i created the old gods

Chapter 162 Status Quo

Chapter 162 Status Quo
Now that the will representing the earth is about to arrive, Jingchuan naturally cannot continue to pretend to be the Eye of Destruction in his left hand and the Lord of Thunder in his right hand.

Immediately, Jingchuan began to quickly arrange his eyes of destruction and thunder to dominate the ending of the scene.

Accompanied by a huge sound that shocked the world and made the gods cry, in this instant, the clouds in the sky suddenly changed suddenly, and the thunder clouds dominated by thunder were as powerful as breaking bamboos, instantly defeating the blood on the other side.

The Eye of Destruction blinked, and his figure quickly became illusory, just like in New York. The Eye of Destruction seemed to want to leave here quickly.

In the moment when the figure was illusory, the mighty divine thunder suddenly sounded from the nine heavens, and an explosion-like sound echoed in everyone's ears. Immediately, the Lord of Thunder seemed to disappear, and soon, the horizon returned to normal.

Everyone in the military base felt a little unreal. A second ago, the sky was colorful, and the eyes of destruction were full of blood, which looked extremely terrifying.

The next second, the Thunder Lord suddenly defeated the blood energy and scared away the Eye of Destruction?

Is this a battle between gods, where victory or defeat often only happens in a split second?
Peter looked at the sky in confusion, as if he had a clearer understanding of the power of the gods.

However, he would never know that the Eye of Destruction and the Lord of Thunder were actually just because something happened and he didn’t want to continue acting.

“The gods are mysterious, and every move involves the vastness of the stars.”

Looking at Peter who seemed a little confused, as someone who has been there, Hashimoto Mojiu immediately said: "Just get used to it, we are human beings, and humans cannot understand the power of gods. The only thing we can do is to listen to God's instructions. "

After saying that, Hashimoto Mojiu sighed softly again, feeling that his abilities had recovered. He glanced at Ms. Zuo Fei and forced a smile: "Ms. Zuo Fei, let's continue to complete our unfinished tasks. .It’s just that my current condition is not very good, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to continue to restore life to Zealandia.”

"It doesn't matter, His Highness Mojiu, as long as the person is still there, he can be restored to life at any time."

Zuo Fei immediately said: "However, I still suggest that you go back to Japan to adjust your condition first. It will not be too late to come back when your condition is sufficient. I think the Destroyer has been scared after this incident and does not dare to act rashly."

Hashimoto Mojiu also thought the same way, and immediately said: "Okay, Mr. Peter and I will go back to Japan to recuperate for a while, and it won't be too late to come back."

Noel never thought that this 'war' would end like this.

He stood at the top of the stairs in confusion, the gun in his hand already slightly hot. He looked at the countless corpses in front of him, and when he recalled today's experience, he felt a little dreamy.

From the time when the Nordic Federation allowed them to enter Zealand, to the deployment of tanks to strangle zombies and bombardment of giant worms, to the appearance of the Eye of Destruction, and the zombies going crazy, in this day, Noel felt as if he had experienced a " AR movie', life was extremely exciting.

The air smelled of smoke and blood, and there was a vague sense of decay.

Noel took a deep breath, feeling the complex smell, and sighed deeply for what he had experienced today.

This 'AR movie' was very real, but most of his teammates had died in the 'movie', and the reality made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Noel also knew that he was able to survive not because of how capable, resourceful and brave he was, but purely because of luck.

Fortunately, the zombies did not knock him down at first but chose to knock down his companions; fortunately, he was able to reach the command building without any danger and had an organization in the chaos; fortunately, at the moment of life and death, His Majesty the Lord of Thunder Suddenly appeared and saved everyone.

All he had left was deep respect and admiration for the Lord of Thunder, and he became devout from the bottom of his heart.

Not only him, but also many remaining soldiers have this idea. They have only deep and fanatical worship of the Lord of Thunder. For everyone, the Lord of Thunder is the great god who saves their names and takes them out of the sea of ​​suffering!

"Only such gods are worthy of our allegiance, Zeus? Odin? To hell with it!"

With the sound of the sound, Noel also received a new military order.

The battlefield was cleaned, the bodies were gathered together, and prepared for cremation.

Noel also heard a piece of news from Ms. Zoffe, the supreme leader of Germany and Austria: From today on, the German and Austrian regions and the Nordic Federation will fully promote cremation ceremonies and will not allow any form of burial.

Not only that, Ms. Zoffi will also take this order to the European Union and even the world, making cremation mandatory everywhere.

After all, they never want to see such a chaotic group of dead bodies again.

Leanna, who was on the other side of Lolland Island, stood on the balcony and looked at what was happening on Zealand Island, feeling slightly disappointed.

She didn't think that the Lord of Thunder could defeat the supreme great existence that she believed in. It was just that for some reason, the Eye of Destruction didn't want to play with him anymore.

You must know that the Eyes of Destruction are just a pair of eyes of the supreme great being. If the whole body of this being arrives, this small earth may not be able to withstand his wrath.

Next to Leanna, a worm parasite dressed as a waiter asked in a low voice: "Leader, what should we do?"

"You continue to run the hotel and let No. [-] and No. [-] take me out of Europe."

Leanna said calmly: "Win over as many high-level European officials as possible, and I will give him the Holy Insect."

It is not easy to control the human brain with worms. It does not mean that Rianna can control whoever she wants.

If this was possible, Leanna would have already controlled Prime Minister Maple Leaf and the President of the United States. How could she be driven around like a lost dog?
The condition for Leanna to implant the worm is that the person in front of her has complete trust, which requires extremely high levels of seduction.

Those who took the initiative to surrender had already had worms implanted in their brains by Leanna, but they didn't know it yet and thought they had independent thoughts. Little did they know that every move they made was secretly controlled by Leanna.

After saying all this, Leanna quickly evacuated under the cover of two plain-looking Caucasians, thinking to herself: "I don't know when I will be able to help Your Majesty and completely complete the task of destruction!"

The two elite members No. [-] and No. [-] are a couple, a famous economic duo in the United States, Wall Street tycoons, and Rianna plays their daughter.

The performance can be said to be perfect, because No. [-] and No. [-] really had a daughter in the past, who was about the same age as Leanna, which is why Leanna focused on them.

Otherwise, there are so many economists and upper-class people in the United States, why did Leanna choose the two of them?

As for now?

Their daughter has followed in the footsteps of the Eye of Destruction and headed for eternal bliss.

A flash of light flashed in Leanna's eyes, and she had a new plan in her heart:

It is her honor to be able to use her life to follow His Majesty the Eye of Destruction.

Above the sky, Jingchuan watched the coming storm calmly, feeling neither surprised nor happy, and even a little confused.

Why did the will of the earth suddenly appear, and why is it not hostile to itself?

Why make peace with yourself?
Does he think my strength has improved by leaps and bounds to the point that it scares him?

Or is it that the mysterious aura that suddenly appeared in the Nordic Peninsula not only puzzled me, but also puzzled the will of the earth?
However, if you are confused about the will of the earth, you are wondering why it came to find you. Do you want to openly declare war?
A series of question marks sounded in Jingchuan's heart, but this did not waste any time, because it all happened in an instant, and it only took a few seconds when the divine thought representing the will of the earth came.

"Who are you and why did you come to me?"

Taking a pre-emptive strike, before the will of the earth could take the initiative to speak, Jingchuan pretended to be dumbfounded and spoke directly, pretending to be a foolish god who knew nothing.

"I represent the will of the earth. You can call me whatever you want, Heavenly Dao, Gaia Consciousness, Orlaug. Call me whatever you want. In the past, my name was very complicated."

The voice of the earth's will did not have any entity. It echoed directly in Jingchuan's mind, which made Jingchuan feel a little surprised: "Do you have no entity?"

"I only represent the will of the earth. You can regard the earth as my entity. Don't worry. I don't have any attack capabilities. I can only use people's beliefs to condense gods one by one to resist your invasion."

The will of the earth was not pretentious, and he boldly admitted that all the gods Jingchuan met before were his fault: "But I don't have many abilities that I can use now. All the powers I condense are original gods. They... are not able to do that." Follow my orders."

The words of the will of the earth completely awakened the dreamer, and Jing Chuan finally knew why he couldn't find the revived gods.

It turns out that every god is created by the will of the earth to resist its own invasion!
But can you tell me such important information directly?Don't you know that I am your opponent?
"I know what you are thinking. The reason why I came to communicate with you is because I found that you are not a visitor from outside the territory."

As soon as Jingchuan finished complaining in his heart, the voice of the earth's will came quietly.

However, Jingchuan did not doubt that the will of the earth had the ability to read minds. If he was the will of the earth, he would naturally have his own plans.

Jingchuan immediately replied logically: "Of course, I am a creature born and raised on the earth. The reason why I have an extraterrestrial aura is mainly because of the Eye of Destruction. I had no choice but to kill the Eye of Destruction and was contaminated by the aura of the Eye of Destruction."

Regarding the will of the earth, Jingchuan has no need to hide anything. Everything that happens on the earth cannot escape the surveillance of the will of the earth. Jingchuan can even be sure that the will of the earth has investigated all eighteen generations of his ancestors.

Moreover, in this situation, what would happen even if someone knew his true identity?
Jingchuan has neither father nor mother. His achievements today are all due to good luck in picking up the godhead of the Lord of Eternal Night, and also thanks to the consciousness of the earth constantly sending some weak gods to him so that he can develop effectively.

Although it is embarrassing for Earth Will to say it, Earth Will is really the captain of the transportation team and plays a decisive role in Jingchuan's growth. Without Earth Will, Jingchuan would never have grown so fast.

"We should be very familiar with each other, so I won't go around in circles."

The voice of the earth's will rang in Jing Chuan's ears again, and Jing Chuan nodded, indicating that he could.

"I originally wanted to deal with foreign invaders, so I created many gods and consumed a lot of energy."

The voice of the will of the earth was a little helpless: "But after the last batch, that is, after Hercules, I discovered that you are not an extraterrestrial invader, but a native creature who inherited the divine power of the extraterrestrial invader."

"Therefore, I give up the resistance of the Resurrection God against you."

Jingchuan smacked his lips and thought to himself, "Why don't you keep sending them, then I'll be rewarded."

As long as the will of the earth maintains such a steady flow of divine power and supplies, Jingchuan can definitely develop his ambitions and even completely annex the will of the earth!
"But not long ago, I noticed the aura beyond the starry sky, and it came with bad intentions."

The moment the Will of the Earth said these words, Jingchuan understood the purpose of the Will of the Earth's visit.

That is to put yourself on top and repel the invasion from beyond the starry sky!

"I will call you Tiandao, Mr. Tiandao. What does the invasion outside the starry sky have to do with me? This seems to be a matter within the jurisdiction of your earthly will and has nothing to do with me, right?"

Jingchuan's voice was soft. What he said had nothing to do with him was bullshit. If there was an invasion from beyond the starry sky, Jingchuan would naturally resist. He just said this to see if the will of the earth would bring any benefits.

If you don't give it, you won't lose; if you give it, you will make money.

Jingchuan still understands this.

"If you successfully resist the invasion from beyond the stars, I have a very good identity that I will give you."

The voice of the will of the earth sounded, but his voice this time surprised Jingchuan: "I will hand over the identity of the will of the earth to you, and the entire earth to you."

Jingchuan:? ? ?
Play so big?

Jingchuan asked: "Why, you are the will of the earth, the will of the earth that has existed since the birth of the earth, why do you want to hand the earth to me?"

"Ever since I woke up 200 years ago, I have understood that my breath will attract countless snoops."

The will of the earth spoke slowly, as if everything had nothing to do with him: "A naturally born planetary consciousness will naturally attract countless spies."

"Before, I still had the ability, but now I no longer have the ability."

"I'm afraid those who are watching me now and want to devour me are the gods who once traveled from the earth to the stars."

(End of this chapter)

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