i created the old gods

Chapter 157 The monster born from biological transformation

Chapter 157 The monster born from biological transformation

Before Hashimoto Mojiu could react, Zuo Fei frowned and asked, "Do you know who else participated in the assassination of His Highness Hashimoto Mojiu?"

"I'm not sure. Before the operation started, Leanna found me alone in the room and gave me the order. I didn't even know that these low-level worm drivers below would also participate in this operation." Contilt smiled bitterly and spoke. road.

"The Worm Driver?"

"They are people who have died but are driven by worms. People like me should be considered worm parasites. There are also giant worms like 'Die' that you have seen."

After saying that, Contilt seemed to have thought of something, and then added: "Oh, by the way, before setting off, I seemed to hear Leanna chatting with a scientist in a white coat, and they seemed to be talking about something about 'macrophagic worms'. An improved version of the giant worm.”

"Macrophagic worm?!"

Zuo Fei murmured the name and secretly remembered it in his heart: "Okay, I understand."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Fei spoke again: "Mr. Contilt, I would like to ask you to protect His Highness Mojiu Hashimoto, please."

"Please rest assured that I have done something wrong and I will pay the price for it."

Contilt spoke swornly, almost patting his chest and promising to protect Hashimoto Mohisa's safety: "If you want to hurt His Highness Hashimoto Mohisa, you need to step over my body!"

As soon as Contilt finished speaking, a hurricane suddenly hit the surroundings. A figure suddenly came from the stairs and rushed towards Hashimoto Mojiu with lightning speed!
This figure was like a gust of wind. The moment it passed by the few remaining guard soldiers, those soldiers felt as if they had been hit by a heavy object, their internal organs were damaged, and they died instantly!


Contilt raised his brows, took out the short blade in his hand, and slashed at the incoming figure!
The figure immediately stopped, stopped moving forward, and stared at Kantilt.

Soon, what appeared in everyone's sight was a short, dark and thin man with a Southeast Asian style.

His hands were covered with bandages, his eyes were like hawks, he stared at Contilt, and said stiffly every word: "Contilt, it turns out you really betrayed."

"When Your Highness Leanna informed me, I couldn't believe it."

"I was controlled by Leanna and couldn't help myself. Now I have returned to my true self."

Contilt looked at the Muay Thai champion and whispered: "Trust me, don't resist, we will help you find the worms in your head!"

"You think I'm like you?"

There was a sneer in the Muay Thai king's mouth. Although his English was very stiff and unskilled, everyone could hear the ridicule in it: "I took the initiative to surrender to the Eye of Destruction, and took the initiative to surrender to Leanna. People who are loyal are completely different from outsiders like you!"

Contilt looked at the Muay Thai champion in disbelief and shouted in a low voice: "Why are you doing this?! What benefits has the Eye of Destruction given you?!"

Contilt felt that what he said was a bit false, but he still held it back and roared out forcefully.

Contilt was stalling for time, waiting for reinforcements of soldiers to arrive.

He himself is definitely no match for the Muay Thai champion in front of him, so he needs to find reinforcements to help, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

"Of course it's to become stronger. Only when you are strong enough can you settle down and live."

The Muay Thai champion didn't seem to see through Contilt's tricks, but said confidently: "Contilt, you can't stop me, get out of the way, I will only kill this Japanese woman, and I will let you live. "

"Ha ha."

Contilt could only chuckle, his face full of disbelief: "Do you think I would believe it? We have been together for so long, and I don't know what you think?"

Sophie silently disappeared from the crowd, pretending that she had no special identity.

"It seems that you have become a lot smarter after the holy bug came out of your head."

A strange smile appeared on the Muay Thai king's face: "But."

Before he finished speaking, there was suddenly a violent vibration of footsteps on the stairs behind him. It seemed that soldiers had reacted and were coming quickly.

Seeing this, Contilt breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the soldiers who were pouring in like fish, and smiled: "Why do you think I said to chat with you? Of course I am waiting for these reinforcements."

Looking at the soldiers holding various weapons, Contilt could no longer hide the smile on his face. Contilt looked at the Muay Thai champion, but could not see any trace of panic on his face.


Contilt was stunned for a moment, and the Muay Thai king's original weird smile became even weirder: "You are delaying time by talking to me, so haven't you ever thought about the reason why I am talking to you?"

An extremely strong bad feeling arose from Kantilt's heart. Immediately afterwards, the Muay Thai champion's body began to expand rapidly, like blowing up a balloon. His whole body was full of muscles. He was originally only about 1.5 meters tall. Suddenly it expanded into a giant over three meters tall!
Not only that, thick white bones also suddenly grew out of his shoulders, forming two spike-like things. The blood vessels on the thick arms were clearly visible, and they were hideous and terrifying.


Kantilt's pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes were filled with a sense of horror that was visible to the naked eye!

He had never seen anything like this when he was still a Destroyer!
What the hell is this? !

"go to hell!"

The three-meter-tall Muay Thai champion punched out, and Contilt subconsciously raised his knife to block it. However, the huge force made Contilt feel uncomfortable, and his body was knocked backwards uncontrollably.

There was only a loud noise, and Contilt broke the railing on the top floor and fell from the top floor!


Zuo Fei's heart sank. In this critical moment, she immediately shouted: "Shoot and kill this monster!"

Their current position is very awkward, and if they fire rashly, it is likely to cause accidental damage.

But Zuofi can't hold so many. If they don't fire now and wait for this monster to come to them, then they will only die!

As for why calling the Muay Thai champion a monster suddenly turned into a three-meter-tall guy with barbs growing out of his bones, how can he be described as a human being now? !

The soldiers did not hesitate to pull the triggers in their hands, and the rocket launcher instantly pushed the rocket and exploded towards the 'Muay Thai King'!


The rocket bombed behind the 'Muay Thai King' without any ripples. At the moment the rocket was launched, Zoffie threw Hashimoto Mojiu to the ground and hid behind the solar energy on the top floor, feeling the explosion and air waves around him. Wander!


"I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

Zuo Fei's heart sank when such a voice echoed in her ears, but everything was expected. She had long been prepared for an official to be accidentally injured and die by her own side.

Zuo Fei glanced at Hashimoto Mojiu, who shook his head and indicated that he was fine.

Then, Zuo Fei tentatively stretched out his head and glanced at the 'Muay Thai King' with his peripheral vision.

The 'Muay Thai King' had turned around, and Zoffie could clearly see that the skin on its back was torn apart and dripping with blood from the rocket bomb. The surrounding skin was as black as charcoal, and it was emitting a roar of pain.

The officials who were affected by the aftermath of the rockets screamed so loudly. The monster, which was hit head-on by three or four rockets, was naturally much more seriously injured than them.

These rockets did not kill the monster, but angered it!
However, Zuo Fei didn't blame him for this, instead he was a little surprised.

It only takes three or four rockets to injure it and make it so angry that it forgets the target of its action. This means that this monster is not in such an irresistible situation!
We still have a way to kill it!
Obviously, the commander of the team also discovered this and began to order his soldiers to carry out crazy bombings on the monsters!

The monster roared angrily, and the sound was thunderous, but this had no specific effect. The monster would still be bombed if it should be bombed, and nothing would change because of this roar.

Explosions rippled out from the front. At this critical moment, Kantilt suddenly climbed out of the building, picked up Hashimoto Mojiu and left.

Even Zoffie on the side didn't react.

Sophie:? ? ?
Brother, why don't you save me?

Zoffie didn't have time to say anything, so he followed Contilt closely, climbed down from the roof with Contilt, and entered the room on the sixth floor.

This place was originally a temporary tactical command room. Contilt and Hashimoto Mojiu jumped here because there was no one here and it was relatively quiet.


Zuo Fei, who struggled to catch up, was breathing heavily. She was older and had not experienced such a high-stamina exercise for a long time.


There was a violent roar above the head, which was obviously the sound of rockets being launched. Along with the roar, there was also the roar of the monster and the faint screams. The various sounds came together, making people feel a little scared.

"What do we do now?"

Hashimoto Mojiu's face was a little pale, and she was a little helpless: she was so weak, and she would fall into a weak state for a short period of time no matter what she did.

After taking a few breaths, Zuo Fei said: "Let's go first. The tank troops down there have almost been cleared. Let's evacuate here as soon as possible. No matter what the Destroyer wants to do, it won't be difficult for us."


Kantil nodded and was about to take action when he saw a white girl with long hair appear at the door.

The girl has a delicate face, waist-length black hair, slender jade fingers, and a perfect figure. At first glance, she gives people a fresh feeling of Xiaojiabiyu.

There was a vague smile on the girl's face, and she seemed to be playful, which made Sao Fei, Hashimoto Mojiu and Kandiert dare not act rashly.

Seeing that the scene was a bit stiff, Zoffi took a deep breath and asked: "I am the German and Austrian Prime Minister Zoffie. This is the temporary German and Austrian military base. What is your identity and why are you here?"

This is a military base, and apart from enemies, the only people who appear here may be soldiers.

And Zuo Fei didn't remember that there was such a female officer in his memory, whose appearance gave people a sense of freshness.

"Are you asking who I am?"

The girl suddenly spoke, her voice as clear as a silver bell, full of a sense of innocence, but this opening gave them a very familiar feeling.

In an instant, Contielt, who had been in contact with Riana the longest, blurted out: "You are Riana?!"

"You just recognized it?"

Leanna was a little disappointed. She looked at Kantilt, shook her head slightly, and said slowly: "Kandilt, I really didn't expect you to be able to escape my control. It seems that you need to strengthen your ability to control worms in the future. , if you want to escape from the brain, eat the brain clean beforehand, this will avoid this situation happening to you.”

After saying that, Leanna ignored Contilt, turned to look at Hashimoto Mojiu with interest, and said with a smile: "Originally, assassinating you was just a whim, but now it seems that assassinating you is really necessary. .”

Hashimoto Mojiu didn't speak, but looked at Leanna lightly.

Kantilt swayed from side to side, seeming to notice that Leanna was the only one here. He breathed a sigh of relief, raised the short blade in his hand, and said with a smile: "Leanna, you only have the ability to control worms, and you are not proficient in fighting at all. By appearing here at this moment, could it be that you are actively seeking death?"

Holding a short blade, Contilt was very confident in his fighting ability. He thought that he could rush up and kill Leanna in front of him in less than a few seconds. Even if it was not her true body, he could still disgust her.

As soon as he finished speaking, Contilt didn't give Leanna any time to answer. He stepped into the dragon and in an instant, he was like a bird escaping from the cage. The short blade in his hand turned into a wisp of cold light and slashed towards Leanna's neck. go!

Easily, Leanna's neck was cut off. The smile on Contilt's face widened. He was about to turn around and say something to Zoffie and Hashimoto Mojiu when he saw the severed head suddenly fly up. Flying back to the neck, it returned to its original shape in an instant!

Leanna was once again unscathed.

However, this time she did not actively wait for Contilt to attack. Her right arm suddenly began to transform into several tentacles, which wrapped around Contilt's limbs one by one and began to wrap them hard!

Blood stains came from Contilt's limbs. In less than five seconds, a large living person was choked with blood by these tentacles and was unable to move!

"If you were knocked off the roof by No. 11 and hid quietly, I wouldn't have troubled you. But if you came to my door on your own initiative, I won't be able to keep you here."

Leanna's innocent voice seemed to be telling something trivial. After the words ended, Contilt's bones were instantly cracked!
When the tentacles were released, all that was left was a pile of rotten flesh, and they died in silence.

After doing all this, Leanna's left hand began to change into several tentacles. Her eyes widened and she let out a shrill, sickly laugh: "Whose turn is next?!"

(End of this chapter)

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