Chapter 173


Jocelyn woke up from a coma in a daze, and what came over her like a tide was a desire from the depths of her soul.

I need water, I need something to drink!
Drowsily, she wanted to stand up, but she couldn't move her hands and feet, as if she had lost control of her limbs.

Struggling but unable to do anything, after a long time, Jocelyn opened her eyes and got rid of the previous suppressed and uncomfortable state.

The longing deep in her soul prompted her to drag her heavy body, grab the cup on the table, and frantically drink the scarlet liquid in the cup.

The rusty, fishy, ​​and salty smells came together in an instant, exploding in the taste buds of Jocelyn's mouth. Jocelyn felt a sense of nausea and excitement coexisting, and swallowed it all, and then felt It was disgusting, but the liquid had been swallowed, and she could only collapse on the ground, retching.


A trace of red liquid dripped from Jocelin's mouth, and the smell of blood spread. At that moment, she knew what she had drank before.


As the blood was drawn, Jocelyn's longing from the depths of her soul dissipated, and only then did she have the strength to stand up.

"what's going on."

Jocelyn felt her head was dizzy and her vision was a little blurry. After stumbling to stand up, what she saw was a pool of blood and the woman lying in the pool of blood!

Jocelin screamed subconsciously, her eyes filled with fear. She couldn't help but take a few steps back, but unexpectedly she seemed to bump into someone.


Qiaocelin quickly turned around and looked at the strange man who appeared in her home, her whole nerves collapsed.

Drinking blood, corpses, and strange men alone can frighten Qiaocelin, let alone the three combined.

The combined horror of these three things almost made Jocelyn faint on the spot!

The strange man stretched out a finger, whispered in front of his lips, and chuckled: "Don't scream, little baby, don't you like the breakfast we prepared for you?"

"This is a 15-year-old girl. Her blood is full of youthful vitality."

Atline's voice made Jocelyn's hair stand on end. Jocelyn was now extremely frightened, tears welling up in her eyes. She trembled: "Who are you? Why did you come to me? I have money. Don't hurt me. "

"Of course we won't hurt you, baby Jocelyn."

Atline smiled and said, with a hint of weirdness in his voice: "Have you forgotten me? Last night, you had a late-night snack in the restaurant."

As Atline's voice sounded, the memories sealed in Jocelyn's brain began to slowly appear in her mind, and Jocelyn remembered.

While eating in the restaurant, there was a sudden sound of glass breaking, and then she saw a huge shadow!

That huge shadow had the shape of wings printed on it, it was definitely not human!
Thinking of this, Jocelin's heart trembled even more. She kept trembling and retreating, crying: "What kind of monster are you?"

"Monster? I'm not a monster."

Atline suddenly moved forward, striding like lightning, which frightened Jocelyn into screaming, while she kept retreating: "Jocelyn, starting from yesterday, you and I are of the same race. We are noble vampires. Rejoice, you have escaped the low-end, dirty class of human beings.”

"I became a vampire?!" Jocelin lost her voice.

Atline was a little annoyed and said sternly: "Watch your words! Vampires are just a fallacious name for us by dirty and despicable humans. We are vampires, noble vampires!"

"Yes, vampire, vampire!"

Jocelyn's head was like a chicken pecking rice, nodding wildly, desperately trying to prove that she was reluctant to hurt Atrein.

It's just that there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

At this moment, a childish voice sounded in her ears: "Don't be sad, there is nothing wrong with becoming a vampire."

Looking in the direction of the sound, Jocelyn saw a little girl walking towards her and Atline step by step, and she was immediately at a loss.

Who is she? Is she also a vampire?

Jocelyn thought to herself, but soon the little girl's voice reached Jocelyn's ears: "After becoming a vampire, you will have a lifespan of at least a thousand years, and you will remain young forever and will not age. "

"Youth remains forever and will not age."

Qiao Celin's eyes suddenly lit up, and she seemed to be very interested in this point: "Well, then you"

"I'm not a vampire."

The little girl shook her head, and then she raised her head and smiled: "You should have heard of my name. I am Leanna, from New York, USA."

Jocelin quickly recalled the little girl's name in her mind, and then her expression began to show a hint of shock.

The leader of the Destroyer, currently the most wanted criminal in the federal government, has a reward of one billion dollars, which is more valuable than the reward of the President of the United States!

"My that."

Jocelin became a little incoherent. Although she cared that Daili was very famous and was a household name in Rome, she still felt extremely nervous when facing such a 'big shot'.

"I know what you want to say."

Leanna's voice was very gentle, seeming to comfort Jocelyn, giving Joceline a ridiculous thought as if she was the ten-year-old girl: "We did something big in Rome last night, but that part You are in a coma, so it is normal not to know. You will know later when you watch the TV news."

"Of course we have our reasons for finding you."

Leanna continued to say softly: "We need to stay in your villa for a few days. During this time, Atline will teach you all the skills of the vampire, so that you can become a qualified vampire as soon as possible. If you perform well, , I believe Atline will promote you to Baron."

"I didn't get promoted."

Before Atline could finish speaking, Leanna glared back. Then, Leanna continued to speak: "Joselin, what you have to adapt to is your new life. From now on, you are also a transcendent." One, you have escaped from the mortal level, and you should be happy, not afraid."

Leanna's psychological hints gradually implanted themselves in Jocelyn's heart, and Jocelyn began to feel confused: "Really?"

Leanna continued her psychological suggestion: "Yes, from now on, you are the general person in charge of the Destroyer in Rome. I believe in your ability. I believe you can lead the Destroyer and the Vampires in Rome to become stronger."

Confused, Qiaocelin nodded slightly.

At the same time, a plane from Moscow landed at Rome International Airport.

(End of this chapter)

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