i created the old gods

Chapter 175 The Hunt Begins

Chapter 175 The Hunt Begins

Jocelyn, who was dressed up, sat in the lounge and let the makeup artist do her makeup. She was waiting for the party to start, but she could not see any joy from her expression.

The party was arranged by the Italian government to welcome the visit of the Thunder Church, and gathered a group of high-level and upper-class people in Rome.

These upper-class people were horrified by the attack of the Destroyer last night. When they learned that Archbishop Nessef of Thunder Church had arrived, they all went to the appointment and wanted to have a good relationship with Nessef.

If the Church of Thunder represented by Nessef wanted to gain a foothold in Rome, it would naturally be inseparable from the help of these upper-class Roman society. Therefore, the two parties hit it off and held a secret party.

This evening party cannot be made public. After all, Rome was attacked not long ago, the streets were in chaos, there were a lot of homeless people, and the government relief centers were overcrowded.

If anyone knew they were having a party, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, Jocelyn, who was ordered by Leanna and Atline to find out, was not happy. Although she had become a noble vampire, she was still a little nervous when faced with a suspected demon hunter.

In the past, she read the story from a human perspective. Dark forces such as vampires and werewolves were all killed by demon hunters. Although Atlaine changed her perspective, she was still very frightened.

At this moment of anxiety, her cousin knocked on the door, looked at Jocelyn, who was already dressed very exquisitely, and said with a smile: "That's enough, my little princess, you will definitely be the most dazzling presence in Rome tonight." Come with me now to greet Archbishop Nessef.”

"Okay, uncle."

Jocelyn exhaled slowly, forced out an elegant smile, stood up, put all her uneasiness in her heart, and followed her cousin towards the banquet hall.

As the door was slowly pushed open, the scene of feasting and feasting jumped into Qiaocelin's eyes. Looking around, there were gentlemen and ladies everywhere who were elegant and behaved appropriately.

Everyone's face was filled with smiles, as if the attack on the city last night did not happen, but was some grand and thankful event.

Outside this tall building, countless building ruins collapsed and were submerged in the prosperity of Rome. There were faint sounds of crying in the streets, as if mourning the dead.

Qiao Celin was a little shocked by this situation. Although she came from the upper class and often attended such dinners, she had never encountered such a dinner party the day after the disaster the day before.

She never imagined that this would be such a scene.

"As usual, just do whatever you have to do. When Archbishop Nessef and the accompanying team from the Thunder Church appear, just pretend to be very sad."

The cousin lowered his body slightly and whispered in Qiao Celin's ear: "Tonight, the President's Secretary will also attend the banquet. It is not convenient for Mr. President to show up, and you should not ask about government affairs. Do you understand? ?”

Qiao Celin nodded numbly. The things she had experienced in the past two days were too fantastic, and this little thing no longer occupied a large proportion in her heart.

But at this moment, she felt more and more grateful that she had become a noble vampire instead of such a despicable human being.

The wealthy family is full of wine and meat, and the roads are freezing to death. What can Qiao Celin say?

After staying at the banquet for a while, a crisp voice sounded. Jocelyn looked in the direction of the voice and saw on the high platform, the president's secretary-general and several Thunder Church missionaries in white robes slowly coming from the background. Walking slowly forward, the leader was none other than Archbishop Nessef.

Jocelyn's eyes kept wandering around the members of the Thunder Church, and she could see all the members in just a few dozen seconds. However, what surprised Jocelyn was that Atline didn't feel that the person who was not very comfortable was there. Not at the banquet!

He is also the only one absent from the Thunder Church delegation!

Something's not quite right.
A bad premonition slowly arose in Qiao Celin's heart, but she didn't show any too much fear on the outside. Instead, she clapped her hands gently like an ordinary noble lady.

But she was still thinking wildly in her mind, where had the man who seemed to be a demon hunter gone?
Crying, roaring, choking
All kinds of sounds lingered in Van Helsing's ears, wandering in the streets and alleys of Rome.

Countless scenic spots and historic sites collapsed, nearly 10 people were displaced, tens of thousands of lives were lost, and thousands of families were torn apart.
All this was seen by Van Helsing, and he felt very uncomfortable.

He didn't know why under such circumstances, those 'nobles', those from the upper class were unwilling to help them, and instead held some kind of welcome party in the place where the lamp wall was brilliant. This was simply unreasonable.

Van Helsing did not choose to attend the party. He wanted to take advantage of the night to search for targets on the streets of Rome, kill them with one strike, and hunt down the monsters hidden in the darkness.

This is what a witcher should do, not hold a welcome party in some hotel with some 'celebrities'.

Since he has inherited the name 'Van Helsing', he must shoulder the responsibilities that Van Helsing should do.

Van Helsing is walking in the darkness with double blades in his hands, the silver crossbow on his waist shining brightly, and his huge windbreaker covering all weapons. From a distance, Van Helsing looks like a messenger in the night and a guardian before dawn. By.

Two worm parasites were hiding maliciously on the street corner. Their eyes were looking at the family of three displaced by the turmoil, as if they wanted to launch a surprise attack.

However, in an instant, there was a flash of silver light, and two human heads fell to the ground. The next moment, two worms the size of two fingers squirmed out of the heads. Van Helsing did not hesitate and trampled them to death.

Although he didn't know what kind of creatures these bugs were, they did endanger human safety. As a demon hunter, they must be killed.

Demon hunters are not just targeting vampires and werewolves. All dark monsters are within their hunting range. It is not like Van Helsing has never killed monsters such as gargoyles and ogres.

"Although I don't know how you were formed and how you became parasitic in the human brain."

Van Helsing looked at the two corpses lying in a pool of blood and the worm that had been trampled to death, and murmured: "But from now on, I will maintain the stability of Rome at night, and all darkness will be dispelled."

"From now on, the hunting begins!"

 Tomorrow is Tomb Sweeping Day, which is also the National Love and Mourning Day. We pay tribute to medical staff and pay silent tribute to our deceased compatriots.

(End of this chapter)

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