i created the old gods

Chapter 169 Night falls

Chapter 169 Night falls
After 131 minutes, the vampire Atrein finished watching the first "Van Helsing", feeling bad all over.

"Those three stupid bitches, do they deserve to be called vampires?!"

"Count Dracula?! Are you worthy of a count?! I, Atline, am so smart and great, but I am still just a viscount, and you are worthy of a count with a hammer?! I think you are the lowest blood slave!"

"How can a human being be so strong? What is Van Helsing?! If it were me, I would have sucked this Van Helsing into a human and fucked him. What a trash count, bah!"


After watching the entire 131-minute film of "Van Helsing", Atline was a little furious and was frantically expressing his anger.

Seeing Atline so angry, Leanna also regretted showing him Van Helsing. What if it affected the operation?
Leanna took a deep breath and said, "I also have a movie called "Twilight" here. It tells the love story between high school student Bella and the vampire Edward. Do you want to watch it?"

Now we can only hope that with Twilight, Atlaine can return to his elegant and easy-going state.

"Bella, a high school student? Just a human? Isn't that blood food?"

Unexpectedly, Atline became even angrier after hearing this: "What are all these things?! Why haven't these damn vampire scum died yet? My true ancestor, please quickly lower the divine thunder and let them all die!" "

For Atline, although Count Dracula and his three vampire brides in Van Helsing are a bit stretched, they at least think about the problem from the perspective of the vampires and face the demon hunter Van Helsing head-on.

What is Edward?Why fall in love with humans?

Although I haven't watched it yet, this plot has already given Atline a feeling of myocardial infarction.

Looking at Atrein, who has been unable to calm down, Leanna can only use her trump card: "Okay, after tonight's operation is over, I will allow you to watch SpongeBob SquarePants all day tomorrow!"

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Atline calmed down instantly, looked at Leanna blankly, and said excitedly: "Are you serious?"

"Of course it's true. As long as tonight's actions can give Italy a profound blow, the TV will be yours all day tomorrow."

Like a devil from hell, Leanna began to seduce Atlaine: "I hope you can show your identity tonight and win over those humans who long for eternal life and transform them into vampires."

"Impossible, the bloodline of the Vampire Clan is noble, how can it be possible to switch it casually?!"

Atline was furious and said: "Who do you think I am, one of those low-level slaves who were lucky enough to become blood slaves? I am a noble viscount, and only they will embrace those humans with blood!"

Obviously, for Atlaine, assimilating humans seems to be an unforgivable sin.

Leanna did not expect Atline to have such a big reaction, and continued: "For every human high-level blood supporter, I will reward you with two 10 minutes of TV time. If you convert all Italian high-level people into vampires, , I will additionally teach you a new item called 'computer'."

"Two 10 minutes? Ridiculous!"

Atline sneered and said disdainfully: "As a viscount, I can only assimilate three vampire companions, and the more I assimilate, the more my abilities decline. Do you think I wasted a mere hour of my time?" My chance?”

"Unless you give me the magical item that controls the 'TV' and teach me how to use it, I won't do it!"

After saying this, Atline also felt deeply regretful.

'My ancestors, I didn't do this on purpose, it's really that yellow square that looks so good. '

'I swear, there is only one time to pollute our bloodline, and I will never do it a second time unless there is something better looking than a yellow square! '

In fact, Atlaine's blood embrace is unlimited, but he needs to rest for 20 days at a time. If he pursues speed, he can blood embrace a dozen humans in one day.

It's just that these dozen human beings will not be pure vampires. They will only become thirsty for blood. Their lifespan will be extended by ten years at most, and they will not be able to embrace other people with blood. Moreover, once the blood embracer dies, they will also die.

Such vampires are called blood slaves and are usually used as cannon fodder. .

Only humans who are blood-slave once every 20 days will be transformed into genuine vampires. It's just that the level is lower and there is no title, but it is still much higher than that of blood slaves.

When Leanna heard the words, she immediately felt that there was a slight flaw in the language, so she said, "I remember you said before that you have to bring me ten vampire companions before taking action."

Atline's face didn't turn red and his heart didn't beat: "That's a lie. How could I bring ten companions back?"

Looking at the righteous Atrein, Leanna said word by word: "If you can really bring back ten blood clans for me, I will not only teach you how to watch TV, but also teach you how to play computer games."

"Computer Games?"

Atlain thought of the boring games he saw the human cubs playing with each other before falling asleep. He immediately shook his head and sighed: "No need, the noble vampires never play such boring and despicable games." game!"

"Even if my noble Viscount Atline dies of boredom, dies outside, and is nailed to the wall by a human demon hunter, I won't be able to play any computer games!"

Looking at Atlaine who made such bold words, Leanna took a deep breath. At the same time, she took out the laptop that her subordinates had prepared. According to the instructions of her subordinates, she opened a 3A masterpiece: "Why don't you try it first? one time?"

"The noble Lord Atline will not move!"

10 minute later.

"Fuck, why am I dead again?!"

"What kind of monster is this? Why is it thicker than my blood?!"

“If you hesitate, you will be in vain!”

Behind Atline, Leanna quietly watched Atline, who was concentrating on playing the game, and breathed a sigh of relief.

She really thought that Atline would be able to resist the temptation of computer games.

Now that he's addicted to it, it's easy to handle.

After all, there are so many video games in this world. In addition to video games, there are also a series of entertainment facilities such as TV series, movies, animations, etc. Leanna doesn't have to worry about Atline losing her control at all!
However, there is a drawback to this. If Atline knew that he could play the game without him, he would probably die.

"No matter, let's do this first."

Leanna looked at the time and saw that it was already 19:17. She quickly pulled up Atline, who was silent in the game world, and whispered: "The game experience time is over and night has fallen. If you still want to play, just go and give it to me." I'll do something big!"

Atline, who was still reluctant to leave, immediately jumped up after hearing this, and his fangs began to grow rapidly: "Don't worry, today I will make human blood flow into a river!"

(End of this chapter)

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