i created the old gods

Chapter 184 Meeting Ceremony

Chapter 184 Meeting Ceremony

Walking through the field paths on the outskirts of London, Britain, Merlin sniffed the fragrance of flowers on both sides of the road, feeling nothing in his heart.

After several days of journey, he visited the current situation of dozens of cities in Britain, large and small, and had a general impression of Britain now, an impression that was neither very good nor too bad.

After arriving near London, the situation here suddenly changed dramatically. The fragrance of flowers could be smelled everywhere. Merlin had also been in power, so he naturally understood the ulterior motives of the government.

However, Merlin understood and understood, but he did have a great impression of London.

However, one has to go into the city to know the true connotation of a city. Now it is just a bright and beautiful surface, so a little good impression cannot make Merlin believe in London wholeheartedly.

Merlin sensed the mysterious men in suits and ties following him a few hundred meters away. He shook his head slightly and continued to pretend he didn't know anything, allowing them to send messages to the officials.

Sometimes even if you know something, you have to pretend not to know and just muddle along.

As a general and prime minister, with many years of experience in governing in Britain's history, and a world-renowned magician, Merlin knew very well about the ways of the world.


Standing on the outskirts of London, Merlin's eyes were as bright as fire, and a golden light flashed between his eyes. In an instant, he saw the small team of more than twenty people in front of the city, and one thought after another rose in his heart.

Quicksett, the current Prime Minister of Britain.
Marvin, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.
The information of all the officials who greeted Merlin suddenly appeared in Merlin's mind. In a few thoughts, all the officials who greeted Merlin had been understood by Merlin. He nodded slightly, and finally focused his attention on Celtic.

"Celtic, the hero of London, the first policeman to discover a werewolf?"

Merlin muttered out Celtic's information based on the information he collected, feeling a little confused.

He felt an aura that was not human in Celtic!
Merlin chuckled, his white beard trembling: "Inhuman, interesting."

As a legendary magician, he had seen too many non-human lives. Merlin would naturally not do anything to those friendly non-human races.

He only targets those races that are hostile and hateful to humans. Only for such races, Merlin will carry out ruthless attacks.

For example, werewolves, vampires, etc., these are Merlin's targets, but elves and the like will not have any problems.

"Celt hopes that you are a kind race like elves, otherwise."

Merlin murmured to himself, and the inconspicuous crutch in his hand flashed a wave of emotion inadvertently.

The aura belonging to the legendary great magician began to surge up in Merlin's body.

On the only way to enter the city from London, there were more than 20 big shots from Britain in suits and ties, eagerly awaiting Merlin's arrival. The Prime Minister was already looking forward to it.

It can be clearly seen from the tourists coming and going that there are inexplicably more police on duty here, and there are troops stationed in the distance. No one knows what is happening here. After all, Merlin's arrival in London is considered a top secret.

Will stood in the police team at the entrance to the city, holding a police submachine gun majestically, standing on both sides of the road, looking at Celtic who was staying with the big shots not far away, his admiration was beyond the surface.

'I will definitely work hard! 'Will swore secretly in his heart.

But the object of Will's admiration, London's city hero and heroic policeman Celtic, is now in a state of panic and extremely anxious. He looks nervously at the figure at the intersection, seeming to be very frightened and resistant to Merlin's arrival.

However, Celtic's mentality was hidden very well. No one present saw what was special about Celtic, which made Celtic feel a little relieved.

But Kelt felt a little shuddered when he thought about the gift the Destroyer gave Merlin when he arrived in London not long after.

As a member of the 'villains', Celtic knew about Leanna's plan and what the gift for Merlin was.

It's not a super weapon that can kill Merlin, it's not a ferocious monster that shocks ancient and modern times, and it's certainly not a warm little gift.

Rianna is going to send Merlin a biological crisis, a biological crisis that can overturn London!

A large number of worm parasites were secretly transported to London by Leanna in one day. Leanna also has many worms that have not yet been parasitized and is ready to find new parasites in London.

Rianna's purpose is not to eliminate Merlin and severely damage the British government. Her main purpose is to test Merlin's strength and disgust Merlin!
At the same time, Leanna will also use Merlin to solve the thorn in Cyclops!
Not long ago, Leanna suddenly went to the Greek Peninsula and found a group of one-eyed giants. After Akatsuki was moved by her emotions, she won over these one-eyed giants.

However, there are also some thorns among these one-eyed giants who are dissatisfied with Rhianna's status as leader.

Leanna also wanted to take this opportunity to eradicate these Cyclops giants who did not listen to orders, so that she could truly control the small group of Cyclops giants.

The main reason why Celtic was so trembling and unbearable was because he used to be a police officer in London and had some special feelings for London.

One thing to say is that Kelt is not a villain in the traditional sense. He has a normal mentality, unlike Leanna and Atlaine.

The reason why he joins the Destroyer as a villain is mainly because he fears for his life.

Celtic himself is a member of the government, and he knows very well what will happen if his identity as a werewolf is exposed.

The research on the last werewolf corpse was not very successful, but it also brought a lot of gains to the British officials. If there was a living werewolf, Celtic believed that the British officials would be ecstatic.

When people are in the arena, they have no choice but to do so.

Kelt sighed. Suddenly, the high-ranking officials around him began to make some small noises, and the body of Director Marvin beside him also began to tremble.

For a moment, Kelt seemed to understand something. He raised his head and looked toward the end of the road. What caught Kelt's eyes was a gentle-looking old man in white robes and white beard holding a cane. Walking slowly towards London.

Merlin, this is Merlin!

The moment Celtic saw Merlin, he immediately got an answer in his heart. What frightened Celtic even more was that Lord Merlin actually looked at him!
Under Celtic's gaze, Merlin's lips began to tremble, and Celtic could clearly read Merlin's mouth shape.

This mouth shape made Kelt's hands and feet feel cold, and his whole body felt chilly.

The mouth shape is very simple, with only one word: werewolf!

He found me!He recognized me!He He.
Kelt's mind was now blank, he was extremely nervous and uneasy, and his behavior was a little at a loss.

But soon, a huge roar echoed through the sky, interrupting everything.


Kelt turned around confused.He saw the crowd starting to riot, and bursts of miserable screams spread among the crowd.

Looking closely, Kelt saw that a worm parasite had knocked down a passerby and was biting the passerby's neck crazily!

The passerby fell to the ground without making any sound, and the worm parasite had raised its head, staring at the other people with its eyes filled with some terrible desire.
In an instant, chickens flew and dogs jumped, and there was a mess everywhere. Some people were scratched by the worm parasites, and some people were tripped, and the chaos was extremely chaotic for a while.

"What's going on?! Hurry up, organize people to evacuate the crowd!"

The Prime Minister was stunned. He almost roared at Chief Marvin beside him: "There are so many police here, go quickly, quickly!"

The Prime Minister's heart is broken now. If nothing happens sooner or later, something will happen only when Lord Merlin arrives. This makes the Prime Minister just want to shout 'Fuck'!
"There seems to be something wrong!"

Suddenly, a member of Congress pointed at the passerby who was knocked down first, and his voice started to tremble: "This person seems to be moving!"

Following the voice of the congressman, everyone looked towards the first person who was jumped. In everyone's extremely horrified eyes, the passerby who had a bloody hole in his neck was dragging his body covered in blood. The body climbed up swayingly, and ferociously rushed towards other passers-by!

"What it is?!"

"Zombies, why do such things appear in London?!"

"Damn it, hurry up, destroy them, hurry up, hurry up!"

Fear and chaos spread here. Celtic knew that it was not a biological crisis at all, and those worm parasites had no infection function.

The main reason is that Leanna's worms deliberately parasitize those who have been killed, making people feel fear.

Celtic seemed to see Merlin approaching here, and his heart suddenly moved, and he immediately said: "Your Excellency Prime Minister, Mr. Director, I will lead the elite emergency response force to search London inside and outside to avoid the birth of a biological crisis! "

After saying that, Celtic quickly walked in the direction of Will, took out his firearm, and said quickly: "I'm sorry for missing Lord Merlin's welcome ceremony. I won't talk about it for now. I'll go first. ”

Looking at Celtic rushing to the battlefield, the somewhat panicked Prime Minister was suddenly moved and couldn't help but said: "This is our city hero in London, the light of hope. Faced with such a situation, we must face it head-on!"

The surrounding councilors nodded, but before they could say anything, an extremely strong aura came from behind.

Accompanied by this extremely strong breath, there was also a sharp piercing sound!
According to the reputation, the archmage Merlin has already walked through the air, heading towards this place like a strong wind, and there is huge energy in every gesture.

Merlin ignored one kind of politician and kept his eyes on the crowd.

Looking at the panicked crowd and the worm parasites raging among them, Merlin slowly raised the crutch in his hand and pointed it at the huge crowd.

A wave of hot air suddenly began to erupt from the sharp area of ​​the crutch, and a whirlpool of flames visible to the naked eye hovered around the crutch.

Immediately, the heat wave began to wander rapidly, like flame elves, beginning to surge towards the crowd.

These flame elves avoided the innocent crowd, enveloped all the worm parasites with precision, rushed out a fiery wave, accompanied by the bewitching bloom of scarlet flames, and the flame elves quickly dissipated.


A sharp, chaotic, and distorted howl came from the body of the worm parasite, and the worms controlling the corpse were burned to death by the flames.

The corpse that lost control of the worm fell to the ground and stopped getting up.

"These are not the living dead you think. These corpses are controlled by insects."

After doing all this, Merlin slowly descended from the air, looked at the British Prime Minister, and said wisely: "This should be some kind of dark wizard's method. By the way, where did the werewolf go?"

"Wolf werewolf?"

The Prime Minister had not yet recovered from the news in Merlin's words. When he heard this sentence, he fell into confusion: "The werewolf half a month ago has been killed by us, and its body"

Merlin narrowed his eyes: "I mean that werewolf named Celtic, where did he go?"

"Celt is a werewolf?!"

The Prime Minister exclaimed. Not only the Prime Minister, but also all the surrounding MPs began to be shocked, especially Director Marvin. His face was pale and it seemed that he couldn't believe this at all.

"Looks like it's gone."

Merlin looked at everyone's eyes and instantly got the answer he wanted: "We need to act quickly. There are several big guys in London, and there are also many such parasites."

"I'll leave the bugs to you for now, and I'll deal with those big guys!"

At the top of the Tower of London, Leanna looked down at the city that had gradually begun to fall into chaos. She could not hide the smile on her face.

"Your Highness Leanna, what should we do next?" Atline stood aside and whispered.

Leanna seemed to have been prepared, and said: "Let the three Cyclops appear. Don't they say that they are stronger than me? Then give them a chance. If they can kill Merlin, then the position of leader will be given to them." What’s the harm in giving it to them?”

Poor Cyclops, why did you provoke Rhianna?
After Atlain prayed secretly in his heart, he nodded and said that he understood: "But this opportunity cannot be missed. Should we expand a bit?"

"I have arranged a giant worm in the suburbs of London. The more creatures it eats, the stronger its abilities will be."

Rianna was unfazed: "The armed men I control will also cause chaos in London. Merlin can't tell the difference between these people."


Suddenly, there was an explosion in the streets of London. Leanne shifted her gaze and looked at the three Cyclops giants, who were five or six meters tall and holding maces, and nodded slightly.

"Gazhun, Drona, Mithililan, I have given you the opportunity. Whether you can become a leader depends on your ability."

A clenched fist is lethal, otherwise it is just a ball of loose sand.

 Two in one, [-] words, I originally planned to publish it in two chapters, but the chapter names couldn’t be “Meeting Ceremony” and “Meeting Ceremony, Part Two”.

(End of this chapter)

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