i created the old gods

Chapter 174 The Demon Hunter and the Blood Race

Chapter 174 The Demon Hunter and the Blood Race

When the plane landed at Rome International Airport, the old demon hunter Van Helsing felt a familiar smell: "Vampire! I smell the breath of a vampire here."

Listening to Van Helsing's voice, Nessef looked a little shocked. He frowned and whispered: "Are you sure there are vampires among the Destroyers?"

Van Helsing said confidently: "I am sure that I have been dealing with those disgusting vampires since then. I have killed no less than a hundred of them so far. I know them very well."

Although he was created by Jingchuan, Jingchuan had hundreds of experiences of fighting vampires implanted in his mind. Of course, Van Helsing felt extremely familiar with vampires.
"That's right, you are an expert in this area."

Nessef nodded solemnly, taking Van Helsing's words very seriously: "I will inform the Italian officials about this issue and let them focus on investigating."

Although the Church of Thunder is a new church without any sense of age, it now has a pivotal position in Europe, and the holy scriptures about the Lord of Thunder are praised in Europe.

It can be said that the status of the Church of Thunder in Europe is almost the same as that of the Church of Eternal Night in the United States.

It's just that the Church of Thunder is a bit weak in city control in Europe. There are no cities like Boston and New York that are basically completely controlled by the Church of Eternal Night.

Van Helsing said firmly: "We have to stay here. Vampires can spread. If a vampire goes crazy and assimilates blood, embraces humans for the first time, and transforms a large number of blood slaves, I am afraid Rome will no longer be stable from now on!"

"Well, it is our duty to protect Europe."

Nessef also nodded solemnly, and was very willing to help others.

After all, the current sphere of influence of the Church of Thunder is only in Northern Europe, Russia and other places. Although it has a high reputation in Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Central Europe and other regions, it cannot reach there.

Therefore, it is beneficial and harmless to help Italians hunt vampires and restore peace. Whether it is protecting European residents or expanding the influence of the church, no one can say otherwise.

After thinking about it in his mind, Nessef said: "Let's go meet with the stupid president first. After the meeting, we will start hunting those vampires."

"Shouldn't we just go after the vampire?"

Van Helsing was a little puzzled: "If you waste 10 more minutes, a new victim may be born."

When Nessef heard this, he glanced around slightly, lowered his voice, and said softly: "This is Zhizhi. If we want to act in Italy, we need the help of the Italian government."

Although there is nothing inappropriate in this sentence, if it is heard, it may greatly damage the image of Thunder Church.

It is simply ridiculous for a church to talk about wisdom.

Van Helsing didn't quite understand, but he nodded thoughtfully, not sure if he understood.

Living in a new era, Van Helsing can only try his best to make himself not look so outdated.

Soon, the delegation from Italy enthusiastically received the Thunder Church delegation and started a show.

The Italian government is very welcoming to the visit of the Thunder Church. In any case, the Thunder Church is an organization with extraordinary power, and it is a magical weapon to deal with the Destroyer!

Naturally, the Italian government would happily agree to the request made by the Thunder Church and allow it to carry out all activities within the territory of Italy.

In this way, both parties are happy.

In the suburbs of Rome, in Jocelyn's villa, Atlaine, Leanna and Jocelyn were sitting on the sofa, leisurely watching Jocelyn's large-screen TV. Atlaine felt extremely satisfied.

After the turmoil broke out, a team of armed inspectors also visited the house and conducted a simple search of Jocelyn's home.

However, Atlaine is a new face, and Leanna is just a clone. The transformation worm has already changed the appearance of this clone.

Coupled with the cover-up of the famous actress Qiao Celine who was intentionally stupid, Atlain and Leanna managed to escape the intentionally stupid inspector's search so easily.

However, this cannot be blamed on Inspector Yi Daili. The main reason is that no one would have thought that the culprit of all the crimes did not leave Rome, but continued to lurk in Rome. At the same time, he also attracted the most young actress in Rome, Jocelyn, to join the gang.

The TV screen is showing the scene of the Church of Thunder visiting Idali, and the president of Idali warmly welcomes him. Looking at the screen, Leanna turned to look at Atline, and asked softly: "How is the news on TV?"

After a day of tossing, Atline also understood the categories of a series of programs such as movies, TV series, advertisements, news, variety shows, etc. Atline nodded slightly and said, "What can I see through the screen? "

After saying that, Atline stood up, pointed at Van Helsing who was hiding behind Archbishop Nessef, trying not to make himself conspicuous, and said, "But this man's dress makes me feel uncomfortable."

You couldn't see any fluctuations in his abilities through the screen, but Van Helsing's dress and behavior made Atlain very uncomfortable.

"Why do you feel uncomfortable?"

Qiao Celin took a slight sip of the red wine glass, and there was blood. At this time, there was an intoxicated look on her face, and she seemed to have adapted to the identity of the vampire: "I think it's okay, this person looks a bit old-fashioned."

Atline whispered: "This person's behavior and habits give me the feeling of a demon hunter."

"It's just that I haven't seen him in person, so I can't be sure whether he is a demon hunter or not."

"But if you get close to him, you may not be noticed, but I will definitely be discovered."

Atlaine and Jocelyn were both vampires, but Atlaine knew that if Jocelyn stood in front of a witcher, there might be no problem, but she would definitely be discovered, as if she felt that this person was a witcher.

Jocelyn is a vampire from the "new era", and her behavioral habits are completely different from those from the "old era". Demon hunters have no special ability to identify vampires. They can only rely on the vampire's living habits and some detailed tests to determine the identity of the vampire. .

Atline came from the "old era" and dealt with demon hunters every day. He was very familiar with each other. Once they met, both parties could determine each other's identity.

Therefore, Atline will not show up easily.

"Joselin, go test out the Thunder Church team tonight. If there are no problems, our operation will continue."

After hearing this, Leanna pondered for a moment, and said, "Even if there is a demon hunter in the team of the Thunder Church, we must give the chairman of Letaire Pharmaceutical Company to Chu Yong as soon as possible. He is your uncle. I believe you can do it."

(End of this chapter)

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