i created the old gods

Chapter 183 Merlin’s intimidating power

Chapter 183 Merlin’s intimidating power

After Celtic heard this familiar name, his first reaction was not happiness, but a coldness that was hard to describe in words!

The legendary mage Merlin is a familiar story in Celtic childhood. Merlin’s wisdom and Arthur’s bravery are the enlightenment books for every child in Britain!

The reason why Celtic's name is Celtic is because his parents like the content of Celtic mythology very much, so they gave him a Celtic name!
According to the word of mouth passed down from generation to generation, Merlin can be regarded as the number one among the gods, a demigod-like existence!

Such a powerful existence has actually returned? !

Director Marvin did not notice Celtic's expression, but said triumphantly: "Yes, this great magician was found on the shore of the English Channel. At that time, He rescued a man who was seriously injured after falling from a building. boy."

"With this great being in our Britain, no monsters will dare to invade us!"

Hearing this, Celtic nodded stiffly, exhaled a breath, forced a smile, and said: "Yes, no one dares to invade our Britain. Our Britain will soon become the safest country in the world." ”

"Lord Merlin rejected our request to escort him. He said that he would personally travel to what is now Britain to understand the situation in Britain. He will arrive in London in about a week."

Even after such a long time, Director Marvin still couldn't hide his excitement: "Seven days later, at eight o'clock in the morning, you and I will represent the Metropolitan Police Department to welcome the arrival of Lord Merlin, and at the same time be responsible for protecting the safety of Lord Merlin!"

"Lord Merlin doesn't want to make a big deal, he just wants to be considerate of the people. He will arrive in London as an ordinary person. On the day when he starts a one-day trip in London, the Prime Minister, the Parliament, and I don't want anything to happen."

Kelt took a deep breath, tried his best to relieve his tension, and said to Director Marvin: "Okay, I understand, I will definitely maintain security that day and will use my own life to protect it. Lord Merlin, try to let Lord Merlin see a clean and safe London."

"Don't be so nervous, just relax."

Looking at Celtic who was so nervous, Director Marvin did not realize what was wrong. Instead, he joked: "Master Merlin does not need your protection. He is a legendary magician. His strength is astonishing. He is the strongest person among the gods. Where can he be?" It's our turn to protect us mortals?"


Kelt said stiffly, but Director Marvin didn't intend to have anything more to do with Kelt. He waved his hand: "I'll give you three days of leave to adjust your condition and try to get better." Face Master Merlin in your fullest state, is it clear?"


After Kelte nodded, he slowly turned around and left the director's office, feeling extremely anxious.

His mind was blank now, and he was more frightened than before facing Rhianna.

How to do?How to do?
Merlin is coming, the legendary magician Merlin is coming
Celtic only had this idea in his mind now, and he was a little at a loss.

An ordinary missionary from the Thunder Church would give Celtic a feeling like a thorn in his back, and Celtic would even feel like he could be exposed at any time.

And now, with the arrival of a legendary magician, wouldn't it be easy for me to be exposed and be seen through by Merlin? !
Merlin, that is a god-like existence, and he is definitely no match for him!

Asking for help, I am definitely no match for Merlin based on my own ability. I can only ask for help from others!
Instantly, Kelt thought of Leanna and Atlaine he had met at noon today, and his heart became confused.

Does Leanna know something?
If you didn't come yesterday, you won't come tomorrow, so why come now?Has she already decided that I won’t refuse?
But one thing to say, Celtic knew that he had no choice now.

"Chief, are you back?"

Suddenly, a surprising voice interrupted Kelt's thinking. Kelt looked up and saw that it was his partner today, the newly recruited police officer Will.

"Well, I still have some things to do. You can continue patrolling this afternoon."

Kelt said perfunctorily: "There will be a big event in a week. You can go out with me."


Although Will didn't know what big event it was, it was a great blessing to be able to attend with his idol: "I will definitely work hard, please don't worry, Officer Celtic!"


Celtic nodded perfunctorily. For him, Will was just a patrol tool for him. He didn't need any communication at all. He only needed to draw some pie to stabilize his heart.

After saying goodbye to Will, Celtic went out and walked straight towards the dilapidated shop he left a few minutes ago.

Will looked at Celtic's leaving figure, his eyes filled with little stars, and thought to himself: "Walking with the wind, is this our savior in London?"

"One day, I will become such a person, and I will also become a hero in London!"

Kelt turned around four or five streets with familiarity and came to the inconspicuous shop.

Pushing open the door of the store, Kelt walked straight to the boss and whispered: "Where are Leanna and Atlaine? I'm here to find them."

But before the boss could reply, Leanna's voice came from behind Kelt: "I've always been here, can't you see me?"

After hearing this, Kelt turned around and slowly lowered his gaze, only to find Leanna who was as tall as the table.

I'm too young, not tall, and the table is in the way, so it's a bit embarrassing.

"I have decided, I am willing to join the Destroyer, I think the Destroyer is a great organization, I think"

Celtic quickly began to read the short composition. After listening to Celtic's small composition seriously, Leanna said: "The Destroyer welcomes you to join. From now on, you are the general manager of London. London"

Celtic almost jumped up when he heard this. He joined the Destroyer just to avoid facing Merlin head-on. Now the Destroyer actually let him stay in London?

Immediately, he immediately said: "Wait, can you transfer me out of London? I can go anywhere. I suggest that the Destroyer also evacuate London as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Hearing this, Leanna was a little confused: "Why?"

Celtic took a deep breath and said slowly, "A week later, the legendary mage Merlin will arrive in London to conduct a one-day inspection of London. By then, all the darkness will be dispelled by him."

Hearing this, Leanna unconsciously raised the corner of her mouth and smiled strangely: "A week from now, Merlin?"

"A week later, in order to celebrate Merlin's arrival in London, I will give London a big gift!"

(End of this chapter)

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