i created the old gods

Chapter 185 Disaster

Chapter 185 Disaster

Huge footsteps trembled in the streets of London. London was filled with the screams of civilians. The surrounding police relied on the favorable terrain to shoot the three huge Cyclops.

"Ah, what kind of monster is that?!"

"Damn! It's a Cyclops! We have to get out of here quickly, why are there Cyclops here!"


Fear is contagious. When the Cyclops appeared in the downtown area of ​​London, everyone began to panic. They were confused and hurriedly began to escape towards the city.

This is not fatal. The most fatal thing is that large numbers of worm parasites have begun to appear in the dark corners of London and are frantically attacking the crowd.

Screams began to spread in London, fear spread among the crowd, and everyone was infected by this tense and exciting situation, screaming and running away.

"Da da da da."

Will pulled the trigger and quickly shot several worm parasites that wanted to pounce. His whole body was trembling. He looked at Celtic in front of him and said anxiously: "Captain, what should we do now, where should we go?" ?!”

All Celtic wanted to do now was to get rid of all the police and quickly arrive at the evacuation location designated by Leanna. He immediately gave the order: "All team members work as a team to rescue civilians freely!"


Although the special forces of the London Police Department were slightly confused by Celtic's decision, they still unswervingly carried out the tasks assigned to them by Celtic.

Suddenly, more than 20 police officers following Kelt began to take action and began to shoot and kill the worm parasites on a regular basis!

And before Kelt took a few steps, he discovered that Will had been following him.

"Why are you following me?!"

Looking at Will who had been following him, Kelt turned around and yelled at Will: "Go back to your job!"

"Chief Celtic, it's too dangerous for you to walk alone. London is full of monsters now. I want to protect you."

Will gasped and pointed at the roar a few streets away: "Look, there are countless monsters like this, so let me follow you!"

"Follow me? Okay."

Kelt took a deep breath, looked at Will, and said meaningfully: "If you are ready to lose your family."

Will patted his chest and said loudly: "Of course, I feel very honored to die fighting monsters, and I believe my parents will be proud of me."

It's a pity that I'm not going to fight monsters, but to reconcile with monsters and get along with them.

After Celtic sighed in his heart, he whispered to Will: "I may never be able to return to London this time. If you think clearly, follow me."

After saying that, amidst the roaring and trembling, Celtic turned and left without looking back, while Will looked at Celtic's retreating back, feeling a little ashamed in his heart.

This is a hero. He is not discouraged in the face of the threat of death, but I felt afraid for a moment.
I don’t have a wife, and I don’t have any illegitimate children. I still have two brothers and one sister. Even if I sacrifice myself to gain the title of hero, it’s still worth it!

After hesitating for a moment, Will resolutely followed Celtic's footsteps and headed towards the unknown journey.

There is darkness out there, but Will knows that the Celtic Sheriff will lead him and dispel the darkness!


A strong explosion resounded through the sky, and the one-eyed giant Misililan crushed a tank with his foot, but the bombardment of the artillery shells did not damage him at all!
Looking carefully, there is a strange deep yellow light surrounding the body of the one-eyed giant Misili Lan, which seems to block the cannonballs.

"Hahaha, human beings are still as weak as before!"

Misililan stepped on the tank excitedly, looking at the soldier who had been squeezed into a meat pie, with a very excited expression: "Look, his intestines are coming out, and the blood is flowing all over the floor, hahaha!"

Another one-eyed giant, Drona, grabbed a few tourists and stuffed them into his mouth, chewing them while smiling happily.

The one-eyed giant Garzhun also laughed, showing his sharp teeth: "Leanna, that human bitch, is not worthy of being the leader of our one-eyed giant!"

The three one-eyed giants were like villains, standing on the busy streets of London, grinning unscrupulously, as if they didn't care about humans at all.


Suddenly, a violent explosion sound suddenly came from Garzhun's body. The next moment, Garzhun's head was like a bursting watermelon, splitting into pieces in an instant!


Misililan looked at Garzhun in horror, looking in the direction of the missile site, and a huge missile launcher came into Misililan's eyes.

"What is this?!"

Ka Zhun's head was slowly recovering. After recovery, Ka Zhun was horrified. Looking at the huge missile launcher, he lost his voice.

That thing directly made his brain bloom. If his ability hadn't been reborn quickly, he might have died just now!
Zhuona said in horror: "It seems that the abilities of those humans have improved somewhat. I think we should be careful."

Misililan shouted loudly: "Don't worry guys, we have to be united. Human beings are only powerful with weapons. We just destroy them!"

After all, Missililan held a mace like a big tree and galloped towards the direction of the missile launcher!

The ground was shaking, and all humans were panicking. The huge missile launcher quickly fired two shells. One missed, and the other hit Misililan's arm, making Misililan roar.

But the most important thing is that Misililan has arrived in front of this huge missile launcher!

Mixili Lan raised the mace in his hand with a grim smile, and held it high, as if gathering tens of thousands of tons of strength.

At this critical moment, a little red suddenly lit up in the distance, and then, a large area of ​​red began to appear!
A strange spell suddenly resounded throughout the world, and inexplicable sounds echoed around. Missililan's stopped movements seemed to be imprisoned by this strange spell!
The next moment, the flowing fire fell from the sky, and the red flames behind it erupted with a huge roar. It seemed to be thrown from a very far away place. The raging fire condensed into a ball like a meteorite and roared towards Misili Lan!

Misili Lan raised his head, his eyes reflected the huge fireball like a meteorite, and a state of mind called fear gradually began to pervade: "Damn it, it's a magician!"


The blazing fireball instantly enveloped Misililan's whole body. The next moment, Misililan turned into a ball of steamed meat and staggered to the ground, unable to stand up forever.

Meanwhile, around Missililan's body, the dark yellow thin film of energy is still running, without any omissions.


Table Na looked towards the location where the fireball was launched, and saw a very old-looking magician controlling the flames on the rooftop not far away. He was instantly horrified: "The magician is there, hurry up, kill him!"

As a race with a long history, the one-eyed giants naturally know the abilities of human magicians.

Magicians can burst out with powerful energy hundreds of times greater than themselves, and can cast any spell, but their disadvantage is that their own power will be very weak when casting spells.

Ordinary humans may not be able to do anything about the magicians who are casting spells, but for giants like them, it is too simple.

However, you need to be careful not to be hit by the magician's magic, otherwise you will end up like Missililan.

No one wanted to die, neither did Zhuo Na and Kazhun.

Garzhun, who was a little bit brainless, shook his fat body and screamed: "Quick! Do it quickly! Kill that human magician!"


But the next moment, Garzhun's head was once again blasted into pieces. The missile launcher did not give Garzhun any time to reply, and fired four or five missiles in succession, completely annihilating Garzhun!

They saw the wizard Merlin, but forgot about the missile launchers of the British military.

Zhuona heard the screams of Garzhun behind him before he died, turned around and had a look, and collapsed instantly.

There is the legendary mage Merlin in the front and a military missile launcher in the back.

the fuck
At this moment, the word "Danger" appeared vaguely above Zwirner's head.


On the rooftop, looking at the trio of one-eyed giants that had been wiped out, Leanna frowned and cursed angrily: "Brainless trash!"

Leanna was originally very optimistic about the three one-eyed giants.

Misililan has the ability to defend the earth, Garzhun has the ability to grow rapidly, and Drona has infinite power.

Even if the combination of these three people is destined to die, they must at least eliminate the missile launcher or the magician Merlin!
As a result, he was tricked by others because of his IQ, and his final contribution was not as great as that of the worm parasite.

Leanna was very speechless, but he also took this opportunity to understand Merlin's strength.

Very strong, very strong. Except for gods, Leanna has never seen such a powerful existence.

Again, except for gods.

That meant that Merlin was still within the range of hostility. No matter how strong he was, he still couldn't survive the hands of more than 40 Cyclops!

However, Merlin's existence is definitely a hidden danger, and he must find a suitable opportunity to get rid of him, so as not to affect his overall situation.

Leanna began to quickly plan a new plan in her mind, but soon her plan was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.


Celtic pushed the door and entered, Will followed closely behind. Celtic looked at Rhianna and Atrein standing by the roof, and said, "I'm here."

Leanna turned around, looked at Celtic and Will following behind, frowned, and said, "Why did you bring a policeman here?"

Will was a little confused and didn't know what was going on here. He immediately whispered to Celtic: "Chief Celtic, where are we? Do we have any special mission?"

"Hey, werewolf, this stupid human policeman still doesn't know your identity?"

Atrein turned around, his eyes in a suit and leather shoes began to turn red slightly, his fangs grew rapidly, he looked at Will, and licked his lips: "Could it be that you brought me a special drink? Thank you so much is you."

Will looked at the sudden transformation of Atline with a shocked expression. He immediately pointed a submachine gun at Atline and said in shock: "Vampire?! Why do vampires appear in the daytime?!"

"Hey, drink, put your gun down, bullets of this caliber can't hurt any of us at all."

Atline looked at Will, who was nervous and faced a formidable enemy, and bared his fangs and said, "This will only embarrass your boss."

When Will heard this, he was suddenly startled and hesitantly pointed the gun at Celtic, his whole body trembling.

An idea that he couldn't accept quickly formed in his mind.

"Well, put the gun down."

Kelt turned around, looked at Will who looked nervous, and said calmly, while the hair on his body began to grow rapidly: "As you can see, I am a werewolf."

"Da da da da!"

As the hair on Celtic's body grew crazily, Will pulled the trigger without hesitation. Bullets poured out from the barrel and hit Celtic's body. Celtic did not dodge, but Slightly felt a little tingling.

In the next second, Will only saw a black shadow flash past, and then he lost consciousness and passed out.

Atlein looked at the unconscious Will in disappointment, and said regretfully, "Why didn't you kill him?"

Celtic didn't intend to answer Atlaine's question, but Leanna said at this moment: "Why bring an ordinary human here? Do you want to leave London with him?"

"In a foreign land, I need someone I can trust." Kelt said.

Atline raised his eyebrows: "Do you think this human being can be trusted? Are you kidding me, man, if you were an ordinary human being, you would have died just now."

Celtic tried his best to disguise himself as a pervert and said: "People always need to adapt to the environment. You will understand when he becomes a werewolf."

Seeing this, Leanna took a deep look at Celtic and then interjected: "Well, that's right. My expert team will also strengthen him to a certain extent by then. This young man will definitely be the mainstay of the organization. .”

"Okay, it's up to you."

Atline waved his hand helplessly. After seeing this, Leanna began to go downstairs, preparing to evacuate London.

Atline followed closely, while Kelt walked last, holding the unconscious Will.

But at this moment, the vision suddenly appeared!
A red light suddenly appeared in the sky, and then the red light became more and more red, almost dyeing the entire sky red, as if flames were burning close to the sky!
Immediately afterwards, an inexplicable emotion suddenly filled the streets of London. All the people felt a strange feeling, a lingering fear!
The sky began to slowly shatter, and a huge eye suddenly appeared from the sky, looking at the whole of London indifferently!
 Two in one
(End of this chapter)

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