Ring Town

Chapter 577: Uneasy

At the banquet, Chu Xiong found an opportunity to come out alone with Chu Feng, and asked Chu Feng with a suppressed voice: "Xiaofeng, the great alchemist behind you can really provide two hundred catties of spirit wine ?"

To be honest, when Chu Feng told Xiang Teng and Qian Yide that he could provide two hundred catties of spirit wine, he was still a little nervous.

After all, two hundred catties is not a small amount, and if Qian Xiang and the two families can't do it, it will cast a shadow over the alliance of the three families, and he can't help being nervous.

Don't look at him drinking this spirit wine all the time now, but this spirit wine is extremely overbearing, and the amount he drinks every day is only between half a tael and one tael, and Chu Yaxuan and others are also about this number, so it is calculated The spiritual wine that Chu Feng got now is just a few dozen catties.

Hearing what Grandpa said, Chu Feng smiled confidently: "Grandpa, don't worry, I have my own plan for this matter."

Of course he would not tell his grandfather his details, after all, the less people who know about it, the better, at least it would be a misunderstanding that there is a great alchemist behind him, anyway, he is used to it.

Fame is not important, what is important is to get benefits safely, this is the truth.

But after seeing that Chu Xiong still seemed to have concerns, he gave him another reassurance: "Grandpa, my master has reached a new level in alchemy, so the success rate of the best elixir is very high, so don't say It is two hundred catties of spirit wine, even five hundred catties, it will definitely not be a problem."

Hearing this, Chu Xiong's expression finally eased, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good."

"Grandpa, the Qianxiang family is an ancient family with more than 2000 years of heritage. Their heritage is far beyond ours, so we must strengthen the alliance with them."

There was a hint of worry in Chu Feng's eyes.Although the matter with the Qianxiang family was successfully resolved, and the alliance of the Qianxiang family was enough to deter those young people, but for some reason, Chu Feng still had a faint sense of uneasiness in his heart.

This feeling came inexplicably, but it was stubbornly entangled in my heart, and I couldn't get rid of it.

I had this feeling several times in the past, and it all came true, so Chu Feng dare not be careless now.That's why he had to tell grandpa again.

After all, for such an alliance, his qualifications with his father are still a little weak, and it is safest for Chu Xiong to come forward.

With Chuxiong's character as an old fox, how could he not understand this meaning.But what surprised him was Chu Feng's expression, which seemed to be preoccupied.

"Xiaofeng. Did you feel something?"

Chu Feng didn't want to hide it from his grandfather.After all, he also wanted his grandfather to give advice on this matter, to see what else he had missed: "Grandpa, I feel a faint uneasiness in my heart, as if something bad is about to happen? But I can't remember what will happen What's up."

He spoke in a low voice, but slowly raised his head and looked at Grandpa: "Grandpa. It stands to reason that the Qianxiang family is now the top of the Yinmen family. With them and the Chu family Form an alliance, no one should spy on us anymore. But why do I always feel like I'm missing something?"

Chu Xiong frowned slowly, bent his fingers, and tapped lightly on his forehead. After a long time, his narrowed eyes suddenly opened, but he slowly said a few words: "The Huangfu family, Ghost Eater Zong!"

"Oh?" Hearing these two names, Chu Feng's eyes lit up, but the uneasiness in his heart seemed to be more real. After he pondered for a while, he narrowed his eyes tightly and snorted coldly: "Yes, why should I?" Forgot about them! Although Huangfu Qiangren has already arranged for the members of the family, there is no guarantee that some people don't want revenge, even if they don't want to, I'm afraid the Ghost Eater Sect can't let them go!"

"Yeah!" Chu Xiong's thoughts also opened up, and his voice was low: "Besides, the reputation of the Ghost Eater Sect has not been very good, and it has been called revenge, and they have suffered a big loss in the matter of the Huangfu family, so I have a feeling they're definitely not going to let it go."

"Yes, they were too quiet this time, and they didn't react at all to the destruction of the Huangfu family. This is unreasonable!" Chu Feng suddenly thought, in terms of the usual way of doing things of the Ghost Eater Sect, this is really true. It's so abnormal.

They have always been vengeful, how could they be so quiet, and suffer a dumb loss so silently, it is not their way of doing things.

Finally, Chu Xiong also realized the seriousness of the problem, and frowned tightly: "Xiaofeng, what do you think we should do now?"

In fact, it wasn't that Chu Xiong couldn't think of a solution, but that Chu Feng's opinion was more constructive in a confrontation involving force. After all, Chu Feng himself was an absolute master.

Moreover, most of the Chu family's power is directed at Chu Feng, especially after Chu Feng's battle with Xiang Shaoyang and Qian Jin, almost all the superpowers of the Chu family sincerely admire Chu Feng, Therefore, Chu Feng's current thoughts are especially important for the next step.

There was a sharp light in Chu Feng's eyes, but he snorted coldly: "Huh! I'm really afraid that they won't come out, so I have to be on guard against them every day. After all, their sect status is a secret, and outsiders can Impossible to know, so we can only wait for them to come out, but once they come out, it will be their time to exterminate the clan!"

"Oh?" Chu Xiong immediately became interested, and looked at Chu Feng earnestly.

Chu Feng quietly clung to Chu Xiong's ear, whispered a few words, and after a while, Chu Xiong showed a gratified smile: "Haha, the Chu family can have a little wind, which is really like adding wings to a tiger. After this battle, my Chu family may It will be like the Qian and Xiang families, becoming a family that has been passed down through the ages!"

Hearing Grandpa's words, Chu Feng smiled faintly: "Grandpa, if you want to become a family that will be passed down through the ages, then the Chu family must give up some things."

"What?" Chu Xiong asked, looking at Chu Feng in confusion.

"Grandpa, your old man is really a fan of the authorities. Think about it carefully. The Qianxiang family is a family that has been passed down through the ages, but when the Qin and Han dynasties were fighting for hegemony, the whole family was almost wiped out. Why?" Chu Feng reminded with a smile.

Chu Xiong was startled, but in an instant he showed a look of embarrassment: "Xiaofeng, you mean, if you want to be a family that has been passed down through the ages, you must stay away from the center of power?"

"Hehe, it doesn't have to be like this." Chu Feng shook his head slowly, and said in a low voice, "Sometimes it's easier and more controllable behind the scenes than in front of the stage, isn't it?"

Chu Xiong's eyes lit up immediately, and then he laughed loudly: "Xiaofeng, if it wasn't for the fear of delaying your cultivation speed, I really want to hand over the entire Chu family to you right now!" (To be continued. .)

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