i created the old gods

Chapter 182 Legendary characters

Chapter 182 Legendary characters
"Are you so sure that this stupid dog will join your what...organization?"

Atline was half leaning against the wall, looking at Leanna who looked like the overall situation was decided, and couldn't help but say: "What if he backhands us and reports us?"

"No, he will not report us. If he reports us, his identity will be exposed."

Leanna raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and said lightly: "Besides, even if we are exposed, we can evacuate quickly, but he has to lose this very advantageous identity. It is not cost-effective."

"In that case, we can just threaten him to join us. Why should we give him a day to think about it?"

Atline muttered softly, he was very unhappy with Leanna's decision.

Not only because Celtic is a werewolf, the main reason is why I was forced to join, but Celtic can persuade me to join?
It's not fair. You are discriminating against vampires. You are racially discriminating!
Sure enough, hell is empty and Leanna is here on earth!
"A week ago, a joint operation between the British police and the military killed a werewolf, and this Celtic police officer made an outstanding contribution to this. With this contribution, he directly became a household name in London and a high-level member of the British government in the future."

Leanna glanced at Atlaine and explained: "Why did he do this? Selling his own kind? Temporarily assimilated? Or do the werewolves need a high-ranking official on the surface?"

"No one knows what the situation is. I can only rely on the most ideal point, which is that there is a huge werewolf group behind Celtic."

Moreover, Celtic's idea of ​​thinking about it for a day is somewhat in line with Leanna's conjecture.

Leanna thought, this day should be used to communicate and discuss with the big shots behind him, right?

Leanna was thinking secretly, and in her mind she pictured an unfathomable British werewolf family who dared to sacrifice themselves and lurk in humans. If there were no accidents, the whole of London would probably become that family's hunting ground in 30 years.

When Leanna thought of this, the fear in her heart became deeper and deeper, and she couldn't help but secretly said in her heart, "Werewolves are so terrifying."

Atline felt extremely aggrieved when he heard Leanna's explanation.

He also has a family, but something went wrong and he couldn't find other members of the family.

Jealousy made Atline separate, and he couldn't help shouting in a low voice: "Werewolves are so lucky, they can still hug each other for warmth in the new era." '

"However, ferocious beasts always walk alone, cattle and sheep only travel in groups, and werewolves are still inferior!"

Listening to Atlaine's self-comfort, Leanna opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say a word to refute.

Not to mention the bug in what you said, let's just say that your vampire clan seems to be a family system.
However, Atlaine is one of her own after all, and Leanna would not speak like this to attack Atlaine's mentality.


Rhianna let out a long sigh, and looked to the south with deep eyes.

Now she only hopes that after the matter in London is resolved, the Cyclops trip to southern Greece can proceed smoothly.

Celtic walked out of the remote street, his brain felt very confused, as if it was a ball of paste. He still had not recovered from the shock brought by Leanna.

Destroyer, vampire, werewolf.
For now, these three are the 'dark' forces that the Celtics know about, not counting the three world-destroying beasts in Norse mythology and the one-eyed giant in Greece.

It seems that the evil forces in Europe are very large, with all kinds of creatures ranging from myths and stories to folklore, but Celtic knows that the evil forces cannot dominate Europe with one hand.

The Church of Thunder exists in Europe!

Although their current sphere of influence is still in Northern Europe, Celtic knows that they have begun to spread to other regions. The British Parliament passed a bill the day before yesterday to build a new Thunder Church in London.

Celtic also had contact with the missionary from the Thunder Church not long ago, and the missionary also gave Celtic a feeling like a thorn in his back.

"Yes, I should join the Destroyer Organization. If I continue like this, sooner or later I will be discovered by the people from the Thunder Church!"

Celtic hesitated all the way, and when he was about to return to the police station, he made this embarrassing decision.

He is now a bit afraid of being a wolf at both ends. He is a little worried that the Thunder Church will find out his identity, and he is also worried that the Destroyer organization is planning to do something wrong. At the same time, he is not willing to really become a lackey of the dark forces. Reasons he needed a day to think about.

It's a pity that his unintentional move deceived Leanna, who can be said to be wily.

There are also drawbacks to smart people thinking too much.

"Officer Celtic!"

"police officer!"

As soon as they entered the police station, all the free police officers greeted Kelt, and Kelt responded with a smile.

He enjoyed the feeling of being regarded as a hero very much and did not want to lose this feeling.

"Keltic, it's time for you to come back!"

Suddenly, Kelt heard the director's silly laugh from behind.

He frowned slightly, turned around, looked at the director with a beer belly, and said, "What are your orders, Director Marvin."

Director Marvin's face was bright red. He looked at Celtic and couldn't hide the excitement in his heart: "Come to my office later, Congress has a shocking news!"

The surrounding police officers naturally heard Chief Marvin's words, and they were also curious about this 'shattering news'.

Gossip is a human instinct, and this instinct knows no boundaries.

After saying that, he adjusted his mood for a while, looked at the police officers on the left and right, cleared his throat, and said seriously: "Okay, you can continue to work. Officer Celtic and I have something to talk about."

This matter is now only circulated among high-level officials. If it weren't for the fact that Celtic is the 'No. 1 fighter against werewolves', Director Marvin wouldn't even have told Celtic!
Kelt was a little confused. He followed Director Marvin all the way to his office and listened with all ears: "Director Marvin, please tell me, what is the shocking news that deserves so much attention from Congress and you?" .”

"Have you heard of the story of King Arthur?" Director Marvin said mysteriously.

"Of course I've heard of it."

Celtic felt that Director Marvin was talking nonsense. The story of King Arthur was part of "Celtic Mythology". It had the same name as him. How could he not know?

Moreover, the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table is well-known in Britain. I am afraid that only aliens do not know the legend of King Arthur.

Could it be that King Arthur is resurrected?
Kelt was thinking wildly, but soon Director Marvin gave him an answer:
"The legendary magician beside King Arthur, Lord Merlin has returned!"

(End of this chapter)

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