i created the old gods

Chapter 170: Dark Turmoil

Chapter 170: Dark Turmoil
Rome, with a history of more than 2500 years, is a world-famous historical and cultural city and the birthplace of the ancient Roman Empire. It is nicknamed the "Eternal City" because of its long history.

This is the capital of Italy, a world-famous city that is both ancient and gorgeous. It can be said to be the Western version of 'Chang'an'.

Angelo is a local resident of Rome. He is 19 years old and in the prime of his youth. He walks through the feasting and feasting every night, intoxicated and dreamy.

He had seen the news about "Werewolves in Britain" released by the authorities across Europe today, but he didn't take it to heart.

In any case, it also appeared in Britain. This place is Italy, but it is far away from Britain. Even if the werewolf has great abilities, it is impossible for him to come to Rome to assassinate him.

Therefore, Angelo didn't feel afraid at all, but was more chic and comfortable, haunting the night.

After all, this way, he can also take the opportunity to laugh at his friends who dare not go out at night, and at the same time show off what it means to be an Italian and an iron-blooded man.

The streets of Rome were brightly lit at night, but there were only a few people passing by in a hurry, which was in stark contrast to the nights of the previous few days.

“What a bunch of cowards”

Angelo murmured in a low voice, expressing his disdain for those who dared not go out at night because of a piece of news from the government. His words were full of contempt.

There is no way, Angelo thinks that those who are super brave are inferior to those who dare not go out.

Before Angelo could take two steps, a rather rough voice sounded from behind Angelo: "Go home quickly and don't wander around in the streets. Europe is not safe these days!"

Angelo turned his head in displeasure and was about to have a fit, but when he saw that the person making the noise was a tall, bearded inspector wearing a body armor and holding a police firearm, he immediately said what he wanted to say. He swallowed it back and said flatteringly: "Mr. Inspector, I will go home immediately, please don't worry."

After saying this, Angelo cursed in his heart: "When Jormungandr and Fenrir were raging, I didn't see you rushing to the front line, but now you are showing off in Rome with a gun. What the hell, bah!" '

But Angelo wouldn't say that openly, and he wasn't stupid. If he said that, he would probably be beaten here, and he could only nod and bow to the inspector.

The bearded inspector didn't know what Angelo was thinking, so he said warmly: "It's not safe for you to go home by yourself. Where is your home? I'll take you back."

"What's so funny about that?"

Angelo said this, but his body was very honest. As he walked in the other direction, he smiled playfully at the inspector and said: "By the way, with the great Crown Hercules protecting Italy, what are we afraid of? "

"My Majesty Hercules is protecting Greece, not us."

The bearded inspector reminded: "Moreover, even if Your Majesty Hercules protects us, we must be careful to avoid being attacked by monsters hidden in the crowd."

Angelo turned a deaf ear to the bearded inspector's words. In fact, the reason why he agreed to the inspector escorting him back was mainly to prove to his friends that it was not that he was a coward, but that the inspector did not allow night travel.

"But I think there are so many gods, and"


Before Angelo could finish speaking, a deafening explosion suddenly came from the distance. Angelo staggered in fright and almost fell down.

Relying on his will and instinct, he quickly hid behind the truck parked on the street, feeling panic in his heart.

For unknown reasons, thick smoke suddenly rose in front of the road, and fire began to bloom on the streets of Rome. For a moment, Angelo was so frightened that he could only look at the bearded inspector, hoping that he would have some idea.

what happened?
What it is?
Why is there an explosion? !
Like Angelo, the bearded inspector also looked confused. He was holding a gun and was at a loss. He had no idea what was happening in front of him.

He was just an armed inspector who was dawdling around. He used the excuse to send citizens home, but in fact he just wanted to go to a convenience store to buy something and break away from the large army. He had never encountered such a situation.

However, because of this inspector's uniform, the bearded inspector still mustered up the courage, slowly stood up from behind the car, and whispered to Angelo, the "Italian iron-blooded man" who was shivering behind the truck: "You Are you okay, are you injured?"

"no no."

Angelo was so moved that he was about to cry when he heard the bearded inspector's inquiry, and he quickly said that he was still alive.

He took a deep breath and was about to say something when he suddenly saw a black shadow covering his face.

The black shadow completely turned the originally not very bright ground into darkness instantly. The light of the street lamp was completely blocked, and only a pair of huge wing-shaped shadows appeared in front of them.


Angelo shouted in panic, feeling a chill behind his back.

He turned his neck stiffly and his pupils suddenly shrank!
A handsome man appeared behind him. His delicate features were handsome and elegant, and his thin lips were indescribably graceful. He was wearing a white shirt and a black dress.Her facial features were feminine, her body was slender, and her skin was fair and supple. However, the sudden growth of bat-like wings on her back and the strangely glowing red eyes made Angelo feel a chill!
"Human, you found me."

The voice that made Angelo tremble echoed in his ears, and then the voice that made Angelo feel horrified sounded again: "In this case, I think I should give you a reward."


The bearded inspector who had just received Angelo's safety signal suddenly heard Angelo's screams. His expression was instantly frightened. He clenched the gun in his hand tightly and began to approach Angelo. At the same time, he shouted: "What's wrong? , what happened?!"

The bearded inspector approached the direction of the sound with a gun, feeling uneasy and extremely nervous.

He gradually approached the truck where Angelo was hiding, pointed his gun in that direction, and was about to find out. Suddenly, there was a violent explosion from behind!


The moment the explosion sounded, the bearded inspector turned around quickly. After he turned around, he only found a huge hole with a radius of one meter on the ground!

Along with the appearance of this huge hole, there was also a giant worm five or six meters high!
Looking at the giant worm, the bearded inspector was a little distracted, and couldn't help but murmured: "The Destroyer. Leanna."

Before he could react, he suddenly felt a pain in his back. The back of his neck seemed to be bitten by something, and the blood in his body was constantly draining!

He shouted loudly, but it was of no use. The blood flowed out quickly. Soon, the bearded inspector felt that his eyelids were darkening and his head was a little dizzy.

The moment before he closed his eyes, he saw that the whole of Rome seemed to be enveloped in flames, and he saw dozens of giant worms wreaking havoc in Rome.

He felt powerless to do anything about it, and could only fall into a fit of dizziness and fall into sleep forever.

(End of this chapter)

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