i created the old gods

Chapter 177 Macrophage Worm

Chapter 177 Macrophage Worm
Atline spread his wings and freely shuttled through the streets of Rome. He felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Because he never expected that after Leanna handed him a bug like an earthworm, she would let herself fight against the mysterious demon hunter.

Although this 'earthworm' is about the same size as a human being and is following Atline rapidly underground, Atline is still a little helpless.

The giant worm is so big, but the enhanced version actually shrunk into a 1.7-meter-[-]-meter earthworm-like worm?

He also told me what kind of macrophage worm this is. Where is the giant character?

Is this another apostle of the Eye of Destruction?
Atlaine also remembered what Leanna had vowed to say before leaving, "This is the apostle of the great Eye of Destruction. He is on the same level as me, so don't be rude." After saying such words, he felt speechless.

In the dark night, the vampire Atlaine gradually approached the location Leanna told him. He quickly hid in the nearby buildings and secretly observed whether the demon hunter would appear.

Similarly, Van Helsing is also hiding in the dark at this time, waiting for some monster to arrive here.

Both parties are hiding in the same street. Whoever takes action first will reveal his position first.

After waiting quietly for more than ten minutes, Atline saw that Van Helsing did not take action, but his mood did not fluctuate much. Soon, two hurried-looking pedestrians appeared at the end of the street.

When Atlein saw these two pedestrians, he knew that the key point to break the game had come.

Following Atline's hint, two worm parasites suddenly rushed out from both sides of the road and attacked the two pedestrians frantically.

The two pedestrians were also frightened stupid by the crazy worm parasite, turned around and ran, almost in a gesture of shitting.

Van Helsing couldn't help it any longer. He picked up his silver crossbow, pointed it at the two worm parasites, and shot out two silver-white arrows, instantly blasting the heads of the two worm parasites. The worms inside Naturally, there is no chance of being spared.

"Arrows made of silver? Good guy, you really are a witcher."

Atline looked at Van Helsing who came out of the darkness, and looked at the silver crossbow in his hand, feeling a little apprehensive.

Many sources believe that vampires are afraid of many things, such as sunlight, garlic, silverware, holy water, and wooden stakes. However, most of these rumors are incorrect.

Sunlight does have a certain restraining effect on vampires, because daylight will slightly affect their thinking. Silverware also has a certain effect on vampires. Silver arrows and weapons do more damage to vampires than ordinary weapons. High, but it is not absolutely possible to restrain that blood race.

Wooden stakes do not have much effect on vampires, but if a wooden stake can be used to nail the vampire's heart, it can be temporarily paralyzed until it is removed.

But if there is a chance to nail the heart, why not just do it with silverware?
As for garlic, it is even more nonsense. The vampires have never been afraid of this kind of thing. On the contrary, holy water has enough restraint effect!

Not only if it is really the holy water given by the gods, it will be lethal not only to vampires, but also to werewolves, the mother of worms, and even humans!

Under Atline's gaze, Van Helsing's figure gradually approached his killing range. Atline took a deep breath, the bloodshot eyes between his eyes began to increase, and his fangs began to grow slowly.

When Van Helsing had completely entered the killing range, Atline made a prompt decision and instantly controlled his huge wings to glide away almost close to the ground. He let out a shrill scream and rushed towards Van Helsing!


Van Helsing reacted quickly and rolled quickly to the left. At the same time, the silver crossbow in his hand continuously pulled the trigger towards the black figure who suddenly launched the attack!

Three silver arrows shot out in a row, and Atlaine began to dodge quickly. However, because he embraced Jocelyn for the first time, his reflexes were not as good as before, and he was still hit in the arm by this silver arrow.

The sound of "stabbing" like a hot iron ingot being put into water sounded in Atline's arm. Atline remained calm and slowly pulled out the silver arrow from his arm, looking at it. The demon hunter took a deep breath and whispered: "Despicable, damn demon hunter, you will die here today."


Van Helsing sneered and raised the silver crossbow in his hand again. Van Helsing had generally controlled Atlaine's strength. He was confident that he would hunt Atlaine here tonight.

Vampire, this is the first vampire he encountered after waking up, it is very valuable for collection.

Looking at the state of the vampire in front of him, a not-so-good thought flashed through Van Helsing's mind: This vampire embraced a human for the first time!


Fan Hai cursed in a low voice in annoyance, and just as he pressed the crossbow in his hand, unexpectedly, a violent tremor broke out from the ground!

This tremor made Van Helsing unable to hold the crossbow steady just now, causing the shot to miss far and unable to touch the corners of Atline.

After feeling the violent tremors in the ground like an earthquake, Van Helsing faintly noticed something was wrong, and quickly began to gallop towards the place on the right where the earthquake was less felt!

Just a few seconds after Van Helsing left the place, a huge head full of sharp teeth suddenly rushed out from where Van Helsing had been standing. Then, a huge worm dozens of meters high emerged from the ground!

This giant worm is like an earthworm, but the bloody mouth at the top is really scary.

It didn't have any organs. Apart from its body and front tentacles, it only had a bloody mouth big enough to swallow a truck!

A roar roared out from its mouth, and the sound was so powerful that it spread to half of Rome in an instant. The victims in the nearby relief center shivered. After hearing the roar, their expressions changed.

Accompanied by the roaring sound was a fierce and smelly hurricane. Van Helsing covered his hat and leaned in front of the foul-smelling hurricane. He looked at the tall figure about thirty meters tall and was a little shocked.

He has never seen such a huge monster!

Van Helsing looked at the pale and sticky front end of the macrophage worm, which seemed to be eyeing him and wanted to treat him as dinner.

At this moment, Atline was not in a hurry. He pulled up a seat in a second-floor cafe on the street and watched with interest Van Helsing confronting the giant worm, feeling sorry for Lei in his heart. The Eye of Destruction that Anna believed in exploded.

This giant worm has at least the strength of a blood marquis or even a duke!

(End of this chapter)

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