i created the old gods

Chapter 161 The Will of the Earth

Chapter 161 The Will of the Earth
"General, we can't stand it anymore!"

"No matter what the cost, reinforcements are coming to support you soon, don't panic, hold on, hold on!"

There are more and more zombies, and the huge and ferocious zombie incarnated by the Destroyer 'Muay Thai King' is still on the road. O'Neill looks at this huge zombie and can basically crush a zombie to death with every step.

O'Neal took a deep breath and quietly watched the arrival of the zombies. His eyesight could no longer be opened. The nausea all over his body made him feel very uncomfortable, as if he was a terminal cancer patient. He could not even use his hands. Has disappeared.

"General O'Neill, why don't you go and rest first."

After preparing everything, Peter spoke. He looked at O'Neill, his eyes full of worry: "When the monster arrives here, I will break out with His Majesty Mojiu and Ms. Zoffi. I believe With my strength, there shouldn’t be any problem.”

O'Neal said tiredly: "I'm sorry to trouble you, but I will use the few RPGs to attract firepower and eliminate some of the zombies for you later."

He was a little tired, and he felt as if all the bones in his body had disappeared, without any support at all.

Now, he can only place his hope on Peter, hoping that he can take Zuo Fei and Hashimoto Mojiu out safely.

This trip was originally just an attempt to use Hashimoto Mohisa's visit to lure the snake out of its hole and draw out the Destroyer Organization to severely damage it, but I didn't expect that such a thing would happen.
"It seems that the plan we made at the beginning was wrong. Although we have caused a certain degree of damage to the extremely evil organization of the Destroyer, our losses are even greater."

O'Neill's thinking became a little disordered. He wanted to say everything he wanted to say while he was still awake: "The Destroyer organization believes in the Eye of Destruction. The purpose of the Eye of Destruction is to destroy the entire world in the face of such a powerful force. Evil God, why should we seek death?"

"The matter has come to this, and we can only use our own lives to make up for the mistakes we committed. Unfortunately, these soldiers all died because of our plan."

O'Neill's voice was full of tragedy, as if it was a prayer before his death. Peter's mood was also a little heavy. He nodded heavily, stood up, looked out the window at the zombie giant getting closer and closer, took a deep breath, and picked up the bridge. Ben Mojiu and Zuo Fei were ready to jump down from the window at any time and walk on the zombies.

"Mr. Peter, I'm causing trouble for you. I didn't know that my trip would have such consequences. If I had known this, I shouldn't have come."

Hashimoto Mojiu was in a particularly low mood. When Peter saw this, he forced out a smile and comforted Hashimoto Mojiu: "Your Highness Mojiu, don't blame yourself. This is not your fault. No matter where you are, these destructions Anyone will destroy the world, we are just a fuse.”

"General O'Neill, I'm leaving first, please be careful"

Before Peter could finish speaking, suddenly, there was a violent sound outside the command building, like the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder. The huge sound shook the sky, and the sound of lightning instantly spread throughout the battlefield!


The electrical equipment in the room roared at this moment, and there were no signals one after another. It seemed that the surrounding power had disappeared!

Peter looked out the window subconsciously, and his pupils suddenly shrank!
"This this."

Peter looked at the situation outside the window, a little stunned, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

General O'Neill struggled to get up and looked out the window. What he saw was corpses everywhere!

The zombies seemed to have lost their energy to move. They stopped moving at the moment of lightning and thunder, and turned into corpses lying on the ground, motionless.

The figure of the huge giant zombie completely disappeared, leaving only a pool of thick green juice on the spot, exuding a pungent smell.

On the horizon, the blood-red sky caused by the arrival of the Eye of Destruction began to gradually dissipate, replaced by endless clouds and accumulated rich thunder!

"This is. This is"

General O'Neill's expression changed from shock to surprise, and tears flowed down his face: "The great Lord of Thunder has once again descended on Europe!"

Only those who have experienced this feeling of surviving from a desperate situation can understand how joyful human beings are at this moment!

"It's the Lord of Thunder who has taken action!"

Hashimoto Mojiu had already walked out of Peter's arms. She looked at the Lord of Thunder showing infinite power on the horizon, and murmured to herself: "Such divine power and such power can be compared to the sword that killed Leviathan that day." On a par with this existence, we are gradually falling apart from the Lord God of Heaven who restored the entire Sakura City with one hand!"

In Hashimoto Mojiu's sight, whether it is the founder of Jiutian Demon or the Lord of Thunder, their power is very powerful. They can cause drastic changes between heaven and earth with a single movement of their hands, and the Lord God of Heaven not only has the power of thunder Powerful and compassionate!
Of course, the most important point is that Hashimoto Mojiu is from Japan, and of course he has great respect for his main god.

Peter, on the other hand, stared blankly at the Lord of Thunder and the Eye of Destruction in the sky, sighing in his heart: "I'm afraid Dagon, the great leader of the Deep Ones, doesn't have the power of these two, right?"

O'Neill thought to himself: "Although His Majesty Hercules pities the world, his strength is far inferior to His Majesty the Lord of Thunder."

Of course, they will never know that among the examples they gave, most of them were of a god, and one was an angel under this god.

Due to the emergence of the Thunder Lord, the strange characteristics of the Eye of Destruction were completely resolved by the Thunder Lord. Everyone in the military base felt that the negative effects on themselves were disappearing and gradually returned to normal.

Sophie gradually woke up from her coma. She looked at everything around her and fell into confusion. It wasn't until a staff officer explained to her what had just happened that she realized how dangerous it was.

Everyone in the military base was staring at the pair of eyes of destruction in the sky and the Lord of Thunder hidden in the thunder clouds, secretly praying for the Lord of Thunder to achieve final victory.

Although their naked eyes cannot observe the battle between gods at all, they are still praying, praying that the Lord of Thunder, who represents justice, can defeat the Eye of Destruction, and even kill the Eye of Destruction here!
In the sky outside the window, thunder and blood meet in the sky. Half of the sky is blood red, and half of the sky is thunder.

Two strange energies seemed to be competing. Sometimes a bolt of lightning struck the ground, creating a deep crater. Sometimes a hurricane blew through, instantly causing the grass to wither and the corpses to turn into bones.

Everyone in the military base felt very worried and were always paying attention to the battle situation, fearing that the Thunder Lord would be defeated and they would encounter the situation just now again.

As for why they didn't seize the time and escape quickly, the main reason was because the battle between the two gods caused waves of aftermath. If they fled rashly, they would probably be affected by the aftermath, leaving no intact corpses.

For some reason, the command center building, and even the entire military base, were rarely hit by the aftermath of the battle. Naturally, everyone thought that part of the divine power from the Lord of Thunder was helping them, so the soldiers and officers had faith in the Lord of Thunder. Deeper again.

There were only about a thousand soldiers left present, and these more than a thousand soldiers would definitely become fanatical believers of the Lord of Thunder after the battle.

One thousand may not seem like much, but they all have friends and families. Light believers can only believe in themselves, while fanatic believers can influence the people around them, not to mention that most of the remaining people are military officers. , belongs to high-level European people, and their influence is even more far-reaching.

Above the clouds, Jingchuan played a shadow puppet show out of boredom.

The Eye of Destruction in his left hand and the Ruler of Thunder in his right hand.

Sometimes he shoots a bolt of lightning down to give him a sense of presence, showing that he is still there.

What else is there to say, this is Jingchuan’s second performance.

In any case before, during the performance, the opponents were all serious enemies. Only when the three Boston gods were side by side, I acted as myself. The rest of the time, they were all real fights between gods.

Now it's Jingchuan's one-man show. The Eye of Destruction and the Lord of Thunder are both his, so there's nothing to fight against.

Regarding the current situation, Jingchuan had nothing to say. After another 10 minutes of fighting, the Eye of Destruction would be defeated and retreated. The Thunder Lord took advantage of the victory and disappeared into the sky, leaving the Europeans below to figure it out.

Jingchuan is still thinking about the situation of Xingkong.

How many powerful creatures exist in the starry sky? Which planet in the solar system is the creature whose aura is reflected in Northern Europe now? Should I take advantage of it and kill it with a knife?

Why has it been so long since Hercules woke up that no new gods have appeared? Is it because the will of the earth has given up and I want to monopolize the earth?
If Jingchuan really thought this way, then everything would be a bit boring and even helpless.

But what Jingchuan is most curious about now is not this, but
What is going on with those resurrected gods? Where do they sleep? Why can't I detect the smell of any resurrected gods even though my consciousness has been digging for three feet?

That's right, those resurrected gods seemed to appear out of thin air. Jingchuan spread his spiritual consciousness all over the earth, even tens of thousands of feet below, but could not find the breath of any gods.

But once the god is about to revive, he is like a mouse. He feels the breath of the god at the first moment, arrives instantly, and completes the killing blow.

It’s really strange, are these gods all
Suddenly, Jingchuan's thoughts stopped here, and he felt a strange momentum approaching him!

This momentum was floating and seemed to have no entity, but Jingchuan could clearly feel that this momentum was real!

"I just thought about it. There is really no need for your Earth Will to appear directly."

 This plot is too long to write. I update 8000 words per day according to the 4000-word thinking. I can’t change it. It seems that writing slower is suitable for me. Writing faster doesn’t feel that way.

  Starting from next Monday, the minimum limit is 4000 words. You can go as much as you want. Just let it happen.

(End of this chapter)

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