i created the old gods

Chapter 159 Creation God and God Chapter System

Chapter 159 The Creator God and the Mythical System
At this moment, Jingchuan, who was observing the Dark Angel Hela and the Power Angel Hercules in another world, felt Leanna's call to the Eye of Destruction.

The main reason why Jingchuan received Leanna's call to Eye of Destruction was because Jingchuan had set the other vest's phones to DND.

Whether it is the Lord of Thunder or the Lord of Eternal Night, if the believers of these two gods pray to themselves, if there is no important signal (@集团主), Jingchuan will never receive it.

So in Eye of Destruction, a chat group that has not been set as do-not-disturb, Leanna's Aite is particularly convincing, and will naturally be seen by Jing Chuan, who is idle now.

"Come to Earth and destroy Zealandia?"

Jingchuan read about Leanna's request and felt a little ridiculous: I have nothing to do, why should I destroy Zealandia?
As a result, Jingchuan penetrated both worlds at a glance and began to gain insight into the causes and consequences of this matter.

When Jingchuan understood this matter, he almost gave Leanna the title of Evil God.

I, a true evil god with the godhead of eyes of destruction, am not as evil as you.

Worm parasitism?Body modification?Human bomb?Assassinating extraordinary people and celebrities?
Jingchuan never expected that Leanna could be so big. In an instant, the image of the Eye of Destruction was deeply rooted in people's hearts, and she became a notorious evil god on earth.

The impact Leanna has had in the past three months is enough to exceed that of any evil god in the history of the earth, and she has almost become a household name.

It's not that Leanna's methods are very cruel. There are many evil beings in myths and legends who are more cruel and evil and terrifying than Leanna's methods.

However, they are only recorded in books after all.But the Destroyer team led by Leanna actually exists and has made great contributions to the Eye of Destruction.

Moreover, this Evil God with the Eye of Destruction also appeared in New York, which caused extreme panic to people, fearing that the Eye of Destruction would come again.

There was no way, and Jingchuan couldn't explain it. After all, the Eye of Destruction now was really him.

Those things were all done by the previous Eye of Destruction. I just killed him and got his godhead. I was not on Earth when Leanna's Destroyer organization was developing, so I didn't know about it at all.

If Jing Chuan was still an ordinary person, he would definitely explain it to people all over the world in this way, but Jing Chuan is now a powerful god.

God does not need to explain, God does not need to apologize, God is never wrong.

Now that the operation of the different world has basically stabilized, Hella the Angel of Hades and Hercules, the Angel of Strength, have already mastered the church skillfully. They behave very low-key in the world, and it is very appropriate to develop the church lightly.

Therefore, Jingchuan thought that he could leave the other world temporarily and return to Earth to deal with some things.

Destroy Zealandia?
No, no, how could Jing Chuan do such a thing, and returning to the earth in order to destroy Zealand is too naive.

Jingchuan has another thing to do.

When he had just gained insight into everything, Jingchuan felt that there seemed to be other gods slowly awakening in this land of Northern Europe. Although they had not yet awakened, they were almost there.

Jingchuan's figure quickly disappeared into another world, and returned to the earth almost in a breath.

He did not go to the Eternal Night Church or Thunder Church immediately, nor did he go to help Leanna. Instead, he wandered over the Nordic Peninsula.

In the Nordic Peninsula, an extremely powerful aura is reflected here, but Jingchuan can see at a glance that although the aura is reflected here, the owner of the aura is not here.

This breath stretches across the vastness, as if it comes from the starry sky and the universe!

This aura surprised Jingchuan: the master of this aura's combat power at his peak was probably even more powerful than Jingchuan during the battle with Jörmungandr!
It's also a [-]-[-] tie with the current Jingchuan, and even Jingchuan feels that he is no match for him, but it is a bit difficult to kill Jingchuan.

There is absolutely no way the owner of this breath is the god-king Odin in Norse mythology!
Jingchuan can tell the strength of God King Odin through the performance of Jormungandr and Fenrir. God King Odin's strength at his peak is at most stronger than Fenrir. There is no way this breath is so powerful!

In Nordic mythology, there are not many people who can possess such a powerful aura.

In Norse mythology, at the beginning of time, the world was in chaos, except for a majestic gap called the Kinlenga Gap.

The great chasm divides two sides. The north of the chasm is the "Kingdom of Mist" and the south of the chasm is the "Kingdom of Fire".In the interlacing of hot steam and ice, two chaotic and primitive creatures were born.

Ymir, the King of Frost Giants and the God of Creation in Norse mythology.

and a huge cow named Odembula.

Ymir ate the milk secreted by Odembra to survive, while Odembra licked the salt grains from the ice.

However, in mythology, this creator god is a bit inferior.

The wise giant Mimir and the female giant Bestela were transformed from Ymir's body. In addition, under the licking of the cow, Zubli, the god of gods, appeared in the ice.Bulli gave birth to Baur, and Baoer and the giantess Bestela gave birth to Odin, Willy, and Fei.

Later, the giants and the gods were at odds, and the two sides started a war.Later, Ymir was killed by the gods, the giants were defeated, and the remaining giants fled to Jotunheim and continued to hate the gods.

The gods used Ymir's body to shape the earth and sky.Ymir's head became the sky, her brain became the clouds, her body became the earth, her blood became the ocean, her bones became mountains, and her hair became trees.

When Ymir's body rotted and grew maggots, these maggots turned into elves and dwarfs.Odin ordered four dwarfs with strange powers to support the four corners of the sky.Ymir's eyebrows were used to create a wall to surround Midgard.

Then Odin captured the flames of Muspelheim, turned them into stars, moon, and sun, and determined the movement of the seasons.Then the gods took ash branches and formed them into man, and made woman out of elm branches.The male is named "Ask" and the female is named "Embula".Odin gave them life and soul, Willy gave them reason and movement, and Wei gave them feelings, appearance and language.This is the ancestor of mankind.

You may not believe it, but the creator god named Ymir was used by the gods to create the world after his death.

Through this myth, Jingchuan also began to hesitate who the owner of this breath would be.

Is it the King of Frost Giants, the incredibly inferior Creator God Ymir?

Or Zubli, the god of gods who emerged from the ice?
In Jingchuan's view, these two are the only ones who have the ability to compete with him [-]-[-]. After all, the remaining gods such as Odin are no match for him, and the second-generation god Baoer and the wise giants Mimir and Bes Although Terra is also possible, it is unlikely.

"The owner of this aura is still in the starry sky, probably sleeping in a huge planet in the solar system. For some unknown reason, his aura suddenly appeared on the earth."

Jingchuan felt a little speechless: "Will this cause him to wake up early and follow the earth's consciousness to mess with me?"

"No, for the current earth, the owner of this breath is also a disaster outside the stars, right?"

"If the owner of this breath is really Ymir or Bully, doesn't that mean that in the earth mythology, the peak gods are all from outside the domain?"

"Nuwa? Pangu?"

"The original Chaos and his five children in Greek mythology?"

"Brahma from the Peacock Kingdom?"

"Fire worshipper Ahura?"

“Cortlical, Mother Earth in Aztec Mythology?”

"The main god of Heaven in Japanese mythology?"

Jing Chuan couldn't help thinking a little bit, and compared the myths of various countries in the world, Jing Chuan seemed to be aware of one point.

Not to mention the gods of minority myths, we mainly mention the six major mythological systems in the world, Chinese mythology, ancient Greek mythology, ancient Indian mythology, ancient Egyptian mythology, Nordic mythology, and an ancient Roman mythology that can be squeezed in , these six myths are the most believed myth systems on earth.

Of course, there are many myths that have not been introduced, such as Mayan mythology, Japanese mythology, Persian mythology, Celtic mythology, etc. The level of these myths is lower than the above-mentioned six myths, so they will not be introduced.

In many myths, the world was originally chaotic, and in this vast chaos, creation suddenly began. According to Jingchuan's memory, scientific understanding of the world originated from the Big Bang.

Could the Big Bang be something spread by the God who created the world?
Or, in fact, these creation gods did not create the world at all. The world was originally formed due to the Big Bang. These gods are just creatures from outside the territory and spread their beliefs on the earth?
Or maybe they are gods born on the earth, who opened up various worlds on the earth, but later went to the universe?
If that's the case, then what's going on in that different world with the Starry Sky Council?Why are there stars and planets there?

What, a habitable planet for humans in a parallel universe in the multiverse?

So how did I cross the multiverse barrier and go to another world?

Before, the Eye of Destruction was a god who came from beyond the starry sky. He was originally the eyes of a strong man, but when the strong man fell, these eyes were also contaminated with part of the power of the strong man, thus becoming a not weak evil god , so doesn't it mean that there are really some powerful creatures in the universe?

Too many questions formed in Jingchuan's mind, but some of the answers to these questions were already clear, and some were not yet clear.

There's always a chance to figure it out later.

These issues have little to do with Jingchuan now, but they will definitely have a deeper relationship in the future.

Because Jingchuan cannot be limited to the earth. He knows that there is other life in the universe, so he must go and take a look and make preparations in time.

"The current situation."

Jingchuan murmured, feeling a little urgent. He had to seize the time to improve his strength. It didn't matter to some of the resurrected minor gods now. If the gods who lived in the stars returned, wouldn't he be in big trouble?

After reading this, Jingchuan's figure quickly disappeared in the Nordic Peninsula.

In Loland Island, Leanna prayed devoutly to the Eye of Destruction. This was originally just a routine prayer, but this time she made a small request during the prayer.

But suddenly, Leanna sensed the extremely destructive aura!
It seems that the eyes of destruction are watching me!

Leanna's body instantly trembled with excitement. She knelt on the ground and knelt down devoutly: "Under the great Eye of Destruction, you are the existence that destroys all things, and you are my eternal faith!"

While Leanna shouted, a strange energy suddenly began to permeate Leanna's body. Leanna only felt that something was passing away quickly. Soon, Leanna knew what was passing away.

Life force, my own life force is passing away.

'The Great Eye of Destruction needs a sacrifice and is interested in my life force? '

'That's right, those waste lives that look like puppets are not needed at all. The Eyes of Destruction will only accept the lives of devout believers like me!
For some reason, Leanna suddenly became excited. Her life force was passing away, and she was also happy!
Leanna secretly said: 'Your Majesty needs my life force, but I can't give all my life to Your Majesty now. The Destroyer has not been prepared yet, so I can't just die like this. But since these vitality can please Your Majesty, , that's great. '

Leanna has secretly made a decision in her heart. After the important task is completed, she will sacrifice all her life to the Eye of Destruction.

And Jing Chuan in the sky is also a little speechless. Jing Chuan doesn't need any vitality at all. Absorbing Leanna's vitality is telling her to pay attention to the influence. Let Leanne 'call' herself at will.

Therefore, Jingchuan extracted Leanna's life span of 20 years. Extraordinary people are immortals. Leanna's life span is 300 years. 20 years does not matter.

However, Leanna was extremely excited to have her life sucked away by Jingchuan, as if she had been given a life span of 2000 years by Jingchuan.

Could it be a shaking M?

That's right, only mentally ill people would think that.

After finishing reading, Jingchuan began to control the Eye of Destruction, and soon, a huge eye began to slowly appear over Zealandia.
PS: The mythology system of this article is mainly based on the six major myths mentioned in the text and the Aztec mythology. The strength of the gods in other myths will be adjusted down depending on the situation.

For example, Dongying Mythology, which is often criticized, is considered to be too weak, but it’s okay now. Some readers even asked me to write the Lord God of the Heavenly Yuzhong at the same level as Pangu in the seventy chapters.

Sorry, in my setting, other mythological systems in Asia are dominated by China, just like other mythological systems in Europe are dominated by Greece, Rome and Northern Europe, and other mythological systems in America are dominated by Arabs. Mainly Ztec mythology.

 Please pirated readers please stop asking questions like why you don’t pretend to be God.Think about it with your brains, how come there is no such thing as fabricating myths?

(End of this chapter)

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