Ring Town

Chapter 578: Breaking Tribulation Pill

"What? Are you really sure that you can take out two hundred catties of spirit wine, and my family will share one hundred catties each?" Xiang Teng's old muddy eyes flashed with unbelievable light, and he stared closely at Chu wind.

After all, although Chu Feng said before that he could ask his master for two hundred catties of spirit wine, neither he nor Qian Yide had much hope of repaying it.

After all, this kind of rare spirit wine is all brewed with top-grade spirit pills, and there are no obvious restrictions. It can be said that this thing itself is a priceless treasure.

One hundred catties, how much benefit will it bring to the family, it is exciting to think about it.

I'm afraid that in this way, Qian Xiang's family will have many more superpowers, but Xiang Shaoyang at the side is even more excited, looking at his grandfather with fiery eyes: "Grandpa, I have already told your old man Now, Chu Feng is my Xiang Shaoyang's brother, if my brother says it, he will definitely spit out a spit and make a hole, so he will definitely not talk nonsense!"

Xiang Teng was in an excited mood at this time, of course he would not be angry at his grandson's words, he laughed: "Shaoyang is right, right."

On the other hand, Qian Yide saw that Chu Feng agreed to take out two hundred catties of spirit wine so easily, but his eyes immediately lit up: "Xiaofeng, I have something to say, I hope you can agree."

"Oh?" Chu Feng looked at Qian Yide's mind, but thought of a possibility in an instant, and his heart suddenly surged. He said that he would provide two hundred catties of spirit wine, of course he wanted to exchange for two But it also has the meaning of "throwing bricks to attract jade" in it. Now that Qian Yide said this, I am afraid that he really attracted jade.

However, he did not blindly agree, but tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart, and said with a light smile: "Mr. Qian, you are so polite. Now that we have three alliances, it can be said that we are all our own people. What's the matter?" Just tell me, as long as I can do it, I will do my best."

Qian Yide looked at Chu Feng carefully, his eyes showed a look of appreciation, if Chu Feng had just agreed with his mouth, he would have to think carefully about whether he would say it or not.

But now Chu Feng is not in a hurry to agree, but is so modest.It made him feel more confident, he smiled gently and said softly: "Xiaofeng, since the three of us have already formed an alliance, we are one and the same. So there is nothing inconvenient to say about these things."

He paused for a while, then turned his head to look at Xiang Teng.He continued: "In fact, I want to ask you to find your master. Help me refine a furnace of breaking robbery pill."

"Oh?" Chu Feng was slightly taken aback. Although he had already prepared in his heart, when he actually heard Qian Yide say it, he was still shocked in his heart.

Breaking robbery pill, that is the panacea used to break through from the earth level to the sky level.The so-called broken robbery is to break through the shackles between heaven and earth, and has reached the level of the free and unfettered heaven, that is, the earth immortal in ordinary people's mouth.

Although this step.It may not be possible for people to really ascend to the fairyland, but they have already touched the gate of the fairyland. It can be said that it is a catastrophe.

As for the earth level, breaking through the shackles and reaching the sky level, although there are many opportunities to attack, but each time the attack fails, the difficulty of the next attack will increase, and the success rate will also show a downward curve. Therefore, the earth The powerhouse at the peak of the super-level rarely goes to the sky-level when he is not fully prepared.

Seeing that Chu Feng was silent, Qian Yide's heart immediately sank, but he didn't give up, because he had waited for this opportunity for too long, and at his current age, although he still had decades to prepare, he still had a few decades to prepare. With the coming of calamity, his body is still going downhill, so he must be in his best condition to hit the sky level, so that the chance of success will be the greatest.

So he looked at Chu Feng closely, and asked again with a trace of uneasiness: "Xiaofeng, can your master refine the Heaven Tribulation Pill?"

In fact, his problem is exactly what Xiang Teng is concerned about. After all, Xiang Teng is also a master at the peak of the prefecture level, but he has not dared to try to hit the sky level because he does not have the Pill of Breaking Tribulation. Such a super family like the Xiang family was originally running for the peerless power and the dream of eternal life, so at this moment, he also stared closely at Chu Feng, waiting for Chu Feng's answer.

After all, both of them are very clear that the requirements for Pojie Pill are very high, not to mention the top grade, but the low-grade Pojie Pill, which has a price but no market.

But with the background of the two families, the elixir has already been prepared, what is missing is a person who can refine the breaking robbery pill, and behind Chu Feng is a great alchemist, and in the spirit wine, Chu Feng himself has said that all the top-grade panacea are mixed in.

Both Qian Yide and Xiang Teng are definitely experts among them, so after tasting the spirit wine, they can of course taste the level of the spirit medicine added in it, so they have such great hopes for Chu Feng , just because the great alchemist behind him can refine top-quality spirit pills, his attainments in alchemy are definitely strong enough, and he should be able to refine the breaking robbery pill.

"Old Qian, I have seen Master refine the Pojie Pill. Although it was successful, it took a lot of effort, but I dare not say that it will be successful, nor can I say how many pills will be produced, so... Seeing that the emotions of the two of them were almost mobilized, Chu Feng spoke softly and slowly.

But at the end of his speech, he paused, because for something like the Pojie Pill, he had to get enough benefits for himself.

After all, he not only needs to set aside for his own use, but also thinks about his father and master, as well as his confidante.

And not too long later, it will be an exchange event for the strong practitioners. At that time, the more fully prepared he is, the greater the benefits he can get at the event.

What's more, what he wants is the elixir, so the price he has to pay will be several times higher than the normal price, and before that, he has asked Tong Yaoshi, Liang Junzi and others to buy the elixir at a high price. The information has been distributed, so he absolutely believes that he will gain a lot in this grand exchange meeting.

But for these, he needs to take out enough spirit pills to exchange them, but they are just a few that he usually uses, so I'm afraid it won't work.

It is most reassuring to have some panacea that makes others want to stop.

"Xiaofeng, I don't know what chance the master has of success?" Of course, Qian Yide didn't think of what Chu Feng was thinking.He just heard Chu Feng say that he had successfully refined the Pojie Pill, and his heart was already boiling.

The body bowed forward, and almost all of them were on Chu Feng's body.

"There is a [-]% chance." Chu Feng thought for a while and said in a deep voice.

"Forty percent?" Qian Yide and Xiang Teng's eyes lit up immediately. The bottom line in their hearts was twenty percent, but unexpectedly Chu Feng said forty percent, directly doubled. How could the two not agree? ecstatic.

After all, they have rich backgrounds, but the elixir of the Pojie Pill must be fully prepared.But it is also extremely difficult, but after all, it is a top wealthy family that has been passed down for thousands of years, so it is possible to make up three or five payments, but it takes more.Even with the background of the Qian family, there is nothing they can do.

But now Chu Feng directly said that it was [-]%.How could he not be excited.

The same is true for Xiang Teng.He also started preparing for the Breaking Tribulation Pill early on, and now he has collected three batches of elixir, but he has been delayed because he has not found the great alchemist.

Although later he also met an expert in alchemy, but the ultra-low success rate of less than two hundred percent made him discouraged.Never made up my mind.

But now Chu Feng's export is [-]%, how can he not be tempted, his eyes are urgent, and he leans closer: "Xiaofeng, can your master really guarantee a [-]% success rate?"

The corners of Chu Feng's eyes twitched, but he whispered in his heart: I have a fake gossip furnace to help me, and now I have the real fire of my life, the success rate is 100%, not [-]% at all.

The [-]% I said has already been mixed with enough water, so there is no pressure: "The [-]% success rate is absolutely guaranteed, but the grade of the panacea, I dare not say that it will definitely be the top grade. "

"Ah!" Qian Yide and Xiang Teng were stunned immediately, looking at Chu Feng in shock.

Seeing the expressions of the two people and the exclamation, Chu Feng thought that the two were afraid that the level of the panacea was too low, so he hurriedly explained: "Elder, although it is impossible to guarantee the top-grade breaking robbery pill, but the middle-grade one is It can be guaranteed, of course, if there are three complete pills in one furnace, there will definitely be one high-grade pill."

"Ah..." Qian Yide and Xiang Teng's hearts were already filled with huge waves. At best, they thought it would be nice to have a low-grade Pojie Pill, but now Chu Feng actually told them that they can produce a high-grade pill, and the guarantee is Zhongpin, how embarrassing is this for them?

All of a sudden, Qiqi was there in a daze.

Because compared with the low-rank Pill, the middle-rank Breaking Tribulation Pill can increase the impact success rate by [-]%. This [-]% success rate is already against the sky.

Not to mention the top grade, which can already reach a [-]% increase in success rate. This will definitely allow the two of them, who are already fully prepared, to have a more than [-]% chance to break through the earth level and break into the sky level. .

Entering the earth fairy realm that countless practitioners dream of, it is exciting to think about it, how can the two of them maintain their normal hearts?

After a long time, the two finally suppressed the turbulent waves in their hearts, looked at Chu Feng together, and said impatiently: "Xiaofeng, please beg your master to help me refine the Breaking Tribulation Pill."

"Yes, Xiaofeng, we will never make things difficult for you. Didn't you say that your master likes to collect live elixir? My Xiang family is willing to take out three plants of live elixir as the cost of alchemy this time. What do you think?" Xiang Teng said with a burning flame in his eyes, staring at Chu Feng closely.

"Three plants?" Chu Feng was stunned, but then he was ecstatic in his heart. As expected, the mud horse is a top aristocratic family with more than 2000 years of experience. It's amazing that three living elixir plants came out from the first mouth!

Since the Xiang family can come up with three plants, the Qian family must not be too shabby, and I have to try my best to get all the living medicines from the two families. After all, my exquisite space is still empty. .

So there was a flash of enthusiasm in his eyes, and he looked at the second elder: "Second elder, in fact, my master not only has this spirit wine, but also a lot of top-quality pills. I wonder if the second elder intends to exchange some back?"

"Of course we have to change!" The second elder hardly hesitated, my God!The ultimate panacea, who wouldn't be tempted by this thing?

Even at the side, Xiang Shaoyang and Qian Jin, who were drinking desperately there, also turned their heads together at this moment, looking at Chu Feng earnestly.

"Then let's talk about it in detail." Seeing that the two elders agreed, Chu Feng was secretly happy, restrained his excitement, and moved closer to Qian Yide and Xiang Teng.

I saw that the three of them became more and more excited as they talked, but in the end, they were as close as friends after years. (To be continued..)

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