanted Chu Feng to suffer from all kinds of tortures in the world without being able to survive or die.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to eliminate the hatred and anger in his heart.

"Go to hell!"

Amid the violent shouts, the blood-devouring dagger in his hand stabbed straight at Chu Feng.

"Go to die? You really shouted out your situation, you must die today, it's just a pity for this treasure land of geomantic omen!" Chu Feng watched Huoyun evil god rushing towards him, but the corner of his mouth slightly twitched, and he snorted coldly .

Then, he took the Ruyi Golden Cudgel standing beside him, the rust was so heavy that the original color could not be seen at all, and he took it into his hand.

If the Ruyi Golden Cudgel still had one or two cents for good looks when it was just appraised, then now, it doesn't even have half a cent, it's just a rusty iron stick, selling scrap, I'm afraid people will frown.

Therefore, seeing Chu Feng holding such a rusty iron rod, Huoyun Cthulhu was immediately annoyed: "Boy, I think you are fainted from fright, and you have lost your mind. You want to use such rubbish, and you want to use it!" Fight me hard, haha..."

Amidst the wild laughter, he rushed towards Chu Feng even more hastily.

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and gave a deep sneer: "Garbage? Really, but after a while, you will know what kind of garbage this garbage is!"

While speaking, the evil god Huoyun had already rushed in front of Chu Feng, and Chu Feng stretched out his arms and shook his wrist, and the Ruyi Golden Cudgel heavily rusted hit the evil god Huoyun head-on. (To be continued..)

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