i created the old gods

Chapter 188 Race against time

Chapter 188 Race against time

A sound like breaking glass suddenly appeared in the streets of London, and a crack appeared in the light blue thunder barrier. The crack became bigger and bigger, like a sign of the collapse of glass products!

The next moment, the light blue thunder barrier that protected half of London began to tremble violently!
The gaze of the Eye of Destruction once again fell on the entire London. The people who were originally protected by the thunder barrier were once again gazed at by the Eye of Destruction, and their scalps became numb.

"what happened?!"


"Don't come here!!!"

"Run! Run!"

The people of London panicked and fled one after another, while the monsters raging in London began to kill the surroundings as if they had been given blood.

"There's something wrong with Thunder Church!"

Seeing the light blue thunder barrier disappear, Merlin's heart skipped a beat, and his heart sank to its lowest point: "Quickly, tell me, where is the Thunder Church?!"

Merlin did nothing during this time, just resting where he was, listening to the British Prime Minister's talk about the Lord of Thunder, and understanding that the Thunder Church was built in London.

But now that the thunder barrier has disappeared, Merlin's first reaction is that there is something wrong with the Thunder Church!
The British Prime Minister also understood the seriousness of the matter and immediately shouted: "Quick, clear a safe road in the shortest possible time and escort Lord Merlin to Thunder Church!"

Whether London can regain peace depends on whether the barrier within the Thunder Church can be restored, otherwise it will be inevitable!

The British Prime Minister doesn't know why such an appalling thing happened today, but pursuing follow-up responsibility will be a matter later. The most important thing now is to protect the safety of the people, otherwise.
Thinking of this, he shuddered, already thinking about what would happen if he couldn't handle it.

Merlin was not in the mood to continue communicating with the British Prime Minister. Instead, he followed the siren police car and rushed towards the Thunder Church!

On both sides of the road, countless worm parasites were rushing toward the police car. Under the gaze of the Eye of Destruction, the worm parasites had undergone different changes!

Many of the parasitized corpses have undergone earth-shaking changes. Their height has been rapidly increased. One after another, huge sarcomas are emerging on the surface of the body, just like the G virus in Resident Evil. The body has also been rapidly recovering. Healing ability!

"Ta-ta-ta. Ta-ta-ta."

Firearms and bullets hit these worm parasites, and only a few dull bullet sounds were heard. The parasites swayed and fell down, but before long, they would get up again and move towards the police car. Roar and attack!


The police officers in the police car broke out in cold sweat and kept pulling the trigger. The police car also fought its way through this messy place.


Suddenly, Merlin, who was flying behind the police car at low altitude, suddenly recited a magic spell, and then a blazing fire instantly ignited the monsters until they were burned to ashes!

The flame elves were beating and wandering around the police car. Merlin looked expressionless and shouted in a low voice: "Quick, take me to the Thunder Church. These monsters are getting stronger and stronger. I won't be able to suppress them in a few hours!"

Merlin's voice suddenly appeared in their ears. The police officer who was driving was startled and almost made a sharp turn and hit the ruins of a collapsed building on the roadside.

However, with his superb driving skills, he still escaped this disaster. He immediately understood what Merlin was thinking, nodded quickly, stepped on the accelerator, and headed towards the Thunder Church as fast as possible!

Before, he was worried about the monsters around him, but now that he has Merlin as his escort, he doesn't need to worry about those monsters at all. Now he just needs to arrive at the scene as quickly as possible.

"My Lord issued a great oracle, ordering us to go to the Thunder Church to prevent the missionaries there from reconnecting the crystal ball, and at the same time, pick up Shipman who broke the crystal ball."

On the rooftop, Leanna, who was about to evacuate, suddenly received the oracle from the Eye of Destruction. She hurriedly stopped and said to the left and right: "Atlaine and those who have obtained elite or higher positions among the Destroyers will follow. I will go to Thunder Church, and the rest will follow Celtic to evacuate!”

When Kelt heard this, he was stunned for a moment and asked repeatedly: "Huh? Evacuate with me? Where should we evacuate to?!"

"Go to the suburbs, where the giant worms will lead you to new locations!"

After Leanna gave a simple order, she quickly led nearly 30 evil forces and rushed towards the Thunder Church.

She never expected that it was just an ordinary meeting ceremony that would involve so many things, and even directly attract the attention of the Eye of Destruction.

Under the crown of the eye of destruction is now in the starry sky, the body cannot descend to the earth, and has always been using projection to descend.

His true body is an existence greater than the starry sky!

Because the projection god has descended, there are certain limitations in terms of ability, and the Thunder Lord is at the same level as him. The two princes are now using the Thunder Church as the meeting point to start a confrontation!
Leanna is very clear that if the Thunder Church can be destroyed this time, London will usher in a huge disaster. At least two-thirds of the city will be directly destroyed, and countless people will be displaced.

It doesn't matter if it fails, because the original plan of this operation was to cause a wave of riots and to see how much Merlin weighed. Now that the mission has been completed, what is done now can be regarded as an additional bonus.

Leanna knows her current location, which is about 10 minutes away from Thunder Church. In 10 minutes, a fierce battle will break out in Thunder Church!

It will be a crucial battle that decides the life and death of London!

Although failure has nothing to lose to Leanne, who wouldn't choose to succeed if she could succeed?
Jingchuan's eyes were bright and he looked down at the chaotic London without any disturbance in his heart.

Even though the distance between Merlin and Leanna from the Thunder Church is very different, Jingchuan also informed through the time difference that he would try his best to have the two groups of them arrive at the Thunder Church at the same time to start the battle.

Jingchuan will watch all this from the sky to see whether Merlin is one against thirty or Leanna is better.

But the outcome doesn't matter, because London won't really be destroyed this time.

It would be of no benefit to Jingchuan if it was really destroyed. The main reason why such a scene happened was for the next key point.

A key point that gives the people of Britain a chance to touch magic.

10 minutes later, when Leanna's criminal group is fighting Merlin, a mysterious magician will appear, awakening Merlin, and asking Merlin to create a magic academy after this incident.

The final solution to the matter will have to be left to a new mythical being.

God loves the world and saves all living beings.

(End of this chapter)

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