Ring Town

Chapter 540: Bewitching

Although Huoyun Cthulhu climbed to the top of Tongshan Mountain ahead of a group of loose cultivators, his walking speed was still greatly affected because the injury was on his leg.

However, because they wanted to compete for the fire phoenix, a group of casual cultivators tried their best to climb up one by one, fearing that they would miss the opportunity. Therefore, they did not drop too much distance from the fire cloud evil god.

Just as Chu Feng's Ruyi golden cudgel fell on Huoyun evil god, a group of casual cultivators had already climbed to the top of Tongshan Mountain.

This group of strong men are also people with good hands and eyes, and their knowledge is even more astonishing. Otherwise, they would not be able to survive the tribulation and thunder, so the strength of Chu Feng and Huoyun evil god can be seen at a glance.

"This is obviously not at the same level, but he still wants to compete with others for the fire phoenix. Could it be that this person has lost his mind?" Some people watched Chu Feng aggressively attacking Huoyun evil god, and immediately uttered a little stupidly.

In their eyes, the gap between Chu Feng and Huoyun Cthulhu is really a world of difference, they are not on the same level at all.

Although they are all masters of the earth ranks, the earth ranks are divided into nine levels. Each level has an insurmountable gap. Not only the support, but also the number of magical treasures and elixir given by the elders.

However, Chu Feng in front of him is an unknown existence in the entire monk and ancient martial arts world, and no one knows him at all.

But those heaven's proud sons in the hidden sect are well known in the world, who doesn't know? [

Therefore, the group of people immediately ruled out the possibility that Chu Feng was the favored son of which sect.

Moreover, in Chu Feng's hands.The rusty cast iron rod that was tightly held was really too flattering.

Under this image.There is no need to try to make a judgment, so the crowd showed a one-sided posture.

But in their hearts, they were also very uneasy, because the aura revealed by Huoyun evil god was too powerful, so powerful that they had no confidence.

Yes.Let these casual cultivators who were scrambling to climb to the top of Tongshan also subconsciously unite.

And the strong men from those sects also stood tightly in a group, thinking about countermeasures.

On the other hand, the powerful members of the Huangfu family were overjoyed when they saw this, and some even shouted directly: "Senior Cthulhu is mighty! Senior Cthulhu must win!"

The corner of Yun Feiyang's mouth was filled with an ecstatic and complacent smile, rumors of the fire phoenix.Sure enough, it was true, now that senior Huoyun Cthulhu had occupied a favorable position, and people like myself, although they had suffered casualties during the thunder disaster, were not a little bit stronger than other powerhouses.

It's really a while to kill the generals.It is definitely a surefire win. All it takes is for the senior Huoyun evil god to cheat and kill the Chu family kid, and then he can get the Huofenghuang.

As soon as he thought of this, he shouted even more excitedly: "Senior Evil God, just relying on this kid. It is too self-sufficient to snatch the fire phoenix from us! Today, this fire phoenix belongs to our Huangfu family!" !"

"Kill! Kill him!" After Yun Feiyang said these words, the people of the Huangfu family below became even more passionate and shouted.

As a patriarch of a generation, Huangfu Qiangren thought more, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked around for a week, but the strong casual cultivator whose eyes were even hotter, coughed lightly, and stood in front of everyone.

As the true energy flowed, the voice was clearly heard in the noisy crowd: "Dear friends, our Huangfu family is bound to win this fire phoenix today. If you can withdraw voluntarily, I, Huangfu Qiangren Afterwards, I will definitely give you a generous gift, but if you want to compete with my Huangfu family, then you will be the enemy of my Huangfu family!"

When he said this, he already had a gleaming long sword in his hand. With a sigh of relief, the light of the long sword suddenly shot out, and shot at a giant tree that was three or four feet away from him. Tree.


Only a light sound was heard, but the sword glow that shot out suddenly fell directly into the giant tree.

Just as everyone was surprised, this towering giant tree that survived the thunder disaster collapsed.

This scene was extremely frightening. All the strong casual cultivators looked at each other in blank dismay, at a loss for what to do.

Originally thought that although the Huangfu family was powerful, there was only one Huoyun evil god who was so strong that it was abnormal, but unexpectedly, the head of the Huangfu family was no less powerful than the Huoyun evil god.

Subconsciously, the footsteps moved lightly, but they distanced themselves from the Huangfu family members, and they all looked for good friends and stood together.

And looking at the strong men behind him, all of them are full of energy and blood, and they are all strong men on the fifth or sixth floor of the earth.


Someone couldn't help but took a breath, looked at Huangfu Qiangren in horror, and then turned his head to look fieryly at the Fengshen pterosaur who was merging to the last moment, not knowing how to make a decision.

Huangfu Qiangren saw that his sword just now shocked the heroes, and immediately showed a satisfied smile.

However, he knew better that these alone were not enough for these people to give up the fight for the fire phoenix, and with the background of the Huangfu family, if they wanted to use their own strength to fight against all the strong, even if they won, it would be a miserable victory.

Huangfu Qiangren would never do such a thing as killing one thousand enemies and harming himself by eight hundred.

What's more, the Huangfu family is currently in troubled times and needs to employ people, so after a little thought, he has made a decision in his heart, so he raised his arms and shouted: "Everyone, I have a suggestion, everyone may wish to listen to it."

Hearing what he said, the group of strong men who had been noisy below immediately fell silent, and all of them watched him closely. Some even held the magic weapon tightly, ready to strike at any time.

Huangfu Qiangren turned a blind eye to these small actions, smiled slightly, and said loudly with great affinity: "Everyone is a casual cultivator, you should know that in today's world, it is extremely difficult for casual cultivators. You have come all the way, it can be described as difficult. Since So, why don't you join my Huangfu family, I assure everyone that as long as you join the Huangfu family, after you get this fire phoenix, you will definitely share it with everyone, and the elixir resources, my Huangfu family will also be completely for you open!"


All the powerhouses below were in chaos immediately. I have to say that the temptation of these words is very strong.

After all, under the current situation, the Huangfu family has clearly gained the upper hand. Even if all of them are united, they may not be able to defeat the Huangfu family.

What's more, everyone is not in the same way, and it is not easy to unite all of them.

As a result, the hearts of many people began to become active.

"Sure enough, he is a generation of heroes! If you give him enough time, it will be really dangerous!" Seeing Huangfu Qiangren's behavior, Chu Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Holding the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand, he had already met the Huoyun Cthulhu several times. In order to conceal the secret of the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and to surprise him, he never touched the Ruyi Golden Cudgel with the Huoyun Cthulhu's blood-devouring blade. It's just walking around the body of Huoyun Cthulhu.

Several times, there were dangers everywhere, and three or four bloodstains were drawn on the body by the sharp blood-devouring blade of the Huoyun evil god, and the blood leaked out, but Chu Feng never used the ultimate move.

He was waiting, waiting for a chance to kill with one blow. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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