i created the old gods

Chapter 163 The Vast Universe

Chapter 163 The Vast Universe

"They want to devour me, increase their strength, expand their star field, and bring the earth under their control. This is something I cannot tolerate." Earth Will said.

"So. Does this have anything to do with you giving up your identity as the Will of the Earth and giving the Earth to me?"

Jingchuan slowly said: "Do you want to devote yourself to me and let me swallow you up and become the new master of the earth?"

You don’t want others to devour you, so you want me to devour you?

If you gave the earth to me because I am a living being on the earth, is there any difference between me and the strong men who left the earth in your mouth?

They are also beings on earth, why not give the earth to them?
If the will of the earth wants to use this to play the emotional card, it is absolutely impossible for Jingchuan to believe him.

In any case, the will of the earth wanted to destroy itself before and resurrected so many mythical creatures. Although they all sent equipment to Jingchuan in the end, they could not ignore their starting point just because the result was good.

It has been 46 billion years since the earth was born. Even if the will of the earth has been asleep for 45 billion years, it will be awake for [-] million years. Will the old fox who has lived for so long give up his status because of this reason?

After finishing reading, Jingchuan suddenly thought of something again, and thought to himself: But it is really possible, just based on the previous operation of sending equipment, it is indeed possible that he was sincere.

"Yes, I want you to devour me and become the new Lord of the Earth."

The will of the earth didn't know what Jing Chuan was thinking at all, and continued: "You are different from the gods who left the earth before, you already have the ability to leave the earth, but you didn't leave here, but continued to take root here. "

"I don't know why. All living beings who have some abilities are like leaving the earth. Just like Cronus, who was far less powerful than you, but he resolutely set foot on the stars. As soon as he walked out of the solar system, he was killed by a The strong man who passed by was beaten to death."

Cronus, the second-generation god-king in Greek mythology and the father of Zeus, was ousted by Zeus in myths and legends, but now it seems that it is still somewhat different from Greek mythology.

"You are not the master of any planet. It can also be said that you are not the master of any world. If you obtain the earth, you will definitely take the earth as your master. After all, this is your home planet."

Jingchuan nodded and confirmed.

If you really have the idea of ​​​​conquering the stars, then you will definitely take the earth as your foundation, because the earth is your home planet, and the degree of attention it receives is naturally very high.

But are these the only reasons?

Could it be that the will of the earth no longer wants to live, is it looking for a way out for the earth?
"You don't want to live anymore? Are you ready to leave everything to me? What about you?" Jingchuan said calmly.

"I have lived for endless years, from the birth of the earth to the present. Even if the earth is destroyed, I will only lose the identity of the will of the earth and continue to survive."

The voice of the will of the earth is still so cold and impersonal: "What's the point of this? The earth is my only concern. After arranging the earth, I will become a part of your strength."

"I know that you have obtained the key of the master of other star fields, and you can instantly travel to the planet of another star field. The power atmosphere there is much better than that of the earth. You did not miss it there and chose to return to the earth. I believe that, The earth will flourish in your hands.”

It turns out that the other world is really another planet, not a parallel universe, but just farther away from the earth.

But what are the keys to the other star domain lords? Is the Lord of Eternal Night actually the key?
"If you decide, just tell me and I'll be ready to be swallowed by you at any time."

Earth Will said calmly: "Similarly, if you have any questions, you can ask me and I will tell you everything."

After hesitating for a moment, Jingchuan asked: "Why do you say that the condition of the earth is not as good as that world?"

"Although I have never been to that world, I know that there are probably many practitioners in that world, and the spiritual energy range of the world is much stronger than that of our earth."

The will of the earth slowly said: "Just like the earth in the past, there are practitioners everywhere."

"After reaching our level, it will become very difficult to improve your strength. It is not like using believers to superimpose as you think, but to use the energy of the planet and the world. According to your favorite term, it can be said to be aura."

"The more practitioners or extraordinary people there are, the more energy the earth will produce."

When Jingchuan heard this, he was a little confused: "The more practitioners there are, the more spiritual energy is consumed. Don't practitioners need to rely on spiritual energy?"

"What practitioners absorb is turbid spiritual energy, but what they release is the spiritual energy we need."

The will of the earth said slowly: "The turbid aura fills the entire universe, as long as the universe is not destroyed, there will be everything like this turbid aura."

"You can think of practitioners as plants that can photosynthesize, inhaling carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen."

Jingchuan:? ? ?
"This is too fantasy. This is the first time I have heard such a statement."

Jingchuan said: "If practitioners are allowed to develop, won't they become tigers? Just like you, people who have stepped out of the earth and into the starry sky dare to come back to peek at you and try to devour you."


The will of the earth shook his head: "The reason why I have backlash is because in the last war with other galaxies, I died together with the master of the enemy galaxy, but I was resurrected through the backhand, so all the training All are out of my control."

"Under normal circumstances, as long as you don't die, these extraordinary beings and practitioners who come out of the earth will be controlled by you, and their life and death are controlled by you."

Jingchuan asked, "Can you control my life and death?"

"I revived 200 years ago, and you have never practiced on Earth. You directly controlled the key to the Lord of another galaxy and gained the abilities that originally belonged to the Lord of the Galaxy. You were not born on Earth at all."

After that, the will of the earth added: "You don't have to worry about the Lord of the Galaxy. He can even throw away the key, which means that he is at least half-dead. Moreover, you have obtained the ability that belongs to the Lord of the Galaxy. He also I can’t erase you.”

"It is precisely because you have acquired the ability that only belongs to the Lord of the Galaxy that you have been able to devour the gods I created again and again before."

"What if I encounter the same problem in the future?" Jing Chuan asked.

"Then you can only be like me."

The will of the earth said: "No matter what kind of creature it is, as long as it is not in good condition, it will inevitably be counterattacked. Just like you now, if you are seriously injured and dying, do you think your underworld angel Hela will still obey your orders?"

"And you don't need to worry about so many problems now. Even a mortal, an ordinary creature walking on the road may encounter unexpected disasters and take away his life."

The will of the earth said: "If you are really afraid, it is simple. If you don't develop, this will not happen. After you inherit the earth, if you do nothing and don't think about becoming stronger, there will naturally be no problem."

"Just like a mortal, as long as you stay at home, the risk index will of course be reduced to the lowest."

Jingchuan nodded. That's right. No matter what you do, there will be risks. You may choke to death if you drink water, let alone as a star domain master.

If you are too timid to do anything, why not be a god? Just send away all your divine power and go back to inherit your billions of inheritance and just be an ordinary mortal.

"It's me who took the picture."

Jingchuan said sincerely: "Then I also want to know how many galaxy lords there are in this universe. Do you only have the earth?"

"The universe is vast and infinite, and I don't know exactly how many galaxy lords there are."

The honest man of the will of the earth said honestly: "The area I was in charge of was very large. Using human research in recent years, it can be said that the entire galaxy was under my control. In its heyday, there were 34 planets. .”

The Milky Way is very large, including 1500 to 4000 billion stars and a large number of star clusters and nebulae, as well as various types of interstellar gas, interstellar dust and black holes.

However, according to the knowledge in science classes, most of the planets in the galaxy are places that are simply not suitable for biological survival. Currently, scientists have not found other planets with life outside the earth.

But now Jingchuan understands that other living planets in the galaxy have been wiped out in the original war. Only the earth was not destroyed together because it is the place where the will of the earth originated.

"Then the one you started the war with"

"According to human scientific research results, most of the territory of the galaxy lord who started the war with me is in the Andromeda Galaxy, but he did not completely occupy the Andromeda Galaxy."

The Will of the Earth continued: "At that time, he had just defeated another galaxy lord in the Andromeda Galaxy. He was very ambitious. I was worried that he would attack the Milky Way, so I launched an attack on it, catching him off guard."

It sounds nice, but it's just a sneak attack.

"He died. Andromeda was floating in the universe on its own without any master. I left some means before it fell. It will probably collide with the Milky Way and merge with it in a few billion years."

The process of galaxy merger is similar to two clouds merging into one, and the probability of collision between stars is almost zero, so it will not destroy any planets, it will only make the new galaxy bigger and the night sky becomes extremely bright. .

It can only be said that the former will of the earth, that is, the lord of the galaxy, had many methods. After they died together, they could be resurrected and use their methods to annex the enemy's territory.

It's a pity that before his death, he might not have thought that he would have thoughts of being 'world-weary' and 'seeking death' after his resurrection.

"Do you have any other questions?"

The voice of the earth's will sounded again, and Jingchuan was determined to inherit the mantle of the Lord of the Galaxy, so he said: "Of course, I have one last question. Why don't those gods who are watching you choose a planet for war? As far as I know , there are many planets in the Milky Way.”

"Only a smart planet can give birth to will, and only will can control galaxies and planets. Those dead and silent waste stars simply cannot do this."

 Instead of fighting in the universe, the next plot is about the recovery of mortal spiritual energy and the real mastermind behind the scenes.
(End of this chapter)

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