i created the old gods

Chapter 168 Leanna's New Plan

Chapter 168 Leanna's New Plan

Very different from Britain, in Rome, the vampire Atline, who had awakened from his coffin, was sitting leisurely on the leather sofa, shaking a red wine glass in his hand, tasting the taste of blood.

Opposite the vampire Atline, sat a little girl who looked to be in her teens, but her calm face seemed to tell everyone that she was not a normal little girl.

This little girl is Leanna who escaped from Lolland Island in Denmark. After escaping from Denmark, she did not choose to return to the Maple Leaf Kingdom, but chose to come to Rome, Italy, to prepare for other plans.

However, when she arrived in Italy, she found that the situation here was somewhat different from what she expected. She felt the same evil smell.

She met a vampire, a creature that can also be called a vampire!

But what is different is that after Leanna met the vampire Atlaine, she first had a fight with Atlaine, and then she achieved the achievement of 'no fight, no acquaintance'.

In fact, the main reason was that the vampire Atlaine was unable to cause any harm to Leanna's worm clone. In desperation, he could only reach a reconciliation with Leanna and announced that he would join Leanna's 'Destroyer' organization.

In fact, the vampire Atline does not want to destroy the world in his heart. He is not a guy with abnormal brain. Naturally, he wants to live well. Joining the "Destroyer" is just a temporary measure.

Atline carefully glanced at Leanna, who was sitting on the sofa with an expressionless face, opened his mouth and smiled, and took the initiative to find some topics: "In the past thousand years, human beings have developed so fast. So what do you call a little thing that can project pictures? The black box is really”

"If you want to watch TV, just say so." Leanna calmly acted like an adult.

Atline said in a deep voice, with a hint of pleading in his voice: "Two and ten minutes, I promise, after only two and ten minutes, I want to know how the red starfish and the yellow square became friends! "

Atline was tall and handsome, with a fair face that was a little sickly beautiful. Such a request seemed to move normal women.

But Leanna is not a normal woman, she is just an 11-year-old girl.

Leanna looked directly at Atline and said word by word: "No, you are a vampire, a noble vampire. What are you watching in cartoons? What we should discuss now is how to cause destruction in Rome!"

Atline's pupils suddenly shrank, and he said with some dissatisfaction: "For half an hour, you let me look at the yellow square for half an hour. When the time comes to take action, I will bring you at least ten noble vampire members. !”

The noble vampires still need you to speak, don’t I know?

Damn it, if I couldn't beat you and the little yellow cube guy is so good-looking, I would definitely cut you into pieces!

Atline thought angrily, he was a noble Viscount of the Vampire race, but being manipulated by a little girl really made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Leanna didn't know what Atline was thinking, but after thinking thoughtfully for a moment, she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll allow you to watch Spongebob for half an hour!"


Atline was overjoyed immediately. He immediately sat upright, not even drinking the blood in the red wine glass, and stared at the TV screen seriously.

In Atline's sight, he saw Leanna take out a mysterious rectangular object from her pocket, and after pressing random buttons on it, the TV was turned on!
'If I have the chance, I must have a treasure that can control the small black box. In this way, I will have countless yellow squares to look at! '

Atline solemnly promised in his heart that he loved this treasure that could control the TV. He vowed that he must have a treasure that could control the TV.

"Who lives in the big pineapple in the deep sea~"

The sound on the TV started to sound, and Atlain immediately threw all thoughts away and began to concentrate on watching SpongeBob SquarePants.

On the other leather sofa, Leanna looked helplessly at Atline, who was engrossed in watching "SpongeBob SquarePants".

You are a vampire, why are you obsessed with cartoons?
Aren't you supposed to be the hunter in the dark night, the deepest nightmare of mankind?
You are a vampire who is thousands of years old, why haven't you matured like an 11-year-old girl like me? I don't even watch Spongebob now!
Leanna was a little helpless to complain. She was currently thinking in her mind about how to cause a big chaos in Rome.

This major turmoil must occur at night, because vampires hate sunlight. Although they will not die if exposed to sunlight as in the legend, they will also become extremely tired of sunlight and their combat effectiveness will decrease.

Therefore, based on this consideration, Leanna cannot choose daytime as the time when the turmoil occurs.

However, in the dark night, human fear is more serious than in the daytime, so choosing the dark night is also a good choice. If there was no vampire Atlaine, Leanna would also choose to act in the dark night.

'Not many elite members died on Zealandia, and about twenty more could be sacrificed. '

"Alice doesn't have much left, so we should save some and stay at night to carry out the unrest." '

'Xiaodai. It's a pity that the final version of Xiaodai has not been developed yet. There are only [-] ordinary Xiaodai that can be controlled. It's not a big problem. It's just a Rome, and [-] Xiaodai are enough. '

During the time that Rhianna was thinking, the episode of SpongeBob SquarePants had ended, and Atrein was a little bit unsatisfied, and seemed dissatisfied that the episode ended like this.

"Emergency commercial break. At 10:43 London time, the British military killed a suspected 'werewolf' creature in the suburbs of London. The government is here to remind the general public that at night."

The sudden commercial break caught Atlain and Leanna off guard. Looking at the advertisement, Leanna and Atlain had different reactions.

Leanna's expression was a bit dignified. When the blood race appeared, Leanna realized that the werewolf probably existed, but she never thought that the werewolf would be killed so quickly.

When this werewolf died, not only did he lose his life, but his plans were also affected!


However, Atline's expression seemed a little excited. He turned to look at Leanna and said proudly and proudly: "I knew these wolf cubs would never die. Look, those idiots were killed by humans as soon as they appeared. To die, and to be placed in such a small black box, how can a noble vampire like me be so powerful?"

Looking at Atlaine who was gloating about his misfortune, Leanna took a deep breath, turned on the remote control, and searched for the deadly movie "Van Helsing" for Atlaine.

"Atline, I believe you will like this new movie. This is definitely more interesting than SpongeBob SquarePants."

(End of this chapter)

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