i created the old gods

Chapter 178 Times have changed

Chapter 178 Times have changed

A violent sound came from afar, disturbing the celebrities who were attending the party. Qiaocelin was the first to react, quickly raised her head, and looked out the window with her beautiful and exquisite pupils.

Soon, Jocelyn saw a scene that surprised her.

A huge worm exploded in the street. The size of this worm exceeded everyone's imagination!
The giant worm that appeared before was only more than ten meters tall, but the giant worm that appeared here is more than thirty meters and nearly 40 meters tall!
What is the concept of 40 meters?
It is the height of a fifteen-story building. The building they are now in is only ten stories high. If the worm stood upright, it would be five stories taller than the building they are now in.

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of monster is that?!"

"It's terrible. God bless you, Zeus!"

The gentlemen and ladies were amazed and expressed deep horror at what happened outside the window.

They were a little confused about what was going on outside the window.

Nessef quickly came to the window and looked at the giant worm with a stern expression. He shouted loudly: "Cover the people here and leave. My Lord is above. Sons of Thunder, follow me!"

At the same time, Nessef whispered to the 'Son of Thunder' who was following him: "Where is Mr. Van Helsing? The situation is critical. Contact him quickly!"

Van Helsing is a professional demon hunter with rich experience. At this time, Joseph felt that he still had to rely on Van Helsing.

One thing to say is that among the three major extraordinary organizations in the world, the Eternal Night Church, the Destroyer, and the Thunder Church, the Thunder Church is the weakest and has no combat experience. The extraordinary ones were only born recently.

This is why Nessef is eager to win over Van Helsing and expand his influence in Europe.

The Eternal Night Church is all-powerful in the United States, with countless extraordinary beings, countless Destroyer masters, and various types of monsters it drives. The main reason why the Church of Thunder is as famous as these two organizations is simply because there are currently only three extraordinary organizations.

Not to mention there are any hidden organizations.

Nessef does not believe that there are no extraordinary organizations in those ancient countries with long histories. There are even many extraordinary organizations in this seemingly peaceful Europe.

There is no way, the Thunder Church is so stretched now, and it seems to have unlimited glory, but in fact, only I know my current embarrassing position.

Without any hesitation, the Son of Thunder pointed at the small figure beside the giant worm outside the window and whispered: "Your Majesty Nessef, Your Excellency Van Helsing is over there!"

The eyes are pretty good.

Nessef glanced at the son of thunder in surprise and said quickly: "In that case, let's provide support quickly and don't let Mr. Van Helsing deal with it alone!"

After saying that, fifteen Thunder Church transcendents, including Nessef, quickly ran towards the direction of the giant worm.

But instead of jumping directly from the window, I took the stairs normally.

They can't do anything else just to look cool.

Looking at the hurried-looking Sons of Thunder, there was a strange expression in Jocelin's beautiful eyes. She knew that the giant worm was related to Leanna, and now that all the Sons of Thunder with extraordinary abilities had left, it seemed that this was hers. a chance.

Qiaocelin turned around and stared at her cousin for a moment. She did not show any expression, but moved her eyes towards another young gentleman in a suit.

That was Sykes, the young boss of Momi Group, the world's seventh oil group, who can be said to be a future billionaire.

My cousin's medical company, which made over a billion dollars that year, is not at the same level as the Momi Group.

Instead of embracing my cousin for the first time, it would be better to embrace Sikes, who is in a position where he can make all the changes in the country!

After reading, Qiaocelin immediately showed a charming state and said timidly: "Mr. Sikes, how are you?"

When he heard the question from the Italian flower Joselin, Sikes immediately acted like a gentleman and said politely: "I'm fine, Miss Joselin, how about you?"

"I'm a little scared."

Qiao Celin's eyes were filled with tears, her voice was trembling, and she seemed to be crying: "My feet are weak. Can you help me? I want to go to the bathroom."

When Sikes heard this, he felt happy. On the surface, he remained calm and gentle, looking like a gentleman: "I am extremely happy, Miss Jocelyn."

The people around Sikes and Jocelyn hesitated to speak, as if they wanted to say something, but did not speak.

When several young people saw this, they were a little jealous, thinking that Sikes was very lucky, and under such circumstances, there could be beautiful women throwing themselves into his arms.

In this way, Sikes supported Jocelyn and walked towards the bathroom. Sikes looked expectant. Although he knew that there might not be any story now, but after the matter was resolved, he might be able to stay with this intention. Spend the night together with the flowers of profit.

Jocelyn's face was smiling, and her smile was different from Sikes's. There seemed to be a touch of weirdness in her smile.

The macrophage worm was roaring crazily, and densely packed tiny worms emerged from its body. In addition to the huge macrophage worm, there were countless groups of worms that came into view!


Faced with such a huge swarm of worms, Van Helsing could only curse and scurry around in the ruins of the street, while taking the time to shoot a few silver arrows at the giant worms.

The silver arrow sank into the huge body of the giant worm in an instant. However, compared to the nearly 40-meter-tall giant worm, the silver arrow of several dozen centimeters was not painful at all. After being shot into the body, , it’s just a slight pain, it’s not harmful at all.

It will not affect the movements of the giant worm at all!


Amidst the roar of the macrophage worms and the climbing sound of the swarm of worms, Van Helsing jumped left and right, quickly dodging everything that could be avoided, and anxiously confronting the macrophage worms.

This huge worm can be said to be the strongest creature that Van Helsing has encountered in his career as a demon hunter. It is not comparable to vampires, werewolves, or gargoyles!

The sound of the giant worm squirming on the ground was a bit disgusting, but Van Helsing did not dare to ignore the sound. Van Helsing knew that when the giant worm made such a sound, it meant that it was about to attack!

Just as Van Helsing expected, the giant worm adjusted its direction almost instantly and rushed towards him!

There are hundreds of pairs of tentacle-like cloth legs distributed under the long and narrow body of the macrophage worm, which rub against the ground and make a dense and uncomfortable sound.

It roared out a hoarse and muddy cry, like a curse from hell, and the sharp teeth in its bloody mouth were like drills, crushing everything in its path!

Along with the flying dust and gravel formed during the movement, Van Helsing felt an extremely terrifying aura. The silver crossbow in his hand fired arrows crazily one after another until the giant worm pounced in front of him!


Van Helsing jumped up and quickly moved his position, but the tall building where Van Helsing originally stood was instantly destroyed by the giant worm, and not even the ruins were left!
The giant worm raised its huge head, then jumped up, and suddenly charged in the direction of Van Helsing. Van Helsing could only change direction again, and while jumping up, he wildly pulled the crossbow in his hand.


There was no silver arrow left. Although the arrows were all fired, nothing seemed to have happened to the giant worm in front of him, which immediately made Van Helsing's face darken.

Having run out of arrows, Fan Helsing threw away the crossbow and quickly pulled out the two short blades hanging from his waist. After landing, he rolled towards the left, raised his head, and looked at the almost covered The giant eating worm of the moon felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

The giant worm looked at Van Helsing ferociously, and after roaring into the sky, saliva filled its bloody mouth and dripped onto the ground, leaving a rustling sound on the ground.


Van Helsing took a few heavy breaths and seemed a little nervous. He held the short blade in his hand and quickly got into a fighting position.

Although compared with the huge body of the giant worm, Van Helsing seemed extremely weak, but his fearless aura made even the giant worm a little moved.


The roaring sound filled the sky, and a hurricane with a strong smell also followed. The worms surrounding the macrophage worm also began to move densely. As far as the eye could see, there was a milky white ocean of worms!
At this critical moment, an electric arc suddenly shot out from a distance and fell into the milky white worm ocean. The arc connected with the arc and instantly formed a magnetic field in the worm ocean. A large number of worms were electrified by the arc into a pitch-black ball. ash.

Nessef took the lead and jumped out of the ruins, with layers of arcs lingering on his arms. Behind Nessef, the other fourteen Sons of Thunder were almost the same, gathered together, like a lightning cloud spreading towards the sea of ​​worms. Come!

"His Majesty Archbishop Nessef."

After Van Helsing nodded slightly and saluted Nessef, he quickly introduced the current situation: "The building on the left is still helping a vampire who is in a weak stage. It has embraced humans for the first time. Please deal with it!"

"Sigel, Vanneeden, you two go and deal with the vampires there!"

After ordering the two most powerful extraordinary beings without hesitation, Nessef firmly stood on a united front with Van Helsing: "Your Excellency Van Helsing, I think the monster in front of me is more terrifying than a vampire, so I think it is better to stay. It’s better to come down and help you.”

Van Helsing said nothing. After looking at Nessef, he nodded firmly.

Not far away, the macrophage worm still looked ferocious. Its bodies were piled together, and a thick and pungent smell was secreted from the body of the macrophage worm.

Although the Church of Thunder arrived to relieve Van Helsing's pressure, seeing the giant worm behave like this still made Van Helsing feel extremely stressed.


Suddenly, a missile with a tail flame suddenly hit the roaring macrophage worm, instantly blowing the macrophage worm down, and the place where the macrophage worm was bombarded by the missile burned with blazing fire.

The smell like barbecue filled the streets. Van Helsing was caught off guard by the sudden missile and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

what happened?
Is there an extremely powerful mage casting a spell in the distance?
Van Helsing was secretly wondering in his heart. Although he had a preliminary understanding of human technology, he never thought that human weapons were so advanced.

"Itali, the missile was launched by the Italian military or it could be some other military force."

Nessef next to Van Helsing breathed a sigh of relief and whispered to Van Helsing: "With the help of the military, this monster will not be rampant for long."

"Military, you mean this is an attack by the Roman army?!"

Van Helsing was a little stunned: "Is there a powerful magician in the army?"

He was a little surprised, because magicians were always full of arrogance and basically would not serve a country's army.

"What magician? This is a missile!"

Nessef was stunned for a moment. He pointed at the two missiles speeding towards the horizon and said, "This is it. This is the weapon of mankind now!"

As Nessef finished speaking, the two missiles accurately hit the giant worm, sparks exploded instantly, and the surging heat wave almost knocked Van Helsing away!


The giant worm roared angrily. Its whole body was covered in dark green unknown liquid after being blown up by the missile, and even some burnt marks appeared on its body.

The giant worm roared angrily, and the surrounding dust flew violently. Flying sand and rocks began to rotate around continuously. Many people were scratched by the flying rocks, and their whole bodies were soon covered with blood.

The Italian tanks and armored forces have been outflanking the giant worm. The armed helicopters visible to the naked eye are connected one after another in the sky. Countless heavy machine guns are placed in corresponding positions, and tranquilizer bombs are ready.

Humanity's armed forces are not very weak, and the Italian army is not a vegetarian. If the Destroyer hadn't caught Rome off guard the night before yesterday, and there were monsters everywhere in Rome, making it impossible for humans to launch missiles, otherwise the chaos would have been rapid. will be calmed down.

The macrophage worm is very strong, but there is only one of it. If there are more than a dozen or twenty of them, it will be difficult to eliminate the monster unless part of Rome is given up.

Van Helsing and Nessef had retreated to a distant place and were witnessing the scene of encircling and suppressing the giant worm.

"I didn't expect that today's army is so terrifying, and its combat capabilities far exceed ours."

Looking at the tanks passing one after another, Van Helsing sighed sincerely, and the words "The times have changed" were vividly reflected in him.

Nessef smiled and shook his head, and just as he was about to say something, the giant worm suddenly began to tremble violently, instantly interrupting the communication between the two!
"No, it's going to escape!"

 Two in one.

(End of this chapter)

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