i created the old gods

Chapter 186 The Countdown to the Destruction of London

Chapter 186 The Countdown to the Destruction of London

Those huge eyes are like a world-destroying demon, and just standing in the sky will make people feel boundless fear.

It's a feeling that scares everyone and makes everyone sad.

"What kind of evil god is that?!"

Merlin looked at the huge eyes in the sky, forcibly stabilized the magic elements around his figure, and asked in a low voice.

Such a surging momentum, as indifferent as destroying the world, such an evil god is a terrifying existence that he has never seen in his life!
The official standing next to Merlin did not dare to hide anything at all, and told Merlin everything he knew: "Your Majesty Merlin, this is the existence believed in by the 'Destroyer' organization, and one of the currently known evil existences. His honorific name is 'Eye of Destruction'!"

"Eye of Destruction."

Merlin chanted this honorable name softly, seeming to feel a strange familiarity in this honorable name, but he quickly hid his emotions and began to recite attack spells, preparing to destroy the person hanging high in the dome. Eyes attack!
Now, Merlin is the strongest in London, and only Merlin is qualified to attack the gods!

The sharp area of ​​Merlin's staff suddenly began to erupt with a wave of hot air. A vortex of flames visible to the naked eye hovered around the staff, and the beating flame spirits one after another also faintly condensed and formed around the staff.


Before the beating flame elves began to shine, a sound like the collision of metal suddenly came from between heaven and earth, followed by a ringing in the ears that filled Merlin's mind.


Merlin was horrified by the ringing in his ears. He was unable to say any words out of his originally plausible spell.

He only felt a sense of emptiness, and he began to feel confused, as if he had lost the meaning of life.

However, this situation did not last long, and Merlin woke up after a few seconds, knowing that he had been cursed.

But even after reacting, Merlin still couldn't summon up any energy to deal with his current situation, unable to concentrate on chanting spells or performing magic.


Merlin's expression suddenly changed drastically. After scolding in a low voice, he suddenly coughed dullly, and a trace of blood flowed freely from the corner of his mouth.

This is not because of his current situation, but because of the magic backlash.

The magic used to eliminate the Cyclops is very powerful and belongs to advanced magic. If it was Merlin in its heyday, it would be easy to use, but it is very difficult for Merlin now, and he needs to suffer a certain amount of backlash.

"Lord Merlin."

"Doctor, go to the doctor!"

Although people's hearts felt like being eaten by ants under the gaze of the Eye of Destruction, they still did not lose their minds and understood what they wanted to do.

In the face of mythical creatures, the strength of human beings is extremely small, and only by relying on those extraordinary can one fight against mythical creatures.

People in Britain are not stupid, of course they understand this.

"No, the magic has backfired on me. Ordinary people's treatment doesn't have much effect on me."

Merlin saw two doctors in white coats running toward him with severe headaches but still carrying medical kits. He said decisively: "Our first priority now is to deal with the eye in the sky!"

Listening to Merlin's heroic words, the Prime Minister of Britain frowned, sighed, and slowly said: "Your Excellency Merlin, we are really powerless. In the face of such an existence, all our attack methods are ineffective, and even I have a slight pain in my head."

"Gods, we need to pray to the gods for help!"

Merlin leaned against the wall and took a breath: "Thousands of years ago, when I was still in my heyday, I might have been able to do something, but now only gods can rival me!"


After listening to Merlin's suggestion, the British Prime Minister hesitated, his lips trembled, and he was about to say something. Suddenly, there was a fierce explosion in the distance!
Following the sound, I saw the Tower of London suddenly exploded and torn apart. The fragments flew in different directions. The surrounding onlookers screamed. They were already somewhat accustomed to the sudden abnormal situation in the Tower of London.

Not only the Tower of London, but with the birth of the explosion, a chain reaction seemed to occur in the surrounding streets. With the Tower of London as the center, a large-scale explosion began!

The explosions are continuous and the sounds are endless. This feeling makes us feel that there are eyes of destruction in the sky and worm parasites in the streets. The surrounding buildings on both sides are constantly exploding. Vehicles are hurriedly escaping. The sound was carried through the streets.

Cries, calls for help, and screams filled the streets of London. The legendary magician Merlin was also injured and unable to perform magic. The entire British official organization was in chaos!
"Suburban, let's run to the suburbs!"

"It's too dangerous in the city, let's retreat first!"

"Quick, quick!"

The citizens of London were terrified and believed that the suburbs were the only way out.

Almost all the people in London thought so. Those who could escape fled towards the suburbs. Some people escaped death and stared at the eyes of destruction. After taking out London, they felt desperate. It appeared in front of my eyes.

Several giant worms as big as hills were raging in the suburbs. Countless houses were destroyed, countless people were killed, and the place suddenly became a sea of ​​fire.

The whole of London is full of pain and suffering. At this moment, London seems to be no longer one of the four world-class cities in the world, but a city located at the junction of hell and earth.

However, not all areas were ruthlessly destroyed by the Eye of Destruction and his minions. Only one place was not only unscathed, but was also doing its best to save the people of London.

There is the missionary land specially approved by the British government for the Thunder Church. The Thunder Church has not yet been built!

In the empty church, women, children and the elderly were at the core. The missionaries sent by the Thunder Church in London gently conveyed the glory of the Lord of Thunder to them. Around the church, young and strong young men gathered there.

Most people have no objections to the arrangements of the Thunder Church. Their families are protected by the gods inside the church, while they are outside, resisting the spiritual pollution of the Eye of Destruction.

Although it's uncomfortable, it doesn't explode like other places.

But there are some homeless people, hoodlums, and drug addicts who are quite unhappy with the arrangements of the Thunder Church. Their eyes are full of hatred, as if they want to kill the missionaries of the Thunder Church!
(End of this chapter)

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