i created the old gods

Chapter 171 The First Plan Success

Chapter 171 The first plan was successful

The fire was raging in the streets of Rome. Along with the flames was a burst of thick black smoke. The flames were like a fire dragon, running unimpeded throughout the streets of Rome. The tongues of flames completely divided the entire Rome!
Firefighters swarmed the streets of Rome, countless residents fled in all directions, and giant worms wreaked havoc in the middle of the city.

What's even more frightening is that in the dark and unknown corners of the city, the corpse that Leanna calls "Alice" is killing the people coming and going unscrupulously, biting like a zombie, and giving human flesh and blood to Bite it into pieces to create a different kind of terror.

There were armed inspectors everywhere in Rome. They were also scattered by the crowd. They had no idea what to do. They could only fight against those "zombie"-like creatures alone in the streets of Rome. A dozen of them gathered together. From time to time, they will attack the giant worm.

President Italy woke up from his sleep in a panic and stood on the rooftop, looking at Rome, which had become a mess. He asked the secretary next to him with a slight anger: "What happened, and what is the situation now?!"

"Mr. President, it seems that the Destroyer from the Maple Leaf Country launched a surprise attack on our city. The reason for the attack is unknown."

The secretary whispered: "Our inspector has lost control, and the troops stationed near Rome have arrived quickly. I suggest you evacuate by helicopter first, and then deal with the incident in Rome when it is safe!"

Just as the secretary's voice fell, far away, a police armed helicopter that had just taken off instantly attracted the attention of several giant worms. The worms swarmed up and dropped the armed helicopter from the sky to the ground, and exploded instantly.

Several helicopters that had not been destroyed had just flown into the air, and before they had time to suppress fire on the ground, they were hit by the mucus spitted out by the giant worms. The propellers stopped working instantly, and the aircraft was destroyed and everyone died.

President Italy looked at the secretary expressionlessly, and the secretary also looked a little embarrassed.

President Italy took a deep breath and slowly opened his mouth and said: "Immediately mobilize all the troops that can be mobilized to blockade Rome. Now that they are here, we will eliminate these minions of the destroyer!"

"I'm right here. I believe the inspectors will protect me."

The president continued: "If you can't protect me, what about the other residents of Rome?"

"Get in touch right away. In half an hour, I want to see military flags flying in every street, and I want to see the corpses of those worms appearing in our research room!"

President Italy's words were decisive and full of confidence, as if he knew that the army would completely eliminate these monsters.

In fact, President Italy was very unsure. He was just pretending. If the giant worm hadn't been hunting the helicopter taking off from Rome, he might have chosen to be the first to board the plane and escape.

Afterwards, President Italy began to formulate several new strategies. He stood blankly on the rooftop, looking down at Rome that had been ravaged into ruins, and a sense of anger could not help but rise in his heart.

He couldn't help but curse in a low voice: "Damn Destroyer, damn Leanna!"

Immediately, he quickly descended from the rooftop and prepared to go to the underground nuclear weapons shelter.

All countries have built such rooms in the office areas of heads of state, and Italy is no exception.

Now, he could only wait for it to be over.

The plan went very smoothly, which was something Leanna never expected. She really never dreamed that Rome would be attacked and started by her so easily.

In fact, Leanna now regrets why she didn't call in all the manpower to destroy Rome in one go, giving a severe blow to the mood of mankind and letting them know that the Destroyer is not in vain.

But now there is no time to mobilize other people. Rome is in chaos and the death toll is countless. Leanna's goal has been completed, and it may be difficult to go further.

Leanna decided to give it up as soon as possible, and quickly evacuated after eating up the small group of troops who were unaware of the vanguard. This kind of shooting and changing places will definitely make the human spirit nervous!
But before evacuating, Leanna still has one thing to do, and this matter is more important, related to the vampire Atlaine.

Leanna stood in front of an exquisite villa on the outskirts of Rome, quietly looking at Atline who was rushing over, and said slowly: "You are 10 minutes late."

"I met two delicious prey on the road and played with them for a while."

Atline licked the blood that had not been wiped off his lips, laughed softly, and slowly said: "Is this the target you are looking for? Are you sure you want me to blood-purge the owner of this building's physics into a noble person?" A vampire?"

Leanna slowly introduced the identity of the owner of the villa: "The owner of this villa is Jocelyn, the most influential actress of the new generation in Italy, and a wealthy lady from the upper class of Rome."

"So?" Atline was a little confused.

"Forget it, I can't explain it to you, just go and embrace her with blood."

Leanna waved her hand helplessly and handed a photo to Atline. Atline did not say anything further, but turned into a blood shadow and quickly disappeared into the villa, looking for the target.

Leanna originally planned to let Atlaine engulf President Yiduli with blood, but after thinking about it carefully, she gave up the idea.

After all, the president is the president and often appears in the spotlight. If he assimilates to such a figure, it will be bad for others to notice him.

After all, there are still only a few people who know about the existence of the Vampire Clan. If they are discovered, their actions will be greatly restricted.

And this Miss Jocelin often attends various dinner parties and contacts big figures in the business and political circles. It is not impossible for her to be the entry point, assimilate other big figures, and gradually control the top management of Rome.

Those big figures are usually not well-known to the public, and few people will pay attention to some abnormal situations when they occur.

Even if someone discovers it, Atline, the source of all this, can withdraw at any time and continue to evolve on others.

Rhyanna believed that with Atryon's identity, the Destroyer would soon have a new base in Rome.

Even if all the Destroyers in Maple Leaf Kingdom are wiped out, they can still make a comeback in Rome!
After finishing reading, Leanna's eyes gradually shifted to the direction of Rome. Looking at the fire there, a warm smile filled her face.

"Rome shall belong to the destroyer."

At the same time, on the other side under the same starry sky, in a new Thunder Lord Church on the edge of Northern Europe, Archbishop Nessef of the Thunder Church looked at the figure rushing in from the country of Russia, with a bright smile on his face:

"Welcome to join you, exorcist hunter from ancient times, I wonder what I should call you?"

(End of this chapter)

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