i created the old gods

Chapter 179 Preliminary Conception of the Dark Alliance

Chapter 179 Preliminary Conception of the Dark Alliance

The huge body of the macrophage worm suddenly began to shrink rapidly, just like an earthworm. The macrophage worm shrank from a huge size of nearly 40 meters to more than one meter in length in an instant!

The surrounding soldiers were stunned, and Van Helsing was also caught off guard by this sudden change. Then, in full view of everyone, the giant worm quickly sank into the soil layer and disappeared in a burst of flying sand and rocks. trace.

"No, let this monster run away!"

Van Helsing's face changed drastically. He had never expected such an action from the giant worm.

Who would have thought that the giant worm was roaring and ferocious before, and seemed to be determined not to stop until it destroyed Rome, but in the end it ran away with loud thunder and small rain?
Nessef nodded and said seriously to Van Helsing: "I will go and propose to the Italian President in a moment to put the entire city of Rome under martial law. I feel that the Destroyer will come up with something else."

"It should be so. Although there has been a qualitative leap in the power of ordinary people at present, it is still better to be cautious when dealing with all kinds of strange and extraordinary monsters."

Van Helsing nodded with deep understanding, and at the same time interjected: "Yes, Your Majesty Nessef, do you know the generals of the army? Can you introduce them to me? I want to know about the current weapons of ordinary people."

Nessef glanced at Van Helsing in surprise and said repeatedly: "Of course, I believe the generals are also very happy to get along with you."

Naturally, this general cannot be a stupid general, but a general from the Nordic Federation.

As long as Van Helsing is willing, the Nordic Federation can get Van Helsing any equipment.

You may not be able to buy the top equipment on the market in bulk from the Nordic Federation, but it is still easy to buy one or two.

Van Helsing was overjoyed. He believed that he was now behind the times and must learn from ordinary people. Artillery is the only way to save mankind!

However, the governments of various countries now have no brains to believe in extraordinary beings, thinking that extraordinary beings are the hope of salvation.
It's very fantasy. Extraordinary people believe in guns and cannons, and the army believes in extraordinary people. They both think that the other is the good one.

Seeing Van Helsing so excited, Nessef was about to say something when he suddenly saw two scarred figures walking towards him.

It's Siegel and Van Needen!

The two of them are extraordinary beings in the Thunder Church who are second only to Nessef in strength. They were sent by Nessef to hunt down the weak vampire Viscount Atline. Why did they come back scarred and limping?
When the two of them got closer, Nessef saw that one of Vanneden's palms had been broken off at the elbow, and that Siegel's left eye was constantly spurting blood.

"Medic! Medic!"

Nessef shouted to the field doctor, and after summoning the military doctor accompanying the army, he asked eagerly: "What's going on? How did you two end up like this?"

Nessef was puzzled by the scarred two men. He didn't know why they could do this two against one.

"Your Majesty, our operation failed."

Siegel covered his left eye and said in pain: "The two of us were attacked by the vampire just as we stepped onto the rooftop. Unprepared, my left eye was pulled out by him, and "Faneden"

Hearing this, Nessef's heart sank. Before he could continue to say anything, Siegel continued: "We controlled the arc to fight, and managed to hit the vampire a few times, but the vampire simply couldn't. Instead of fighting with us, they spread their wings and glided away, even killing a few soldiers who were unaware of their intentions, and finally disappeared into the night."

"Are vampires so difficult to deal with?"

Nessef already had some regrets in his heart, he would have sent more men if he had known it.

After all, he and the remaining 12 people did not make any contribution. They just watched the Italian army's firepower suppress the giant worm with Van Helsing.

"Vampires are very cunning, and you can get hurt by them if you are not careful."

Van Helsing also looked annoyed: "If I had known this would happen, I would have gone there myself, but now Mr. Siegel and Mr. Van Neerden have been injured. I'm sorry."

"This is not your problem, it's our fault."

Nesef sighed. At this time, the military doctor had also rushed over to treat Siegel and Van Nieden. At the same time, the foolish frontline commander also rushed to Nessef's side and tried to trick him. It's almost.

Looking at Nessef chatting and laughing with the general, Van Helsing gradually hid himself, pretending to have no sense of existence, listened carefully to the chat between the general and Nessef, and also pretended to understand.

In the suburbs, the night gradually receded. Atline landed from the balcony on the second floor, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and groaned softly.

Leanna followed the sound, looked at the injured Atlaine, and said calmly: "How about it, have you killed the demon hunter?"

"No, the Italian military and the Thunder Church are providing support very quickly."

Atline's face didn't turn red, and his heart didn't beat. He didn't even mention that he took a break and didn't touch up Van Helsing: "However, I also disabled two extraordinary beings from the Church of Thunder. Their thunder is very powerful, and I feel a little numb now." .”

That's right, it was just numbness, but the two Sons of Thunder lost their body organs. Overall, Atlaine still earned his blood.

The main reason why Atline did not taunt the extraordinary beings of the Thunder Church was because he did not kill Van Helsing, and he always had to find an excuse to make up for this.

Just in time, the Thunder Church appeared. Although they were a weak group, this did not prevent Atrein from taking the blame.

It’s not that I didn’t work hard, it was because the extraordinary beings from the Thunder Church were too powerful. I seriously injured two of them, so I retreated when I had no other choice.

In this way, my face will look much better.

Leanna has no doubts. To her, it doesn't matter whether a demon hunter kills him or not. Even if Atline fails, it won't be a problem: "What's going on there with Jocelyn?"

"I'm not sure, but she hasn't come back yet. Maybe something happened."

After Atlain thought for a moment, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "But as long as her identity is not exposed, there will be no security problems. By the way, how is the giant worm? I only heard the explosion in the sky, Didn’t get a chance to catch a glimpse of the macrophage worm.”

Hearing this, Leanna frowned slightly and said slowly: "I was hit a few times by human missiles. It's just a skin injury. It's not a problem."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Atline breathed a long sigh of relief and was very happy: the bursts of gunfire almost ignited the entire sky, and the huge explosion undoubtedly made Atline feel extremely frightened, which was why he ran away quickly.

"Come in first. It is estimated that the Italian government will investigate the surrounding area soon. Don't reveal your secret."

Leanna said expressionlessly: "I have ordered the worm parasites to launch a riot in the west of the city in an hour to attract the attention of the government. During this period, you must hide it. I believe that with your ability, these ordinary No one can do anything to you."

"Don't worry, I will hide it well."

Atline nodded, he was very confident in his hiding methods in the dark night.

Not only that, his appearance was only known to the two Sons of Thunder who fought with him, and even the demon hunter didn't see his face. Atline was very confident that he could evade the government's searches.

He cannot stay in Jocelyn's villa. Although his exposure may not be high, if he is exposed, it will directly affect Jocelyn and lead to the complete collapse of the 'Rome New Base Plan'!
Leanna looked at Atline and said slowly: "We will meet you back in the evening in three days. I don't want your figure to appear on TV and be announced by those humans showing off their power."

"My strength is not high, but my ability to hide is absolutely top-notch. Don't forget, our vampire family can survive only by hiding among humans." Atline said with a chuckle.

Immediately, the black wings behind Atline opened again. After taking a deep breath, he quickly jumped off the balcony on the second floor, glided to the ground, and disappeared into the darkness.

Leanna looked at Atlaine who disappeared and sighed slightly.

How could the macrophage worm be just a skin injury?
If it was just a skin injury, the macrophage worm would not be able to escape, but would continue to fight. The main reason why it would escape is that it was too seriously injured and could no longer withstand it.

Otherwise, the macrophage worm will continue to kill.

"The Vampires are not good enough. If I only have the Vampires and Worms in my hands, sooner or later they will be exterminated by the ever-growing Thunder Church and Eternal Night Church!"

Leanna secretly thought: "Britain! There are still traces of werewolves in Britain. Werewolves can also be recruited by me to become a member of the Destroyer. But by then, the Destroyer organization may have to change its name."

"We non-human life forms must be closely united, otherwise sooner or later we will be defeated one by one."

"In addition to werewolves, I am also looking for other extraordinary creatures across Europe. There was a Cyclops on the Greek Peninsula. I believe there will never be only one Cyclops!"

"As well as Africa, Asia, and South America, I don't believe that these places don't have any supernatural power at all!"

"The slogan of destroying the world cannot be mentioned again. The Great Eye of Destruction is currently unable to respond to our situation here. I also need to use other slogans to win over allies."

One idea after another that could strengthen the organization began to think in Leanna's mind, and Leanna was not stupid, she was well aware of the consequences of the slogan of destroying the world.

Let me tell you, who would cooperate with an organization that wants to destroy the world?

Vampires, werewolves, and one-eyed giants. These races with a long history on earth only want to rule the world and then enjoy themselves in peace. They have never had such stupid thoughts as destroying the world.

If the Destroyer continues to use such slogans, even if an alliance is reluctantly formed, it will be an alliance full of loopholes, and it would be better not to form it at all.

Therefore, Rhianna wants to reform and innovate, and she herself does not want to destroy the world.
"Eradicate human tyranny, and the earth belongs to everyone!"

After casually thinking of a new slogan in her mind, Leanna suddenly heard the sound of the key opening the door. When she knew that Qiaocelin had returned home, with a thought, she suddenly disappeared from the balcony on the second floor and appeared on the sofa on the first floor.

It seemed like Leanna was flashing, but in fact the worm was very fast. Within a few seconds, the worm penetrated through the floor and came to the first floor to reassemble its body.

Leanna's body still exists in the Maple Leaf Kingdom's base camp, responsible for the production of worms.

However, Leanna knew in her heart that she was probably reaching her limit, and the number of worms she produced was rapidly decreasing, and it would take at least a few years to recover.

After a few seconds, Jocelyn also opened the door to her home and entered the villa. However, Jocelyn did not come back alone. There was a lost young man behind her.

"Your Highness Leanna."

After Jocelyn returned to the villa, she saw Leanna sitting on the sofa. She immediately saluted respectfully, and at the same time whispered to the young man behind her: "What are you doing standing still? You haven't met Her Highness Leanna yet!"

The young man was obviously stunned, then swallowed, and said to Leanna tremblingly: "Greetings, Your Highness Leanna."

Leanna frowned slightly. She had already guessed that this young man was the human being whom Qiaocelin embraced for the first time: "Who is he and why did you embrace him for the first time?"

"His Royal Highness, he is Sykes, the young owner of Momi Group, and he is very helpful to our plan."

Qiao Celin smiled and said: "I have made him my blood slave for the first time. You know, vampires like us are noble, and such despicable humans can only become our blood slaves."

After saying that, Qiao Celin immediately added: "But please don't worry, even if he is a blood slave, I can firmly control his every move and will not cause you any trouble."

In just one day, Jocelin had successfully transformed from an ordinary Italian actress into a vampire, and her arrogant temperament was exactly the same as Atline's.

"It's up to you, I just need the leader of a group."

Leanna looked calmly and said slowly: "Is he the person in charge of the Momi Group?"


Jocelin's expression froze instantly: "His father is."

"Then why didn't you embrace his father for the first time, instead of embracing him for the first time?"

"I didn't find his father"

Hearing this, Leanna took a deep breath, waved her hands, and said in a deep voice: "Forget it, I will arrange someone to deal with his father so that he can take over the group."

After saying that, Leanna gave Qiao Celin a cold look: "I can only tolerate this situation once. If it happens again, even the true ancestor of the blood clan will not be able to save you!"

Jocelyn nodded frantically, and when Sykes heard that Leanna seemed to want to attack his father, his body trembled suddenly, and he said in a trembling voice: "No Lord Leanna, wait!"

"I have a way to win my father over to your side!"

 It’s still 4000 words in two.

(End of this chapter)

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