i created the old gods

Chapter 180 Pattern

Chapter 180 Pattern
Jingchuan watched Leanna's every move clearly from the sky.

The Macrophagic Worm is an extraordinary creature strengthened by Jingchuan in the name of the Eye of Destruction to enhance the strength of Leanna's side.

After all, judging from the current situation, the three major organizations of the Destroyer, the Church of Thunder and the Church of Eternal Night already have the most basic superhumans, as well as the strongest in name, such as the 'Eye of Destruction', 'Eternal Night' Gods like "Lord of Thunder" and "Lord of Thunder".

This created a very embarrassing situation.

There is a missing backbone between the gods and basic extraordinary beings. The current extraordinary being, Leanna, can threaten a fully armed armored force, and the rest can basically only deal with infantry, so it seems that the extraordinary ones are not that extraordinary.

It will take at least seven or eight years for these basic extraordinary beings to grow into intermediate and advanced extraordinary beings. Jingchuan can wait, but now the earth needs many intermediate extraordinary beings to lead the earth to the extraordinary era.

Therefore, Jingchuan decided to create a group of relatively high-level extraordinary beings here, and at the same time unlock extraordinary forces in some new areas. Only in this way can the earth's extraordinary elements be enriched and the earth's extraordinary beings be diversified.

"Let's start with Europe and the United States, and do it step by step."

Jingchuan's mind spun rapidly, and he immediately conceived a beautiful blueprint in his mind. Then, an extremely tyrannical energy surged from Jingchuan's fingers, and one after another "giants" with a height of two to three meters began. Birth.

These giants have dark or green skin color, only one eye standing in the center of their head, their whole body is muscular and their strength is amazing.

After Jingchuan produced a series of more than 40 such mass-produced one-eyed giants, he randomly gave the weak magical power of three one-eyed giants and began to create other images.

"The villain has forty one-eyed giants here. He will increase the number of giant worms by five later. Their strength should have surpassed the Church of Eternal Night."

After Jingchuan pondered for a moment, he stared in the direction of Meizhou Island. With a wave of his hand, three ancient Indians in primitive clothes began to form. They seemed to be the priests in charge of sacrifices in the tribe.

"The Indians need some priests with witchcraft to add some sense of history."

After finishing speaking, Jingchuan looked at Britain again, and an old man wearing a magic hat began to gather together quickly.

This old magician is different from the one-eyed giant and the Indian priest. He is a great magician created by Jingchuan based on British legends. He can be said to be the most famous magician in Britain and even the world.

He is King Arthur's guide, and King Arthur's right-hand assistant. He is Britain's legendary magician, Merlin!

Creating Merlin as the guardian of Europe is something Jingchuan has long thought about, but unlike the Merlin in the legendary story, the Merlin created by Jingchuan will not be as heroic and invincible as in the story.

He will still have powerful magical abilities compared to ordinary people, but he will not be able to predict the future and change destiny like in the legends. Moreover, compared with the stories, his magical power will be greatly reduced.

To put it simply, the goal is to make the situation in Europe as balanced as possible, without causing a situation like the Destroyer destroying the world and the Thunder Church overwhelmingly defeating the Destroyer.

There is black and white, and where there is light there must be shadow. No matter what the situation is, evil villains are bound to appear on the earth. In this case, why not let Leanna, a seemingly relatively high-level Apostle of Destruction, take charge of the shadows?
At least this organization knows the basics. All members are created by themselves, which is a hundred times better than those naturally formed weak chickens.

Immediately, Jingchuan began to arrange the memories and birthplaces of these forty one-eyed giants, three Indian priests, and the legendary magician Merlin.

About half a day later, Jingchuan, who had arranged everything, put these characters in, suddenly thought of the situation in Asia, and fell into brief contemplation.

"Forget it, after the matters in Europe and America are settled, I will go to Asia to revive Asia's spiritual energy."

Jingchuan murmured: "The world situation should be much better than it is now."

It is also a good choice to open up the situation and make plans after stabilizing the situation.

It just so happens that Jingchuan now has the idea of ​​​​the King in Yellow. After the situation stabilizes, he may perform a wave of performances in Asia.

It doesn't matter whether you can deceive people or not, the important thing is to gather strength.

Power is the source of everything. Jingchuan now knows that there is something beyond the starry sky peering at the earth, and he must solve it as soon as possible.

"Celtic officer, your coffee."

On the streets of London, a newly recruited police officer held two cups of coffee and quickly caught up with Celtic. He handed a cup of coffee to Celtic with a look of reverence in his eyes: "You want it without sugar." .”

The story of Celtic's pursuit of the werewolf against all odds has spread, and Celtic has almost become a household name. Everyone knows that this young police officer is the first hero to discover the werewolf.

Young girls adored him, and the newly recruited police officers also admired him. For a time, Celtic was in the limelight and could be said to be London's rising star.

"Well, thank you."

Celtic took the coffee that was handed to him and nodded indifferently. After taking a sip of the coffee, he seemed calm on the surface, but he was actually far away from the sky in his heart.

No one would have thought that he, the 'Outstanding Police Officer of London Police', 'Outstanding Citizen of London', 'Fighting Hero', and 'No. 1 Fighter against Werewolves', would actually be a werewolf!
Celtic doesn’t want to be a werewolf, but he has no choice!
Who would have thought that out of so many people who had been injured, only he would be assimilated by a werewolf and become a new werewolf!
At the beginning, Celtic was uncomfortable in various ways.

The werewolf gene gave Celtic physical enhancement, which made it impossible for him to live a normal life in the past few days.

Clothes would be torn carelessly, and cups would be broken carelessly. After a long time, Celtic could barely adapt to her new life.

In addition to these things, the most important thing is that whenever night falls, he will feel extra excited, especially when he is illuminated by the moonlight.

Kelt was already feeling a little uneasy now.

The werewolf will transform at the full moon, and there are less than two weeks left until the next full moon. What should he do? How should he hide his identity?
Just when Kelt was troubled, a childish voice suddenly reached his ears: "Mr. Police Officer, can we have a chat?"

(End of this chapter)

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