i created the old gods

Chapter 189 The Conflict in Thunder Church

Chapter 189 The Conflict in Thunder Church
"Damn it, grab him!"

In the Thunder Church, when Ayton was shot three times by Shipman and his center of gravity became unstable. After the crystal ball in his hand fell, the entire Thunder Church immediately became chaotic. Countless believers raised their fists towards Shipman and rushed towards him. Called Shipman.

Shipman's figure seemed to be frozen. In his vision, the whole world slowed down. The crowd around him rushed toward him ferociously. He couldn't help but beat him to death with the look of them. A shiver.

Shipman looked at his hands in confusion, wondering why he suddenly had the courage to shoot just now, and he didn't know why he was like this.

The missionaries on both sides quickly stepped forward to capture Shipman, and the police also came after hearing the news. Now Shipman was left with only deep fear and regret.

But now that the matter has come to this, no regrets will have any effect. What awaits Shipman is the judgment of the Thunder Church!

The moment he was caught by the missionary of the Thunder Church, the flow of time in his vision suddenly returned to normal. All kinds of insults sounded around him. Shipman shrank his head in his clothes, not daring to say anything. Any movement.

"Who sent you here?!"


"Kill him! Kill him!"

"Is Mr. Ayton okay?!"

Shipman has aroused public anger, and the people around him now want to eat Shipman alive. Shipman was so scared that he closed his eyes tightly and kept muttering: "It wasn't me! Something controlled me just now, and I didn't." I don't."

"The gun is not mine, the gun is not mine"

Ayton, who had been shot three times, slowly stood up from the ground, holding his stomach and feeling tearing pain. He endured the pain and shouted: "Quick, get a new crystal ball, and try again." Set up a formation and contact the great Lord of Thunder, otherwise"

The pistol that the gangsters handed to Shipman was not a high-end product. It was just a homemade pistol. Ordinary people would not die even if they were shot three times without hitting a vital point, let alone an extraordinary person like Ayton who has the power of thunder. .

But the pain is still very painful. Now that Ayton knows the seriousness of the matter, he has to stand up despite the pain, re-cast the formation, contact the Thunder Lord, and use his divine power to protect London.

Looking at Shipman surrounded by the crowd, Ayton gasped in pain, and said: "Catch him first, and then discuss the crime after the matter is over. He was also confused by the Eye of Destruction."

Shipman cast a grateful look at Ayton and was about to say something. Suddenly, the glass on both sides of the church that had not been installed for half a day began to burst, and several worm parasites rushed up from the windows!


The arc sound resounded, and a bright arc condensed from Ayton's fingertips, quickly enveloping the worm parasites like a silver snake. The worm parasites were visibly paralyzed and unable to move.

When the police on the side saw this, they quickly shot at them and quickly eliminated the worm parasites that broke into the church.

Before everyone could take a breath, a childish voice sounded in everyone's ears: "The missionary of the Thunder Church still hates the Son of Thunder who just took action. I wonder why Daili didn't see you?"

After that, Leanna's figure walked in from the front door openly. Looking at Ayton who was shot three times, she smiled and joked: "It's really shocking that the son of thunder was injured by a mortal firearm. Ridiculous.”


Ayton snorted coldly and did not speak. Instead, he looked at the missionary standing next to him and motioned him to act quickly with his eyes.

Seeing this, Leanna quickly raised her right hand. The surrounding air quickly began to twist and condense, the breeze picked up, and Leanna's expression began to look a little unnatural.

Her voice trembled slightly, and then a roar like a demon from hell resounded throughout the entire church: "Since you don't like chatting with me, then I can only let Derpy parasitize you before chatting with me again!"

In an instant, the church floor quickly began to corrode, and then countless worms crawled out of the underground bee pupae and attacked Ayton densely!


"Bug! Get away! Get away!"

"God, save us"

The asylum citizens in the church shouted in horror, even a strong man would feel a little numb looking at the dense worms around him, let alone the women, children and children in the church.


Ayton's heart suddenly sank. Looking at the dense sea of ​​worms, he took a deep breath, and arcs of electricity surrounded his fingertips.

He understood that it was impossible to eliminate these worm armies by relying on his own abilities, but it was up to him to do so, as long as he had a clear conscience.

Atline showed his ferocious teeth, and the elite members of the Destroyer also showed extremely confident expressions.

The sea of ​​worms rushed towards them like a tide, and everywhere they passed were dead bones. Ayton took a deep breath and prepared to fight to the death with all his strength.


Suddenly, the roof of the Thunder Church was suddenly lifted. After a strong wind, accompanied by a siren, an old figure in simple clothes descended from the sky, exuding the light of wisdom.

Under the red light of the Eye of Destruction, the owner of this figure looked particularly mysterious, like a god descending to earth.

Even though many people were unfamiliar with this figure, the police officers in the police station knew this figure. They exclaimed: "Lord Merlin!"


The people were extremely surprised by this name. In British myths and legends, Merlin is an eternal existence, an existence comparable to the gods!

Merlin nodded, raised his hand, and the flames quickly began to swirl along the ground and began to burn the swarm of worms that was comparable to the ocean!
A look flashed in Merlin's green eyes. He looked at Leanna and said in a low voice: "Get out, you evil god's lackey!"

"Mr. Merlin, as a legendary figure in Britain, you shouldn't say such things. Don't forget to set a role model for the children."

Leanna smiled and spoke, her voice gradually calmed down, and her childish voice was filled with a touch of coldness: "However, I still want to solemnly tell Mr. Merlin that it is not certain who will get out now."

After saying that, the ground began to tremble rapidly, and then, several giant worms emerged from the ground and surrounded Leanna, like stars holding the moon!
Merlin squinted his eyes and looked at Leanna standing on the wasteland next to the giant worm, holding the staff firmly in his hand.

After a moment, Leanna made a sharp and harsh voice:

"Kill him, for the supreme Eye of Destruction!"

(End of this chapter)

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