i created the old gods

Chapter 165 Wolf Shadows

Chapter 165 Wolf Shadows
In the early morning, the first brilliant glow appeared in the sky, and a few streaks of smoke drifted from the surrounding town of Kalai.

This was supposed to be a very peaceful morning, but the sudden arrival of several inspector cars broke the tranquility of the town.

On the road not far outside the town, Sergeant Celtic, a police sergeant from New York, stood in front of the crime scene, frowning.

"Chief Celtic, the information about the deceased has been released. One was named Wilson and the other was named Jack. They were both inspectors of Carter Town. They died here for unknown reasons."

"Wilson, Jack."

Sheriff Celtic muttered the names of these two people, and after realizing that there were no relevant memories in his mind, he sighed: "Has the forensic doctor arrived? How about their autopsies?"

As a senior criminal police officer, Kelt knew that there were some differences between the two corpses. They were disemboweled and had extensive bite marks. Fatty parts like the abdomen and thighs had already been left with bones that had been eaten. It's clean.

The flesh and blood on his body was completely clean, and the bites were severe, but the pistols carried by the two police officers were not missing.

It doesn’t take a forensic doctor to know that this is definitely not a case made by humans.

"The medical examiner hasn't arrived yet."

An inspector on the side had not finished speaking, but Sergeant Celtic continued: "How was their firearms inspection? Are there any signs of firing?"

"Inspector Jack's gun is missing two bullets, and Inspector Wilson's gun is missing six bullets."

The inspector said dullly: "This is the first batch of such cruel cases since we restored inspectors to carry guns, and there is no basis for it yet."

In Great Britain, inspectors have not been equipped with guns since 1829. It is one of the few countries in the world where inspectors are not equipped with guns. However, this policy that has been maintained for 200 years has been quietly revoked not long ago.

From the time it was cancelled, to now, although there have been reports of inspectors being attacked, with firearms, the inspectors can fight back, and at worst they can learn about the murderer.

But this is really a headache.

Sheriff Celtic is now a little angry. He doesn't know why the inspector's car in this town is not equipped with a driving recorder. If there is a driving recorder, the result of the case will be clear!
Sheriff Celtic walked in the direction of the bloodstain, only to find that the bloodstain disappeared into the vast forest, leaving no trace and making it impossible to pursue him.

Is the perpetrator really an animal?

With deep doubts, Sheriff Celtic returned the same way, only to find that the forensic doctor had arrived at the scene and began to examine the two bodies.

Seeing this, Kelt quickly stood aside and lit a cigarette. At the same time, he began to think about the situation of this case and had no intention of rashly stepping forward to disturb the forensic examination.

After a while, the forensic doctor seemed to come to some preliminary conclusion and ordered several inspectors to carry the body into the ambulance. At the same time, he came to Kelter and said to Kelter: "It should have been bitten by some kind of wild beast. I Several blue-black hairs were found at the crime scene, which should be from wolves."

"There are no wild animals anywhere near London, let alone wild wolves."

Sheriff Celtic had plenty of knowledge about London.

London is the capital of Great Britain, and the surrounding land is at a premium. Hundreds of years ago, all the surrounding animals were hunted down to ensure safety. The staff from the Animal Protection Society would only release those herbivorous animals, and at most some foxes. How could a wolf be released?

And most importantly, it was shown that neither Jack nor Wilson were killed by a sudden attack. Both of them fired, one fired two shots, and the other fired six shots.

Wilson was an old inspector. According to the files, he was very familiar with firearms. Even if Jack missed one shot, Wilson would have been shot at least three times.

However, if a normal wolf is shot, it will be excruciating pain and die instantly, let alone these guns.

With doubts, Kelt followed the forensic doctor to his work area. After waiting for up to two hours, Kelt got a report.

The forensic doctor compared the blood on the ground and found that it all came from Jack and Wilson, without any other blood stains.

No fingerprints were found on the body, only deep bite marks. There was no trace of flesh and blood on the body. Even if Sherlock Holmes came, he would not be able to deduce the known cause of death of the deceased.

Celtic took this report and walked on the streets of London in surprise. He was skeptical of this report.

He didn't think Jack and Wilson were killed by wolves, it must be something else, it is very likely to be related to extraordinary events!
In recent days, Europe has been turbulent, and Kelt naturally knew it very well. Regarding this case, his first reaction was indeed an extraordinary event.

Celtic took this report and walked on the streets of London in surprise. He was skeptical of this report.

He didn't think Jack and Wilson were killed by wolves, it must be something else, it is very likely to be related to extraordinary events!
In recent days, Europe has been turbulent, and Kelt naturally knew it very well. Regarding this case, his first reaction was indeed an extraordinary event.

"Captain, I went to Kalai Town and asked some townspeople who slept late. They all said they heard loud wolf howls at night, and many people were so scared that they couldn't sleep."

An inspector quickly followed Kelt walking on the road and reported to Kelt: "The Forestry Department also received a complaint call about the presence of wolves nearby."

"Okay, I see, thank you."

Celtic nodded, and after collecting the results of his subordinate's investigation, he sent his subordinates away, and continued to think about the situation by himself.

According to reports from subordinates, not only people in Kalai Town heard the roar of wolves, but also at least three towns near Kalai Town.

And this wolf howl is not a group of wolves, but a short and loud sound.

Combining these various circumstances, there is only one possible explanation.


Celtic looked nervous, now only this thing can make all the unreasonable things coherent!
According to legend, werewolves are extremely afraid of silver and hate anything made of silver. Just contact with the surface of the skin will make them feel pain, which can be used as a way to distinguish them from ordinary people.

In an instant, Celtic's thoughts began to become clear: "Silver! Not only do I have to buy silver, I also have to notify everyone in the Inspectorate, and even dispatch the army. We must not let the werewolf escape like this!"

After reading, Celtic quickly turned around and ran towards the way he came. He wanted to send the news back to the Inspectorate as soon as possible.

Celtic was a police sergeant and came to the Inspector's office without any hindrance. After he entered the door, before the Inspector took the initiative to ask anything, he said directly: "Director, please immediately order the blockade of London Carlyle." A large number of police forces are deployed in the surrounding areas of the town!"

The Inspector General did not expect that someone would break into his office. After being stunned for a while, he asked: "Why?"

Celtic said categorically: "In the small town of Calais, two inspectors died in the line of duty while patrolling. I initially judge that it was the work of werewolves!"

The Inspector crossed his fingers, leaned back on his seat, and said: "What evidence do you have? If what you say is false, wouldn't it be a waste of police power? And do you know that the towns near London are also part of London? , when we blockade those towns, it is equivalent to blocking part of London, what will the media think of us?"

Hearing this, Kelt became anxious: "Director, this is absolutely true. I guarantee it with my reputation. Look at the autopsy report and the gun usage report. Only a werewolf can explain all of this."

After saying that, Kelt quickly took out a series of reports and handed them to the Inspector General, conveying his thoughts to the Inspector General while handing them over.

Listening to Kelt's analysis and various reports, the inspector's expression changed from impatient at first to serious now. After listening to Kelt's speech, he nodded solemnly and said: " You are right, I think so too, but I need to ask the Prime Minister for instructions first, and also inform Her Majesty the Queen, so you can wait for now."

After saying that, the Inspector-General began to make a call to prepare an appointment. Before answering the call, the Inspector-General solemnly said to Kelt: "You are not allowed to use the police force without authorization before I get permission from the Prime Minister."

After that, the Inspector-General waved his hand, indicating that Kelt could leave the office.

Kelt took a deep breath and patiently walked out of the office. After waiting on the chair for about half an hour, he saw the inspector general coming out of the office and saying majestically:
"Chief Celtic, I order you to serve as the commander-in-chief of the inspectors, mobilize all available inspectors, completely block the first generation route of Kalai Town, and at the same time arrange for the evacuation of the residents of Kalai Town as soon as possible!"

Before Kelt could be happy, the Inspector-General gave a serious warning: "But I want to remind you that you are not the main person in charge of this time. In an emergency, you must obey the military's dispatch and cannot give The military will not cause any trouble."

"If you understand it, call the inspectors and prepare for action!"

After swallowing two people in the woods west of the town of Kalai, Kane has regained his consciousness. He is now hiding in the forest to digest his memory.

His whole body is now bulging with muscles, but he is naked and looks like a naked human being.

Werewolves will be forcibly transformed into werewolf forms only on full moon nights. In normal times, werewolves can switch back and forth between werewolf forms and human forms at will.

His name is Kane, and he lived in Great Britain during the Middle Ages. At that time, Great Britain was under the rule of Henry III. He could be regarded as a noble, large or small.

Later, he only remembered that he was defeated and killed in the war between princes, and he woke up again and appeared here.

Where is this, why do I appear here? Human bows and arrows seem to have improved, and they can shoot powerful weapons without pulling the bow.

This was Kane's state last night. After he devoured two humans, his strength slowly recovered. He didn't know how many werewolves there were in the world, but he had a feeling in his heart that he wanted to revitalize the werewolves.

Could he be the last werewolf?
Kane was thinking wildly. He shook his head as much as possible to throw all these messy thoughts away. He stood up slowly and was about to go to a nearby village to steal a few poultry. Suddenly, he heard numerous sudden sounds from around him. The alarm bells and footsteps sounded, and it seemed that many humans were approaching him.

"Damn humans, but after eating two, I will chase you immediately!"

Kane had a sullen face. In his memory, he devoured two people in the wild. It would take at least a week before humans would alert him. And he only had eight hours at most after he ate those two people. Being noticed by humans makes me really irritated.

It seems that not only have bows and arrows become more powerful, but humans' reaction speed has also become faster.

After thinking about this in his mind, Kane quickly changed into a werewolf form, landed on all fours, and began to really run like a wolf in the forest.

It quickly disappeared from sight.

(End of this chapter)

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