i created the old gods

Chapter 176 Worms

Chapter 176 Worms

Blood bloomed from the broken surface of the worm parasite's neck, and Van Helsing's figure quickly shuttled through the night, like a stalker in the dark night, hunting the seamless monsters he thought he was hiding.

But what Van Helsing didn't expect was that there were so many monsters here. Two or three out of every ten people on the street were parasites of worms!
Although it was night and no one was out and about, the rapid frequency made Van Helsing feel that something was not normal.

Even if monsters appear, they won't appear in such large numbers, right?
No matter how many vampires and werewolves there are in a city, they will never appear so blatantly at night or be so arrogant and domineering.

In the same way, the Destroyer organization that just attacked Rome should quickly evacuate Rome. Even if there are any remaining members, it should stay in Rome with its tail between its legs. How could it be so arrogant?
"Could it be that the Destroyer wanted to kill someone who had turned around, so he was so unabashed?"

The sudden thought in his heart made Van Helsing feel uncomfortable, as if the Destroyer's purpose and intention should be completely noticed by him.

So in this case, most of the senior leaders in the 'Destroyer' organization will appear here to better cooperate with the Destroyer's actions and allow the worm parasites to carry out secondary destruction in Rome.

Van Helsing's thoughts gradually began to become clearer. He gripped the double blades tightly, and a cold light shot out from the blades in the cold night. His heart felt very stable, and his heart began to beat slightly faster.


At this moment, the ground collapsed rapidly, and the asphalt road sank rapidly like a shoddy project. Soon, the earth-shattering roar of bullets came from the underground, and a ferocious giant worm emerged from the pothole. Climb out slowly.

Van Helsing stood there, looking at the giant worm emerging from the ground, his eyes seemed to be full of reasonable surprise.

Van Helsing thought to himself: "Why did the giant worm only appear now? I have already killed nearly forty worm parasites. This reaction speed is a bit slow." '

Looking at the ferocious giant worm, Van Helsing's figure quickly became illusory, almost passing over the giant worm that had just emerged from the soil in the blink of an eye.

As Van Helsing's double blades erupted with intense silvery white energy, a conspicuous and bright huge light blade instantly cut the giant worm in two, causing pus to splash out.


The huge body of the giant worm fell to the ground, emitting a mournful cry, dust flying, smoke filling the air, and white to yellowish pus sputtering rapidly, making people feel that something was wrong.

Is that the only strength you have?
After killing the giant worm, all Van Helsing was left with was deep contemplation. He actually split the giant worm in half with one knife. There was no obvious reason at all.

Van Helsing stepped on the pus splattered by the giant worm with his leather boots. He smelled the stench emitted by the giant worm carefully and began to think about it carefully.

He didn't get any information from the smell. He had only dealt with vampires before, and he had never dealt with such worms.

But Van Helsing only knows one thing, giant worms are definitely not something that can be easily compared with others.

If the giant worm was really that easy to deal with, then Rome wouldn't have suffered such heavy losses.

So far, Van Helsing has killed more than 40 worm parasites and a giant worm. A team of Destroyers has been wiped out by Van Helsing, and it is only the end of the night.

Van Helsing heard that a large number of inspectors were approaching. He did not appear immediately, but quickly left. His figure disappeared into the darkness and did not appear.

Although he killed the giant worm, his identity and behavior are too sensitive, so it is better not to show up. Being a guardian in the night is also quite good.

Van Helsing killed more than 40 worm parasites. Although Van Helsing knew that these 40 people who were parasitized were all dead, the inspector did not know that they might still be pursuing the truth of the "serial murder" case of more than 40 people. fierce.

Therefore, in this case, Van Helsing will naturally not show up for convenience.

What he did did not require anyone's recognition, as long as it was beneficial to mankind, that was enough.

Van Helsing's figure quickly disappeared and left, and within a few seconds after he left, a team of fully armed inspectors hurried over, looking at the giant worm on the ground that had been cut in half by Van Helsing, somewhat stunned.

"How did this monster die?"

"I don't know, it looks like it was split in half with a knife."

"Split in half with one knife? How is it possible?"

"It is indeed a knife mark, and there are traces of this kind of slight silver around it. Maybe it was shot by some extraordinary person."

"Alas, this is the only possibility. Not only are there monsters and extraordinary beings tonight, but the death rate of civilians has also skyrocketed. It seems like it will be another sleepless night."

"Damn Leanna, she brought the Destroyer here, but this giant worm suddenly appeared in the middle of the night, so Leanna might not have left, is she still in Rome?"

The inspectors were chatting wantonly, playing with and studying the giant worm that had been chopped into two parts, and joking with each other.

But they didn't notice that a dark figure quietly flashed past them. Listening to the chatting of the inspectors, they thought thoughtfully: "The leader of the Destroyer, Leanna."

In the suburbs of Rome, in a three-story duplex villa, Leanna and Atline were sitting on the sofa on the second floor, watching TV leisurely.

Mainly Atlain was watching TV and Leanna was thinking about the current situation.

As a mother body, Rianna could naturally detect the massive deaths of worm parasites that were lurking in Rome at night and causing chaos, so she resolutely sent out giant worms to observe the situation.

But now, the giant worm has also lost contact with herself, and Leanna has a clear understanding of the invading enemy.

"Don't look, the little guy I sent to check the situation has lost contact."

Leanna said calmly to Atline: "According to the last picture sent back before Xiaodai lost contact, it was the man in black robe who made you feel sick."

"I knew it."

When Atline heard this, Spongebob also looked at it, nodded, and agreed: "Only these demon hunters can act at night, sneak in the dark, and engage in hunting operations."

"I have determined his general location. Another apostle of the Great Eye of Destruction will set off with you. You should also be prepared and go together."

Leanna said slowly: "He is a demon hunter and you are a vampire. There is irreconcilable hatred between you. I believe that if you have the opportunity to kill the demon hunter with your own hands, you will be extremely happy."

Atline was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then showed a perfect smile: "Of course, dear Miss Leanna."

Although his current condition is not very good, with an apostle of the same level as Leanna taking action, killing the demon hunter is not a problem.

PS: Deeply mourned, the hero will live forever.

(End of this chapter)

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