Chapter 160
Noel was an ordinary German-Austrian tank trooper who had never experienced a war before. He was suddenly transferred to Zealand by his superiors. He was very uneasy, especially when a series of situations occurred. What was it? Giant worms, what kind of zombie invasion.

Noel even thought that he had become a background NPC in the game, and was very afraid of any unexpected things happening, such as the sudden appearance of a beautiful woman calling herself Alice, and the sudden appearance of a company called Umbrella in Sakuradu, Japan.
They had been fighting bloody battles for a long time and had completely wiped out the zombie swarm. Noel also heard the roar of artillery fire from the rooftop gradually subsided, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had saved a life.

"Noel, the war is over, we won!" Inside the tank, his companion breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself comfortably.

"Yes, the war is over."

Noel also breathed a sigh of relief, murmured, picked up his gun, and walked out of the tank with his companions.

Looking at the zombies littering the fields and the smell of blood in the air, I couldn't help but feel a little sick.

"Be careful. Some zombies may not be dead yet. Don't let them hurt you. Although the people above said this thing has no infection ability, it's better to be on guard."

"Alas, the days of peace are gone forever."

Noel heard the deep sighs from his companions, and he believed it himself: extraordinary events occurred frequently, various gods came to the world, and for human beings, the days of peace had indeed begun to disappear.

Noel opened his mouth and was about to say something. Suddenly, a lingering feeling of fear rushed into his heart.

Over Zealandia, a dangerous atmosphere is filling the air. The figure of the Eye of Destruction slowly appears in the sky. The moment those pure eyes without any emotion appear in the sky, not only Noel, but also the entire Zealandia The people on the island all have a lingering feeling of fear.

"Then what is that?!"

Looking at the eyes in the sky that seemed capable of destroying the entire world, Noel suddenly shuddered and his body began to tremble unconsciously.


Noel was so frightened by this eye that he let out a fierce howl and did not dare to make any move at all!
All the soldiers were attracted by the vast Eye of Destruction in the sky, and a unique feeling spread in people's hearts.

Some people are terrified, some feel desperate, and some even feel a pain in their heads. There is no way to relieve the pain!


Noel is like this. He feels extremely uncomfortable now and cannot use words to describe the pain he has suffered.

All the soldiers were more or less affected. The entire military base was wailing, and the bald General O'Neill felt deeply powerless.

Even he himself was affected to a certain extent, feeling dizzy, nauseated and retching.

This may also be because he did not directly encounter the Eye of Destruction in the room, but was just observing it on the screen.

General O'Neill hammered the table hard, suppressing the nausea in his heart, and said angrily: "Damn it, what should I do?!"

They had no way to deal with the Eye of Destruction and felt very passive.

Regardless of the strength of the Eye of Destruction itself, the impact of its appearance is fatal, just like a walking nuclear radiation source.

This is just like the gloomy and cold-blooded god who appeared in Boston, USA not long ago. Every move is so involved that people can't even think about their existence, and even feel extremely powerless.

The bald General O'Neill knew that he might not be able to control the situation and needed an administrator who could stabilize people's hearts. He immediately asked: "How is Ms. Zoffie? Are you still awake?"

"No, His Majesty Hashimoto Mokune and Mr. Peter are adjusting their status. Mr. Peter also said that facing such a powerful enemy that cannot be resisted by humans, the only thing we can do is to pray to the gods for peace."

Listening to the news, the bald General O'Neill subconsciously clenched his fists, but soon released them, with a complicated expression and a sigh.

Immediately, the bald General O'Neill said powerlessly, "Let the soldiers hide nearby and not look directly at the Eye of Destruction. If there are soldiers who believe in gods, let them pray to the gods."

As a general, he could only say this sentence to express his deep feeling of powerlessness.

After saying all this, General O'Neill slowly came to the window, took a deep breath, slowly raised his head and looked at the eyes of destruction hanging on the horizon, with a residual smile on his face:

"Why did you come to Zealand, why did you come to destroy this world, you are supreme, why do you care about the lives of us ants?"

Facing extraordinary beings, they can still maintain their essence state and fight with extraordinary beings.

Faced with such a bald god, General O'Neill had no room for resistance.

"I hope I can retreat as soon as possible."


A beast-like roar came from all directions. Noel looked around in confusion, only to find that the zombies that had been crushed by his troops struggled to get up, as if they had been granted a second life!

The zombies' eyes were full of blood, with blood-red filaments popping up in their eyes. The saliva on their fangs was wrapped in threads, dripping down bit by bit, and they pounced on them ferociously!
The companion next to Noel was instantly knocked down by a zombie. The zombie showed its fangs, its bloody mouth opened wide, and a cold light shone in its teeth.

"Ah!!! Noel, beat him to death, quickly! Quickly!"

He was caught off guard by his knocked down companion. He felt the cold teeth of the zombie break through his skin, and immediately screamed in horror.

Noel was also awakened by the shouts of his teammates. When he came back to his senses, he found that his companions were already a bloody mess. All he could hear was the sound of chewing. It was obvious that his companions were dead!

Noel was trembling with fright and lost his mind. He raised the gun in his hand and frantically pulled the trigger at the zombie!
"Da da da!"

The bullets smashed it into pieces in an instant. Noel was 100% sure that no life could survive after being hit by so many bullets.

However, the zombie in front of him seemed to be unable to feel anything at all. His head was beaten to pieces, but he was still crawling there staggeringly.Prepare to attack Noel.

Seeing this scene, Noel felt a little creepy and couldn't help but murmured: "He has become stronger!"

Before the Eye of Destruction appeared, although the zombies had no sense at all, if their heads were smashed, they would stop moving.

But now, even if they only have one finger left, they will try their best to squirm, as if they want to destroy all living things.

"Run, run!"

"Help, help!"

"Fight back, fight back!"

Hysterical voices spread from the soldiers, and the soldiers fled one after another. But Noel was already at a loss. Seeing the battlefield around him like this, he had no thoughts in his heart. His mind went blank, and he started to flee with the soldiers.

Gunshots, whistling, roaring, cries for help, chewing
Various sounds rang in Noel's ears. Many tank troop drivers left the tanks like Noel, and they lost the food in their mouths.

The current situation is very chaotic. A few tanks are driving in the camp, crushing and killing countless zombies and accidentally killing many teammates.

There were figures of people everywhere, and Noel saw countless figures flashing in front of him, some living and some dead.

The living are running for their lives in a hurry, and the dead are struggling to prey. This place is a scene of hell on earth.

Noel fled all the way. Finally, he seemed to have thought of something and stopped following the crowd. He got into the command building in the chaotic crowd.


Noel's sudden intrusion almost caused the soldiers guarding the command building to open fire. When they noticed that Noel was alive, they all breathed a sigh of relief and warmly welcomed Noel's arrival.

After all, in this situation, one more living person is much more important, especially if this living person also has a gun.

"Quick, soldier, let's guard the building together and don't let the monsters outside rush in!"

After seeing Noel, the colonel officer spoke quickly. Noel did not hesitate and immediately joined the escort. They stood on the stairs together and pointed their guns at the door.

The equipment here is very luxurious, with tens of thousands of bullets, even a small battle can be fought!
Machine guns, flamethrowers, sniper rifles, all kinds of equipment are available, and the military ranks of the people around are also higher than the last. The average rank of each person is a major. His presence here really lowers the level of this place.

But Noel can also understand. After all, this is a command center. The commander-in-chief here is General O'Neill, and the staff officer is also a captain.

The roars of zombies often came from outside, as well as the screams of humans. Noel swallowed his saliva and calmly listened to the movements outside, feeling a little panicked.

An officer suddenly spoke and asked Noel: "Hey soldier, what happened outside? Didn't the tank unit report that the monster had been eliminated? Why is there such a situation outside?!"

"The situation outside is very complicated. Ever since the Eye of Destruction appeared in the sky, the group of zombies that had been unable to move suddenly began to riot. They are missing arms and legs, but their behavior this time is extremely ferocious. We..."

Noel had a bitter look on his face, and he slowly opened his mouth to speak, unable to describe his feelings in words.

His head began to hurt, and Noel felt that he was most likely going to die here today.


The officers on the front line also began to vomit. Under the gaze of the Eye of Destruction, everyone was not in good condition. Some officers could not even hold their guns steady.

The soldiers on the roof began to attack the zombies around the command building. Rockets, grenades, and various weapons burst out, and countless ammunition poured out, but they still could not stop the zombies from approaching.

Because those who died came back to life and joined the zombie army.

They are indeed not contagious, but magic can continue to drive away the dead. In any case, after death, they will join the zombie army and launch a crazy attack on the command building.

"Why are you treating us like this?"

An officer murmured desperately, and then the roar outside the command building became louder and louder, and shadows began to gradually appear in front of the gate.

"Get ready, they are coming!"

Suddenly a solemn voice came from upstairs. It was obvious that the soldiers upstairs were unable to stop the zombies from approaching. Now, they could only move step by step, starting from the gate to resist the zombies' entry, and slowly retreated.


Countless zombies crazily poured in towards the gate of the command building in an extremely crowded manner. Looking down from the top floor, it was almost impossible to see the end.

Grenades were dropped from upstairs, and machine guns on the stairs kept firing. Contrary to everyone's expectations, they actually withstood the tide of corpses.

Countless corpses piled up at the gate, gradually turning the gate into a mountain. The zombies squeezed their fronts and backs, frantically pulling down the corpses piled on the gate and rushing inside.

General O'Neill stood in front of the window on the third floor, holding a standard rifle in his hand, and fired wildly downstairs, with little effect. He was a little helpless: "Sealand has suffered a large-scale invasion, when will reinforcements be received?!"

"I'm sorry, General. The Eye of Destruction over the Zealand Peninsula is too eye-catching. We have not mobilized reinforcements for the time being. You will insist on it for the time being."

"I insist on you%¥#%@!"

O'Neill couldn't help but started to speak sweetly, almost roaring: "It doesn't matter if we die here, Ms. Zoffi, His Highness Hashimoto Mojiu and Mr. Peter are all here. These are the head of a country and two extraordinary people!"

"General, we are dispatching reinforcements. Please hold on for two hours."

"Doo doo, doo doo, doo doo."

The intercom signal on the other side was suddenly cut off, and O'Neill also guessed what the Europa coalition was thinking.

After their command building completely lost contact, nuclear weapons bombed Zealandia directly, destroying all the monsters and sealing off Zealandia, turning it into a new Chernobyl.

"What a bunch of bloody bastards!"

General O'Neill couldn't help but cursed angrily. He knew very well that if he were not in Zealand, he would probably make such a decision.

General O'Neill's eyes were slightly swollen and painful, his head was dizzy, and he felt like he was about to fall into coma at any time.

He knew that this was the influence of the Eye of Destruction in the sky.

O'Neill didn't know what he wanted to do under the Eye of Destruction: just watch here quietly and let the group of monsters resurrected from the dead kill us?
He shook his head, trying to keep himself awake. O'Neill looked into the distance and suddenly saw a light, which seemed to be a huge monster!

This monster looks extremely ferocious. All the joints on its body are protruding with white spikes. The skin on its body seems to be burned and peeled off for some reason, but O'Neill can see that this monster is definitely powerful. the power of.

O'Neal was slightly absent-minded and said in a low voice: "No, it's the Muay Thai champion of the Destroyer. Why was he resurrected into a monster!"

(End of this chapter)

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