i created the old gods

Chapter 164 True Reiki Recovery

Chapter 164 True Reiki Recovery

Jingchuan stood in front of the coastline of Loland Island, as if he were a mortal.

Staring at the sea, his eyes were filled with a special look and seemed a little silent.

Jingchuan has devoured the will of the world, and from the devoured will of the world, Jingchuan has gained insight into everything.

It turns out that the Will of the World that communicated with Jingchuan is not the real Lord of the Galaxy. The Lord of the Galaxy has indeed fallen. The Will of the Earth is just a steward-like thing related to the Lord of the Galaxy, responsible for finding the next Will of the Earth on the earth. .

The reason why He calls himself the Lord of the Galaxy is to test whether the candidate has the courage. After all, accepting the will of the earth may lead to his death.

Jingchuan accepted the test from the Lord of the Galaxy. After receiving the gift, he always faced the Lord of the Galaxy with a grateful attitude and wanted to carry forward the wishes of the Lord of the Galaxy.

At the same time, Jingchuan also learned about the strength of being a strong person in the earth's will and heaven's level.

Jingchuan is now at least three times more powerful than before!
Moreover, this is because the strength of Jingchuan's will to the earth is extremely weak and has not reached its peak state.

It can be seen how powerful the will of the earth was at its peak, and it was easy to kill Jingchuan now.

But now everything is handed over to Jingchuan, and Jingchuan has become the new will of the earth and has the authority of the earth.

The authority of the earth's will has been vested in Jingchuan.

For example, using the power of faith to fabricate 'gods' one by one is like the will of the earth dealing with Jingchuan, creating experience babies one by one. The key is that those experience babies still firmly believe in their own identities and think that they are Really those figures in history.

Of course, this is also nonsense. Who would doubt that they are not themselves when they are idle?
The people who would have such doubts are now in the mental hospital, and there are no survivors at all.

Jingchuan recalled the metaphor used by the will of the earth before, and murmured: "Since I have inherited the will of the earth, then I will increase the number of 'trees' on the earth, make 'photosynthesis' more vigorous, and make the aura of the earth more powerful." If I prosper, I will become stronger."

If you want to increase the amount of spiritual energy on the earth, you must expand the number of practitioners on the earth. The more practitioners the better, and they must be colorful, not single-minded, and try not to let those practitioners notice your existence. .

After accepting the inheritance of the earth's will, Jingchuan understood more and more things. These operations all made some sense.

"The current system of the church no longer seems suitable. After all, there are only a few people favored by God."

After Jingchuan pondered for a moment, he murmured to himself: "It's time to give the practice methods of the Moon God Cultists and Thunder Cultists in other worlds to the church, and let the church give them to the believers according to their level of contribution, so that their faith can be improved to a higher level."

Although Jingchuan no longer needs faith after taking over the ability of the earth's will, condensing living things requires endless faith. Therefore, the church is still necessary to exist.

But having said that, before becoming the will of the earth, Jingchuan had already created a creature, Cthulhu.

But unlike the creatures created by the will of the earth, the Cthulhu created by himself does not have his own will and is controlled by himself like a clone. This is not very good.

Jingchuan planned to wait until his faith was sufficient to implant his own ideas into Cthulhu, asking him to go to another world to cause trouble first. When his own side became stable, he would bring the planet in the other world under his control.

After all, it is a smart planet no matter what, and it must be taken back.

"My current belief ability is not enough to allow Cthulhu to have its own consciousness, and we need to consider the long term."

Jingchuan thought to himself: "First arrange for spiritual energy recovery, starting from Europe. Magic schools, vampires, demon hunters, werewolves, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table... all integrated to give Europeans a sense of confusion. Make them feel like they are in the magical Middle Ages."

After Jingchuan made his decision, the movements in his hands quickly began to gather together, and he began to transform part of the faith that came from the Lord of Thunder, preparing to create three people.

A vampire, a werewolf and an exorcist.

Vampires and werewolves both have certain contagious powers, but they will fall into a 20-day period of weakness after assimilating a human.

This prevents most humans from being assimilated into werewolf vampires, and the exorcist will be played by Jingchuan in the suburbs of Ross Country, far away from vampires and werewolves, to prevent him from quickly discovering werewolf vampires and die suddenly. .

Werewolves and vampires are hostile, and exorcists are hostile to werewolves and vampires. The three of them are hostile to each other, and there is a hatred between the country and the family. There is no possibility of relief.

This is what Jingchuan wants to see most, so that he can have the feeling of entanglement between love and hate.

The vampires appear in Italy's Rome, the werewolves appear in London, Britain, and the exorcists are in the suburbs of Moscow.

The distance between the three is not very close, and they will not encounter each other immediately, which is excellent.

Next, Jingchuan will implant storylines into their brains. This kind of storylines is what Jingchuan is best at.

A long time ago, Jingchuan was also an unknown online writer, and his ability to write stories was also excellent.

Even if there were any loopholes, Jingchuan believed that the three life forms created by him would not notice anything wrong.

In London, Britain, the late night is filled with eternity. In the illusion of everything, on the barren hills outside London, a hand suddenly stretches out from the soil!
“Quack quack——!!!”

The crow made a shrill call in the dark night, and the sound seemed to pierce the sky, like a death announcement from the god of death.

The hand in the barren hill shook open the soil, and a figure emerged from the soil, his whole body covered with soil!
However, it can be vaguely seen through the soil that the area covered by the soil is full of black and blue hair. The hair is long and thin and full of muscles.


The moment it was dug out of the ground, the first thing this figure did was not to take a deep breath, but to look up to the sky and roar.

His blood-colored eyes were full of murderous intent, and his face looked like a wolf and a man, full of danger.


A werewolf!
A werewolf packed with explosive damage!

He slowly climbed up from the soil, and memories came flooding back, but this had no effect. The killings had filled his mind, and he was not in the mood to think about memories now.

"Eat, I want to eat!!!"

Saliva dripped from the cold fangs, and reason was overwhelmed by greedy desire. The werewolf wandered around the suburbs of London, looking for creatures with vitality, and replenishing the energy he needed by devouring them.

In the dark night, two inspectors from the small town of Calais, a suburb of London, drove their inspection car leisurely and patrolled nearby.

The town of Kalai has not had any criminal cases for three years and has been awarded the title of Peaceful Town for five consecutive years. For them, patrols every night can only be regarded as routine.

"Wilson, when do you think we can handle big cases?"

In the inspector's car, the thin inspector was driving intently, and suddenly asked the fat policeman sitting next to him, and said angrily: "I don't want to do these bad things anymore!"

The young inspector who spoke was named Jack. He was a young and energetic young man who had just joined the job of inspector. Before he joined the job, he dreamed that one day he could become a hero chasing international fugitives like in the movie.

Unfortunately, there is always a gap between ideals and reality, but he did not expect that his task would be to drive around every morning, noon, and night, or to help the old lady in the town find some lost pet that was different from what he had imagined. The life of an inspector is completely different!
Jack had even forgotten how to use his own gun.

'I hope I can come across a big case tonight, the kind that will shock the whole of Great Britain and make me a national hero! '

Jack was daydreaming secretly in his mind, as if he had already thought of the moment when he wore the uniform of a combat hero and was appointed a national hero by the Prime Minister.

"Little Jack, we are in the suburbs of London. How can there be any cases here?"

The obese Wilson looked at Jack and said earnestly: "We don't have many valuable things. Even criminals have to go to London. And even if there is a case here, it will be handled by London's elite inspectors. What does it have to do with us?" "

"Patrol well. You can get a generous reward by driving around the town three times a day. Make more money."

After that, Wilson narrowed his eyes, as if he wanted to take a nap.

Seeing this, Jack could only sigh, feeling deeply dissatisfied with Wilson.

He felt that his colleague was not worthy of being an inspector or the guardian of the people of the town.

"Tsk tsk."

Jack made a sarcastic sound from his throat, seeming to be very dismissive of this colleague, and Wilson also didn't pay attention to the sarcasm of this young boy.

In his opinion, this young man is just hot-headed for a while. He will react after a few more years and realize that this is the most comfortable position.

One looks down on the other person and thinks the other person is just messing around; the other person also looks down on the other person and thinks the other person is a fool.

For a moment, the entire inspector's car was filled with silence and silence, and no one spoke.

Jack concentrated on driving the car without saying anything. After a few minutes, Jack was about to speak to ease the awkward situation. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in front of the car. Jack couldn't avoid it and hit the black shadow directly. !

"not good!"

Jack braked hurriedly, and Wilson also woke up and looked at Jack in disbelief: "Did you hit someone?!"

"Go down and see!"

After that, the two of them opened the car door together and prepared to get out of the car to observe the injured person's injuries.

Jack's mind went blank and he thought he was screwed.

He staggered out of the car and saw the figure lying on the ground in the distance. His lips trembled slightly and he didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, the figure who was hit suddenly stood up, with a trace of blood red in his eyes.


PS: I recommend a new book, "Cthulhu in the Sharingan Eyes". I'm going to test the waters today and write about Cthulhu. Friends who are interested can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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