Chapter 158
"Tell me, which of you two will die first?"

Leanna's voice was full of horror.

Contilt, who was regarded as hope by Zoffie, collapsed at Leanna's feet. The rotten flesh-like corpse exuded a pool of blood, while Leanna exuded a vicious aura from all over her body.

What Contilt, what Muay Thai, and what giant worm are all fake.

The killing move that Leanna really prepared was this clone of herself.

What are those worms?What kind of trump card is it? It’s up to you to actually take action!

Just like what the Muay Thai King believes in, one's own strength is the real strength. Foreign objects can bring short-term bonuses, but they cannot bring long-term strength.

Looking at Leanna, who was driving the tentacles to dance around, Zuo Fei's face began to change, but Hashimoto Mojiu still had the same expression, as if nothing could make her feel any fluctuation.

Leanna looked at the extremely calm Mojiu Hashimoto and said coldly: "Aren't you afraid at all?"

"of course."

Hashimoto Mojiu said indifferently: "I was ordered under the crown of Muhuakai Yeji, and I am the main god of the heaven. I am the messenger of the orthodox gods. How could such an evil like you succumb?"

Hashimoto Mohisa's voice was upright and upright, and there was nothing wrong with it. Even the senior politician Ms. Zoffie was moved by this emotional voice.

However, Leanna just sneered, as if she dismissed Hashimoto Mojiu's statement: "The Lord God of Heaven? Wood Flower Blossom Yeji? It's just a false god. There are no gods in this world, and only destruction greets the world. .”

Do not agree with each other, since Hashimoto Mojiu insists on her faith so much, then I will send her to see her god!
In an instant, the layers of tentacles formed by Leanna's left and right arms began to twist quickly and flew towards Hashimoto Mojiu. In an instant, Hashimoto Mojiu was hung up and tied tightly in the room. .

Hashimoto Mojiu's expression did not change much. The vigorous life force in her body seemed to be protecting her. Leanna's tentacles were simply unable to strangle Hashimoto Mojiu to death like she did to Condilt.

But it didn't matter, Leanna didn't look anxious. Instead, she found a nearby chair, sat down comfortably, and watched Hashimoto Mojiu hang himself.

Although Hashimoto Mojiu still has the power of life in his body, this power cannot last forever. As long as it is exhausted, Hashimoto Mojiu's death will come.

3 minutes, Hashimoto Moku will definitely die in 3 minutes.


Zuo Fei, who was on the side, saw that Leanna didn't take her seriously at all, and she was a little angry. However, she also knew that if Hashimoto Mojiu died, she would definitely die, so even when she took out a pistol from her arms, there was no Aim and shoot seven times at Leanna!


I don’t know if it was a coincidence or good skill, but Zoffi’s seven bullets accurately hit Leanna’s body and head, creating blood holes one after another in Leanna’s body.

However, Leanna's face was expressionless, as if she had not been hit by the bullet. Instead, she turned her head and looked at Zoffie with interest.

Under Zuofi's gaze, Leanna's seven bloody holes made by bullets began to close together quickly. Leanna also said: "I forgot that you are here, Ms. Zoffie. This was my negligence."

After all, Leanna's abdomen suddenly threw out a tentacle, strangled Sophie's neck in an instant, and began to exert force, trying to strangle Sophie to death here!

"Cough cough!"

Zuo Fei was knocked down by the huge force in an instant. She struggled wildly, as if she wanted to break away the tentacles around her neck, but it had no effect. How could she, a mortal, be a worm condensation? Rhianna's clone's rival?


Leanna's eyes were full of excitement, and her delicate face was filled with a sense of morbidity: "Hahahaha, I just like to see you struggling, I just want to see you so weak and helpless, as if That bitch in New York is like Bailey, and I tortured her to death!"

After saying that, Leanna said again: "Ms. Zuofi, I won't kill you right away. Don't worry, I will only torture you slowly. I will wait for Hashimoto Mojiu's life force to disappear and let you Die together."

Zoffie didn't hear what Leanna said at all. She only felt light-headed and swollen all over her body.

She was already out of breath, her eyes were filled with stars, and her neck was in burning pain, as if she had strangled a bleeding mark and then put it into salt water. The pain was unbearable to Zoffie!

Such feelings of dizziness and pain were intertwined in Sophie's nerve center. Sophie already felt that it was difficult for her to breathe, and she could only have the slightest chance to breathe if she tried her best to breathe.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the whole building began to shake violently due to the battle on the roof. The life force in Hashimoto Mojiu's body became weaker and weaker, and it would dissipate in only a few tens of seconds, and Lei Anna's expression became more and more excited.

She couldn't help licking her lips, and looked at Hashimoto Mojiu, as if a female leopard saw her prey, feeling extremely excited.

As for Sophie on the side, she was just a pre-dinner dessert, which was ignored by Rhianna.

"Hashimoto Mojiu, you are dead, this game is mine."

Leanna stood up from the chair. She looked at Hashimoto Mojiu's face, sneered and spoke, but before she could finish speaking, a cold light flashed through, and the tentacles were cut off instantly, and she was hung up. Mojiu Hashimoto and Safi instantly fell from mid-air and fell to the ground on the sixth floor.

Sophie had already fallen into a coma, her face turned purple, and Hashimoto Mohisa also appeared weaker due to the massive consumption of life force.


Leanna's expression turned cold instantly. She looked at the figure in front of her who had cut off her tentacles and was now half-prostrate on the ground, holding an Japanese samurai sword. She said coldly: "Are you here to die too?"

"Leanna, we met just now, and you just forgot about me so quickly?"

Under Leanna's gaze, the figure holding the katana began to quickly attach scales to its body. He slowly turned around, revealing Peter's young face: "Last time, I didn't have a weapon in my hand, which delayed you for a while. , now I’ve got my knife and come to you.”

"But... you were a beautiful blond girl last time, how come you have turned into a black-haired girl now? Do you have any special hobbies that no one knows about?"

They were all Americans, so Peter simply used American English to sneer at Leanna: "But no matter what you look like, I can still recognize the stench from the sewers on your body."

Now Peter not only had scales attached to his body, but also wore a chainmail suit. He was holding an extremely sharp samurai sword in his hand, looking at Leanna with a mocking smile.

Leanna looked at Peter's current appearance and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, but she also had to admit one thing from her heart, that is, Peter was indeed very powerful now, and her so-called elite members were no match for him.

No matter how worms and technology are used to transform Kantilt and Muay Thai, they will have certain limitations and cannot break through the limits of the human body. Even if they are blessed with extraordinary worms, they can only break through a few.

The elite members created in this way can only be regarded as half extraordinary beings. If they fight with real extraordinary beings, they will definitely die.

For example, the Muay Thai champion on the top floor looks huge and powerful, but now he has lost his mind and has completely turned into a crazy killing monster.

This is the current limitation of the 'Destroyer'. If the Muay Thai champion does not transform, he has quick speed, average strength and a normal brain.

But if he transforms, he will only be left with unparalleled strength and indestructible defense. Speed ​​and IQ will be sacrificed, and it will be a one-time sacrifice. No matter what the result is after the transformation, this person will undoubtedly die.

Therefore, Leanna simply ignored the fight on the rooftop, because the Muay Thai champion on the rooftop was already dead. He was able to do so many things before he died, which was worthy of Leanna's training for him.

The Muay Thai champion didn't know all this at all, and he was still complacent about having gained 'powerful' strength.

Of course, except for the upcoming 'Macrophagic Worm', which is the strongest species that Leanna will create in the past three months!
But for the current Leanna, she will not retreat easily.

After competing with Peter, if he wins, then he can not only kill Hashimoto Mojiu, but also this American fellow who is covered in scales. Wouldn't it be more profitable?

It doesn't matter if you lose. You can still have a clone with combat capabilities if you spend a little more time, and it's not a precious and rare thing.

Anyway, that's it!
After clearly understanding the current situation, Leanna once again had a strange smile on her face. The tentacles that had been cut off by Peter and were twisting on the ground actually began to crawl up, quickly crawling back along the way they came. Leanna's left and right arms, at this moment, Leanna once again took on the shape of a tentacle monster!
"go to hell!"

Leanna's tentacles moved with the sound, like spikes, piercing toward Peter with a howl. Peter looked at the oncoming tentacles, raised his knife and fell, and chopped off the tentacles again!

While Peter cut off the tentacles, the tentacles on Leanna's left and right arms continued to grow, reaching an extremely alarming speed that made people feel desperate.

Reanna's voice echoed throughout the room, the tentacles were growing violently, and there were tentacles everywhere she looked.


Peter's face instantly darkened. Looking at the tentacles that were growing violently, he felt a numbness in his scalp, and there was no way he could do anything.


Peter could only wave his katana and continuously chop off the incoming tentacles, and the chopped tentacles quickly crawled towards Leanna and poured into Leanna's arms, forming an endless loop.

'I can't go on like this. I'm going to find a way to defeat Leanna in one fell swoop and make her disappear from here! '

Peter sighed secretly in his heart. He gritted his teeth and seemed to have made some determination. His body suddenly began to lean forward and lower, and the katana in his hand began to take on a strange shape.

Seeing this, Mojiu Hashimoto, who was on the side, mobilized the little remaining life force and began to form a green barrier in front of Peter. At the same time, he said in his mouth: "The flowers are blooming, Your Majesty, please give us strength!"

Although Konohana Kaiyejimian never manifested his spirit next time, and the energy used by Hashimoto Mojiu has always come from his own life force.But as the great deity enshrined in Sengen Shrine, Hashimoto Mohisa must pray to Konohana Kaiyehime.

"I actually forgot that Hashimoto Mojiu exists!" Leanna's mood instantly turned gloomy. She couldn't help but secretly thought as she watched the tentacles being blocked by a green barrier.

Countless tentacles were writhing in front of Leanna, and opposite Leanna, a green barrier enveloped the weak Hashimoto Mojiu, the unconscious Zoffie, and the unknown Peter. At first glance, there seemed to be something. A feeling of evenness.

'What on earth is Peter doing? ! '

Looking at Peter, whose aura was getting stronger and stronger in the green barrier, Leanna's face was dark, and she couldn't help but start thinking wildly, and seemed to be full of fear of Peter.

Although she seemed to be very dismissive of Peter before, she actually took Peter very seriously as an opponent in her heart.

After all, among the many extraordinary beings that Rhianna has met, Peter is the only one who is truly a fighting type of extraordinary being.

The rest are either auxiliary like Hashimoto Mojiu, or are the bishops and night watchmen of the Eternal Night Church.

However, Leanna has never seen the extraordinary people of the Eternal Night Church, so she doesn't know what their situation is, so she is a little embarrassed.


Just when Leanna was thinking wildly, Peter in the green barrier suddenly took action. The katana in his hand seemed to burst out with shining light, and a sword light wrapped with blue extraordinary power gradually flashed out from the katana.

A blue light flashed, and Peter's figure disappeared instantly with the gorgeous blue light, speeding towards Leanna with lightning speed.

This speed made Leanna unable to react at all. Almost in an instant, Peter's blade had reached Leanna's waist!

Along the way, all the tentacles touched by the katana fell to the ground in pieces. In Peter's hands, the katana exploded with extremely powerful power, instantly cutting Leanna in half!

Is that all it takes?

Leanna felt her waist being torn apart, feeling a little ridiculous: Didn't Peter know that he could regenerate his limbs?

But before Leanna could react, a strange energy hindered Leanna's rebirth. Leanna felt that her clone was gradually losing control and her consciousness was completely separated.

On Loland Island, Leanna, who had lost the ability to control her clone, looked gloomy. She understood that the operation had failed.

However, Leanna was unwilling to fail and quickly killed several worm parasites around her and began to sacrifice with blood.

"The Great Eye of Destruction, please come to this land and completely destroy Zealandia!"

(End of this chapter)

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