i created the old gods

Chapter 181 Werewolf Celtic

Chapter 181 Werewolf Celtic


Kelt raised his head, and what caught his eye was a little girl with freckles on her face, who looked like she was only in her teens.

Not only that, but she was accompanied by a very stinky-looking young man. This young man gave Kelte a very uncomfortable feeling. Kelte almost couldn't control his heart and bit him. Go up.

As an excellent police officer, Kelt put his hand on the pistol almost instantly, lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "Who are you?"

Just based on this young man who made him feel a little uncomfortable, Celtic could conclude that they must be extraordinary creatures.

As for being young and seemingly harmless, who knows what will happen behind the scenes?
Isn’t the leader of the Destroyer organization, the madman Rhianna who wants to destroy the world, only a teenager?

"Of course I have something important to say."

The little girl with freckles on her face said innocently. After that, she took a deep look at the young police officer who was following Celtic, lowered her voice, and said in a very small voice: " This is related to werewolves."

The sound was very, very small. If it weren't for the hearing enhanced by the werewolf gene and Celtic's deliberate listening carefully, otherwise this sound would definitely be ignored by the noisy sounds on the street.

When he heard this sentence, Celtic's expression changed instantly, but he quickly adjusted his state, turned around, and said kindly to the newly recruited police officer: "Will, I There's something going on here, please patrol first, I'll be back later."

Will had never seen Officer Celtic treat him so kindly, and his voice stuttered a little: "Huh? Oh, okay, Officer Celtic, you... do whatever you want."

"Okay, thank you. I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

After Celtic casually said a polite phrase he learned from a Chinese friend, he immediately turned around and took the freckled girl's hand, pretending to be loud: "Let's go, I'll treat you to a big dinner!"

After saying that, the young man who looked very stinky forced out a smile and started performing with Celtic: "Okay, let's go together..."

The performance was very stiff, just for Officer Will behind him to see.

Soon, under the watchful eye of Officer Will, the three of them slowly disappeared at the end of the street, while Officer Will sighed and continued his patrol mission.

How could there be any suspicion?

Will secretly thought in his heart: The Celtic police officer is the number one in fighting werewolves and is the pride of the London Police Department. If the Celtic police officer betrays humanity, it might as well be said that the Destroyer is preparing to destroy London.

In Will's opinion, the latter is more likely than the former.

But this time, I received a commendation from the Celtic Police Officer and invited me to dinner in the evening. It seems that I will be promoted step by step. Maybe it won’t be long before I become the deputy director, enter the Church of Thunder, and become a person with super powers. What about new humans!
With infinite hope, Will embarks on a patrol trip.

Kelt followed Leanna and Atlaine as they moved forward, turning through countless streets, and finally stopped in front of a dilapidated shop and entered the shop together.


The harsh sound of the door being pushed open was extremely sharp. The owner of the shop frowned, raised his head and was about to say something, but when he saw Leanna's figure, he immediately swallowed back what he wanted to say. Respectfully: "Your Highness Leanna."


Leanna waved her hand slightly and said to the boss: "Go and guard the door. I don't want anyone to hear our conversation, do you understand?"


The boss said flatteringly, and then quickly left the house, and began to stand guard at the door, watching out for all figures.

Seeing the store owner leaving, Leanna's face quickly began to change. One after another worms swam quickly on Leanna's face, gradually transforming Leanna into the face on the wanted poster, which was Leanna. The original face.Celtic's expression froze instantly. He pointed at Leanna in disbelief: "You are Leanna?!"

"Since you already know my identity, why do you ask?"

Leanna casually sat in the shop owner's seat, yawned, and said slowly: "Werewolf, it seems that you are doing well in London. I heard that you will soon enter the upper echelon of the London Police Department and become a subordinate. One-term director.”

Kelt did not reply to any words from Leanna. He was still immersed in the shock of Leanna being right in front of him.

No wonder the governments around the world can't find any trace of Leanna. It turns out that Leanna can change her face and change her appearance!

And every time I go out, I have someone accompanying me, and I feel like I am a guardian. It would be crazy if I could catch Leanna like this!
Is it possible to catch all the girls around ten years old?
Seeing that Kelt was speechless for a while, Atline became a little angry, and immediately shouted: "You wild dog, what's your name?! He's not dead yet. It seems that the London police department is like that, even Not even a werewolf can see through it."

It has been three days since the last night attack on Rome. During these three days, Riatline has been spending time in the wild. He has not watched SpongeBob SquarePants or played games for three days.

Coupled with the fact that he met a werewolf, his racial enemy, his tone of voice naturally became more aggressive.

Celtic's thinking was interrupted by the foul-mouthed Atrein. He raised his head and looked at Atrein, feeling more and more uncomfortable in his heart. He, who was originally elegant and easy-going, burst out a sentence immediately : "What are you, why are you here?!"

Seeing that Celtic and Atlaine were vaguely conflicting after they had not known each other for three minutes, Leanna sighed and said that it was really difficult to integrate the dark power, and immediately said: "This is Atlaine, a vampire. Members, there may be some misunderstanding among your races, but now we should unite, because we have a common enemy!"

"Mr. Kelt, I sincerely invite you to join us and become one of us.",

After saying that, Leanna's eyes flashed with sincerity: "Only when we unite can we defeat mankind and truly achieve glory!"

"Will I destroy the world with you?" Celtic was a little confused.

I am a good London policeman, making waves and driving thunder and lightning in the human circle, and my life is endless.

Now you want me to follow you and destroy the world?
Am I crazy?
"Mr. Celtic, we have never thought of destroying the world. The only ones we want to destroy are humans. Our race, which is different from humans, must be united and cannot be broken by humans!"

Leanna's voice was full of sincerity: "Think about it, if your identity is exposed, how will you be treated by humans?"

However, this sentence also reminded Kelt. After hesitating for a moment, he gave Leanna a reply: "Give me a day to think about it. I will give you mine at this place at [-] noon tomorrow." Answer."

Leanna knew that this matter was almost done, and her smile became brighter: "Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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