i created the old gods

Chapter 187 Barrier Broken

Chapter 187 Barrier Broken
"Why don't you let us in? Fuck you Nordic barbarians who don't want to die!"

A tall and thin young man in a sweater hid in the corner, intoxicated by taking a breath of something unspeakable, feeling ecstasy, and at the same time cursed in a low voice: "Bitch, bitch! You are using our land, but you are not doing anything." Let us in, you Nordic barbarians, you losers!"

His long career as a drug addict has made his brain somewhat distorted. He has already developed a profound resistance to the slight mental pollution of the Eye of Destruction, and it is basically harmless.

The only thing he worries about is worm parasites on the road.

He saw with his own eyes that a companion who was sucking 'baby' was knocked down by a worm parasite that climbed up from the sewer. After a burst of bites, the companion was bitten to death!
Therefore, he was already full of fear of London. After arriving here in a panic, he could only continue to drink 'Baby' to relieve his fear.

Because of the negative effects of 'Baby', he is now getting more and more irritable. Coupled with the influence of the Eye of Destruction on him, he now hates the Thunder Church missionary inside and wants to eat him alive.

The drug addicts who were with him nodded in agreement, and for a moment everyone became angry with the same enemy.

In the corner, a gangster saw the drug addicts gathering together. He sneered, strode forward, showed the gun on his waist, and mocked: "I have a gun here, do you want to give that Nordic barbarian one?" gun?"

Although he is also very dissatisfied with the arrangements of the Thunder Church, his mind is normal and he knows that the Thunder Church is the current guarantee of their safety.

Now they only need to deal with the worm parasites coming from all directions, and do not need to deal with any other crises.

But if the Thunder Church collapses, then they will face more than just worm parasites.

The reason why this gangster came forward was that he simply couldn't stand the oral pleasure of these drug addicts.

Where are you leaving Bibi Nyima here?If you have the ability, go ahead. If you really dare, you will be called your ability. If you don't dare to do anything here, why are you pretending to be cool?

This is the kind of person that gangsters despise the most.



"Shipman, forget it, forget it."

When the drug addicts around saw the gun, their expressions changed drastically. They had indeed smoked it to get high, and they would never dare to let them do it.

The gangsters sneered contemptuously and were about to turn around and leave. The drug addict named Shipman suddenly felt that he had lost some face and immediately shouted: "Give it to me, I'll go!"


The gangster slowly turned around, looked at Shipman fiercely, and said coldly: "Have you thought clearly, bastard? If you dare to lie to me, I will chop your fingers into pieces bit by bit and feed them to the dogs." !”

"I, Shipman, can tell you the truth in the south of the city. You can go and ask around!"

Shipman took another sip of 'Baby' and suddenly became a little confused. He stepped forward to take the gangster's gun and strode towards the church.

Looking at Shipman's figure, the drug addicts couldn't believe it and cheered among themselves. The gangsters did not expect that Shipman actually took away his gun and went into the church.

'He's not really planning to shoot the missionaries of Thunder Church, is he? '

A feeling of regret suddenly arose in the gangster's heart: 'No way, even if this bastard wants to assassinate the missionary, someone will stop him. The police from the London Police Department are maintaining order nearby, no problem. '

The crowded Thunder Church was filled with all kinds of voices. As a missionary of the Thunder Church, Ayton tried his best to do everything and tried his best to save the civilians in London.

An invisible thunder barrier is constantly expanding. With the Thunder Church as the center, it seems to be expanding towards the entire London step by step.

Within the thunder barrier, all the monsters disappeared. The worm parasite twitched for a while and then stopped moving. The worm died wailing, and the gaze of the Eye of Destruction was also blocked by the thunder barrier.

This is not Ayton's credit. Ayton knows that this is the great Thunder master exerting his power, transmitting energy through the crystal ball, and protecting the city of London.

Everyone called him a missionary, and Ayton did not refute it. He seemed to have acquiesced in the title. In fact, Ayton's true identity was that he was one of the nine bishops of the Thunder Church.

Ayton clenched the crystal ball in his hand, took a deep breath, looked at the complicated scene around him, and sighed slightly.

He never thought that one day he would become the last savior of a city.

Back then, he was still panicking under the ravages of Jörmungandr and Fenrir. He searched online for the safest places in the world and wanted to immigrate to Australia. But he didn't expect that he would be so calm now after facing extraordinary events.

"Your Highness St. Aton, a civilian broke in, claiming to be Shipman. He said he knew some important news related to London."

A true missionary who followed Ayton from Denmark hurried over and whispered to Ayton: "His behavior is a little crazy. I suspect he seems to have taken some drugs. Moreover, he did not allow us to search him, and he kept I advise you not to see him anymore."

"No matter what his identity is, he is a member of the Lord's administration. We cannot deny him because of his specialness, nor can we deny him because he has the potential to cause terrible situations."

After Ayton smiled softly, he told the missionary one of the tenets of Thunder Church.

There is a saying that Ayton doesn’t really want to meet an addict, but the teachings are like this, and Ayton also wants to know what the big deal this addict is talking about: “Let him come in, I believe that with your existence, I will not What danger."

"As you command, Your Highness St. Aton."

The missionary bowed and saluted, which seemed to him no big deal: What threat could a drug addict pose?He might not even be able to defeat an ordinary person, so how could he threaten the safety of His Highness Ayton?

If an addict really has money to buy any firearms, it only means that he is not an addict anymore.

After a while, Shipman walked in from outside the church. His whole body was shaking and he looked very nervous.

"What news do you want to tell me, Mr. Shipman?" Ayton said pleasantly.


Under the gaze of dozens of eyes, Shipman had completely forgotten the purpose of his trip, and was trembling with fear. Just when he was about to reveal everything, his spirit was suddenly touched, and it seemed that an invisible dotted line began to control him. his thinking.

Shipman's expression began to become ferocious. He quickly raised his pistol, fired three shots at Ayton, and roared ferociously: "Of course I will let you die, Nordic barbarian!"

The huge impact of the gun hit Ayton's body. Ayton's center of gravity shifted back. The crystal ball in his hand was grazed by the bullet and began to fall towards the ground.


The crystal ball shattered and became a mass of fragments.

And the next moment, the light blue thunder barrier that had enveloped half of London suddenly disappeared!

(End of this chapter)

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