i created the old gods

Chapter 167 Howl of the Werewolf

Chapter 167 Howl of the Werewolf
Kane stumbled and ran in the forest. His body was stained with blood, and the blood on his hair looked terrifying.

He was already aware of the human encirclement. Before falling asleep, he was also a noble hidden among humans and knew some basic tactics.

The development of human beings has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the projectiles fired from the mysterious vessels in their hands can cause certain damage to him, which makes Kane feel that "the times have changed" and the strangeness.

He knows that he may not be able to revitalize the werewolf group by relying on himself now. He has fallen behind the times and has no idea what the current situation of human beings is. If he continues to view human beings with the old eyes, the werewolf family will soon become extinct.

So... he put all his eggs in one basket and made a bold decision.

Attack a current human noble and transform that noble into a werewolf. Even if you die in this encirclement, the werewolf may continue to develop!
Kane wandered in the human base camp for a long time before meeting a human 'noble' who had gone out.

After all, from Kane's perspective, there are four people guarding him with terrifying weapons, most of whom are nobles.

In order to prevent humans from noticing any problems, he deliberately killed two guards, leaving the lives of the 'noble' and the other two guards. In fact, only the 'noble' was transformed into a werewolf by Kane.

Kane felt that his physical strength had declined slightly. If it were at other times, he would be able to recover after a period of recovery, but now, this weak feeling may kill him.

But even death makes sense to Kane now.

Thinking of this, Kane smiled happily, and there were occasional roars in the sky. Although he didn't know what it was, he felt that it was probably related to today's human beings.


Kane was lying behind the tree trunk. He was already vaguely nostalgic for the old days of riding horses, holding guns, and dueling knights.

Humans at that time were so simple, even the range of bows and arrows was pitifully weak. In today's society, Kane can no longer understand them.

Suddenly, Kane squinted his eyes, as if he thought of something that made him happy, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up.

He remembered something.

If, as he expected, humans had developed into such a behemoth, wouldn't their werewolf's mortal enemies, those dirty, hypocritical, self-proclaimed noble vampire dead bats, be dead?
"Fortunately, I assimilated a noble, giving the werewolves a chance to survive."

Kane spoke Old English slowly. He was so keen that he heard the footsteps coming from all directions, and his thoughts were already drifting back to the past era.

There are very few werewolves in Britain, most of them come from the European land, and Kane is one of them.

He has forgotten where his hometown is. He only remembers that after he stepped into the land of Britain, he made great achievements here and achieved great success.

The glory of the past has gone far, and all that remains are memories.

"Find the target, find the target!"

"Snipers are ready!"

"Be careful, safety is the top priority. It is already surrounded by us, it can't escape!"

Listening to the constant sounds coming from around him, Kane had a mocking look on his face.

Immediately afterwards, the hair on his body began to grow rapidly, his fangs rapidly enlarged, his eyes began to be filled with red, his body continued to expand, and sharp claws protruded from his hands!


Kane looked up to the sky and roared, his cold fangs surrounded by strands of saliva. He suddenly turned his head, looked at the British soldiers who were advancing cautiously, and roared like a wolf.

Werewolves never back down, life or death!

Kane's eyes were blood red as he looked at the approaching soldiers. He kicked off the ground and rushed toward the soldiers!

"The werewolf is coming towards us!"

"Extremely fast, ready to shoot!"


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, dozens of snipers fired from all directions at the same time, and the whizzing bullets shot towards Kane's wolf head in unison!
Although Kane is a werewolf, his physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, but in front of a heavy sniper rifle, his head is not much different from a watermelon. In an instant, it bursts instantly, and blood spatters.

The headless wolf corpse instantly fell from the sky, and landed hard on the ground, kicking up dust all over the ground, amidst the dust, countless red dots aimed at this place.

They were worried that the werewolves would rise up, just like the demon wolf Fenrir.

Fortunately, the werewolf Kane was really dead, his head exploded like a watermelon, and there was no possibility of survival.

In the tank outside the forest, the commander observed everything remotely. Seeing that the werewolf's vital signs had completely disappeared, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Take the werewolf's body back and study it."

"We killed the werewolf, we avenged the 22 soldiers and inspectors who died, we avenged the thirteen citizens, we avenged the wounded in the coma, we are the heroes of Britain!"

At King's College Hospital in London, Celtic slowly woke up from a coma not long after entering the ward. What he saw was the white ceiling of the hospital and the pungent smell of disinfectant.

There was a slight pain in his head, and he felt a strange sensation all over his body. He looked at the busy doctors around him, and a terrible thought suddenly arose in his heart.

Pounce on them and crush their throats!
Kelt quickly shook his head to dispel all these terrible thoughts. A great sadness suddenly arose in his heart, as if someone very important had passed away.

What's going on? Why do I have so many strange thoughts today?
Kelt felt a little frightened and uneasy. He felt that he seemed a little different from himself and felt a little strange.

"Chief Celtic, how are you feeling now?"

Suddenly, a doctor's voice reached his ears, interrupting his thoughts.

Kelt nodded nervously and asked at the same time: "Doctor, what happened? Is there anything strange about me and my companions?"

The last image in Celtic's memory was a standing werewolf rushing towards him.

Seeing Celtic's question, the doctor sighed and said comfortingly: "Chief Celtic, you are in very good health. You were just bitten a few times and will recover after a while. As for your companions?"

"Three of them are dead, and the other one is about the same as you. His life is not in danger."

Kelt felt his heart sink.

 The last chapter I wrote was like shit, I will rewrite it when I have time.

(End of this chapter)

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