i created the old gods

Chapter 172 Van Helsing

Chapter 172 Van Helsing

"my name?"

The mysterious figure hidden in the cloak raised his head slightly, looked at Archbishop Nessef of the Thunder Church, nodded slightly, and said: "I have no name. In the past, my code name was only Demon Hunter."

But before Nessef could speak, the demon hunter said again: "But in this new era, I also need a name to call myself."

"Van Helsing, my name will be Van Helsing."

After pondering for a moment, the demon hunter slowly opened his mouth and said: "The first person I saw after I woke up, he called me this. It is said that he is a great demon hunter. I believe I can do better than him." better."

"Van Helsing?"

Archbishop Nessef read the name and nodded: "Van Helsing is a fictional film and television character, but you are a real person. I believe you can carry out the name Van Helsing to the end and make the darkness throughout Europe tremble."

Van Helsing shook his head, not thinking that he could make all the dark forces in Europe afraid. He was just an ordinary demon hunter who was now absorbed by the Church of Thunder.

“What is the situation in Europe now?”

After adjusting his state, Van Helsing immediately entered the demon hunter state and asked: "When I came here, I heard someone discussing the situation between Fenrir and Jormungandr. Do you need my help?"

"No, no need."

Archbishop Nessef spoke concisely: "Both Jormungandr and Fenrir have been killed by my lord and have gone to hell."

"However, there have been traces of werewolves in Britain recently, but they have been killed by British inspectors, so there should be no problem."


Van Helsing murmured to himself, muttering the name of this slightly familiar race in his mind, and murmured: "Impossible, there can't be only one werewolf. Moreover, werewolves and vampires complement each other. If there are werewolves, then there must be There are vampires wandering around here.”


Nessef was stunned for a moment and continued: "Mr. Van Helsing is saying that there are not only werewolves in Britain, but also vampires?"

"Yes, even if it's not in Britain, it will be in other countries in Europe."

Van Helsing nodded seriously: "I don't know much about werewolves, but I know vampires very well. Vampires can transform humans into vampires. We must act as soon as possible!"

"I'll contact the helicopter to Britain right away!"

Nesef immediately became serious. Just as he turned around, before he could take any action, he saw a missionary from the Thunder Church in white clothes hurried over and whispered in Nesef's ear:

"Your Majesty Nesef, we have just received news that there is unrest in Italy and Rome. The Destroyer organization is wreaking havoc in Rome. One of Italy's armies has been completely wiped out."

Although the missionary spoke close to Nessef's ear, Van Helsing was a senior demon hunter after all, and his hearing was extremely powerful. The distance between Nessef and him was only five meters, so Van Helsing could certainly hear the sounds between them. .

After Nessef nodded slightly, the missionary immediately withdrew, but before he could take the initiative to introduce the situation to Van Helsing, Van Helsing said: "I'm very sorry, I accidentally overheard the conversation between you, and I'm sorry for that. But. , what organization is that Destroyer?"

"It's a long story, let's talk about it as we go."

Nessef turned around and invited Van Helsing to walk with him outside the church: "Although the matter may be over by the time we arrive in Rome, we should also represent the will of the great Thunder Lord and express condolences to the citizens of Rome!"

"If the Destroyer has not retreated by the time we arrive in Rome, then we will let the Destroyer know what a thunder strike is!"

As Nessef spoke, an arc of electricity suddenly flashed across his huge biceps.

Nessef was very confident. A few days ago, the great Lord of Thunder sent an oracle and gave them the practice method of enslaving lightning!
Van Helsing nodded and said seriously: "Any evil thing that harms human beings must die!"

Rome is full of flames and corpses, both human and giant worms. High-rise buildings are collapsing. There are the howls of monsters, the cries of humans, and the explosion of guns.
It’s quite a scene of purgatory on earth!

Standing on the roof of a small office building in Rome, Rhianna watched the 'beautiful' scene for her, and heard Atrein's voice in her ear, and said without turning her head: "The matter Is everything done?"

"Well, I have transformed Jocelin into a noble vampire."

Atline's voice seemed a bit hollow: "She will not become a noble vampire all of a sudden. It will take more than ten days to adapt."

"very good."

Leanna nodded lightly. An elite member serving on the side seemed to have received some news. He walked over quickly and whispered: "Your Highness, we just received the news that two of Yi Daili's troops have been wiped out by us." branch."


Leanna was a little surprised: "Is the armed force we control so strong?"

The Destroyer has an armed organization of about 400 people. It is a mercenary army that wanders around Africa all year round. It is not a regular army.

Originally, Leanna only wanted to let this armed organization provide a fire cover and cooperate with Xiao Dai to block the Italian army, hoping to eat up the 400-man vanguard force.

But he didn't expect that this 400-person armed organization directly defeated two regular legions, with a total of more than [-] people?
"Cough cough."

The elite member coughed lightly and explained: "Your Highness, we did not eliminate too many people, but when the holy insects broke out of the ground, those enemies collapsed without fighting."

Rhianna: "???"

What is it?

"It seems that Yi Daili's army is not very willing to fight."

Leanna sighed softly: "But it doesn't matter, let's prepare to evacuate."

"I have a hunch that a large-scale army nearby will arrive soon. Especially the guys from the Thunder Church."

"Your Highness, the Thunder Church is just some self-righteous trash. Their actual combat effectiveness is not strong at all. There is no need for us to pay attention to them." The elite members suggested respectfully.

"Although he is not strong, he is very difficult to deal with."

Leanna's tone seemed to indicate something: "Withdraw, today's results are good enough, there is no need to give those false gods an excuse to come!"

"Atline, we will disguise ourselves as ordinary people later and take advantage of the chaos to hide near Villa Jocelyn in the suburbs. Rome is our next fortress and we cannot leave easily."

(End of this chapter)

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