i created the old gods

Chapter 166 Celtic Attack

Chapter 166 Celtic Attack

The blockade operation has been going on for seven hours. During these seven hours, the military has received many instructions, and many soldiers have been attacked by a wolf.

The wolf was extremely powerful. It was covered with blue hair all over its body. It was two to three meters tall and looked like a small hill. It was a reduced and condensed version of the demon wolf Fenrir!

So far, seventeen soldiers and nine inspectors have been killed. Among them, three soldiers were eaten alive. The death was extremely cruel.

As for the wolf, they were only temporarily aware of its existence. According to the surviving soldiers' descriptions, bullets did not seem to be ineffective against the monster. The werewolf was consciously avoiding bullets fired from rifles.

It's just that the soldiers' reaction speed is not as fast as that of the werewolf. Even if they fire, they may not be able to hit the werewolf.

Within these seven hours, the military also immediately searched for the place where the werewolf resurrected. After analyzing the potholes, they basically unanimously determined that this was the place where the werewolf resurrected and its night habitat.

The frontline commanders of the British military and inspectors gathered together and looked at the empty pit. These blond and blue-eyed Britons fell into a brief silence.

Looking at the temporary pit and the nearby corpses, an officer was silent for a moment and then slowly said: "It seems that Sheriff Celtic's analysis is correct. It is indeed very likely that it is a werewolf. Even if it is not a werewolf, it is nothing." The intelligent wolf-shaped monster is most likely related to the demon wolf Fenrir."

The European Demon Wolf Fenrir incident has only lasted a week so far, and the European people will naturally not be so forgetful.

At the moment of seeing the werewolf, some people will naturally connect the two.

After all, both the Moon-Chasing Wolf Hati and the Sun-Chasing Wolf Skull are related to Fenrir, so this new werewolf should also have something to do with Fenrir, right?

"Now that it has been confirmed that there is indeed a supernatural monster raging in Britain, we should immediately seal off the entire London and find the monster, right?"

The military staff officer suggested: "And our high-profile search will inevitably arouse the curiosity of the citizens. I think we should have a sufficient reason to prevaricate all this, so as not to make the citizens feel the crisis."

This werewolf who can be threatened by guns is not the most terrifying thing, what is scary is the human heart.

If they search like this, they will kill the werewolf sooner or later. But once the citizens know the existence of the werewolf, the people will panic and they will rush to buy food frantically, causing a huge impact and affecting thousands of people. , and even endanger the normal operation of the country.

"We are soldiers. This kind of problem is not within our scope of thinking. It should be left to the police to consider."

The military frontline commander spoke calmly, but when he said this, he suddenly remembered something. After looking around, he asked doubtfully: "Where is Sheriff Celtic?"

When the commander's voice sounded in the forest, everyone seemed to realize that Sergeant Celtic had disappeared. Even the other police sergeants looked at each other, wondering where Celtic had gone.

"Where's Celtic?"

"do not know."

"It seems that he wanted to go to the toilet. I asked him to water the trees in the forest, and four armed inspectors followed him. There should be no problem, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene instantly became quiet. The commander realized that something was wrong and quickly asked: "When did this happen?!"

The police sergeant who was being questioned seemed to realize what the problem was. After thinking about it carefully for a moment, his expression changed dramatically: "It seems like half an hour ago."

"Half an hour?!"

Everyone knows the seriousness of the matter. In this case, it doesn’t take half an hour to poop, right?

The commander didn't hesitate for a moment, and immediately opened the emergency communication channel of the walkie-talkie and called Kelt frantically: "Kelt, if you hear me, please call me back. If you hear me, please call me back!"

There was no reply from the other side of the intercom.

Seeing this, the commander's mood dropped to the bottom, and he quickly shouted: "Spread out, we must find Sheriff Celtic, and we will see the dead or the dead!"

Celtic was the first person to discover the abnormality of werewolves and was also the person in charge of the police operation. If something unfortunate happened to Celtic, it would really be a shame for Britain!

All the surrounding soldiers and inspectors began to spread out, looking for Celtic in the woods. About 10 minutes later, a group of soldiers discovered Celtic and four armed inspectors.

The moment Kelt was discovered, the team leader immediately reported: "We have found Sheriff Kelt, but Sheriff Kelt's condition is not good."

In the sight of the team leader, five people had collapsed in a pool of blood. He and his team members were urgently trying to understand the situation.

There was blood all around, and it was like a scene of hell on earth. Internal organs were everywhere, broken limbs and arms were scattered in all directions, and two armed inspectors were dead.

The remaining three people were in relatively good condition. Only one heavily armed armed inspector had his left arm bitten off. The remaining two people, including Kelt, seemed to be injured and unconscious, and there was nothing too serious about it. .

The team leader immediately rescued Sheriff Celtic and another seemingly harmless armed inspector. He was relieved when he found that the two men only had some bites on their bodies and were not life-threatening.

The armed inspector who was missing an arm had died due to massive blood loss from his arteries.

Unless the gods come to earth, the two armed inspectors who were disemboweled and whose internal organs disappeared will definitely not be saved.

Soon, the frontline commander who received the signal from the team leader quickly arrived at the scene. Looking at the situation in front of him, which was like purgatory on earth, he took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and said slowly: "Send Sheriff Celtic to the police station quickly. Hospital, don’t waste time!”

After seeing the military doctor taking Sheriff Celtic and another injured armed inspector away, the commander said angrily: "Start taking action. Within twelve hours, I will see that monster appear in front of me!"

Following the commander's angry order, thousands of soldiers in the area took action, and the circular blockade began to squeeze the werewolves' living space inward.

Attacking Celtic, the senior inspector general of London, is a werewolf's provocation to the British government!

The military commander will never let this werewolf continue to be so rampant!

Various helicopters search for targets at high altitudes. The commander is already prepared. If they encounter desperate resistance from werewolves, they will block the forest and set fire to the mountain!

 The 14-day March update campaign ended successfully, with the average daily word count reaching 8000+, achieving the basic goal.

(End of this chapter)

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