i created the old gods

Chapter 190 Angels and Dragons

Chapter 190 Angels and Dragons
The fire elves beating at the top of the staff swarmed towards the sea of ​​worms as if they had wings. The ground turned red instantly and the flames quickly moved towards the giant worms.


The giant worm let out a roar, and suddenly jumped up from the ground, a puddle of pus spit out from the mouth of the giant worm, and galloped in the direction of the flame elf.


The flame elf collided with the giant worm pus, causing a violent extinguishing sound in an instant. Merlin frowned slightly, and the staff in his hand hung high again, and a silvery white light suddenly appeared on the staff.

Merlin is a legendary magician. Naturally, he does not only know one kind of fire magic, but he uses fire magic more often.

Merlin's real ability is not just a fire elf!

The moment the staff was raised, the silver-white radiance surged, and the pure white radiance flooded the already fragmented Thunder Church, and the radiance was purifying this place!

The giant worm roared in pain, and Atlain also felt a little uncomfortable, as if this white light had done some damage to him.

"Damn it, it's the power of light!"

Atline bared his teeth and felt some pain: "Kill him, quickly, kill him!"

There was no need for Atlaine to force Lailai. Leanna's figure had already jumped up before Atlaine could speak. Like a breeze, her body was light and she was killing Merlin who was half hanging in the air. She was like a sharp knife. The dagger pierces the heart!
At the same time, the three giant worms surrounding Leanna also moved into action. Every move of their huge body implicated the entire building. Countless people screamed, and the highly corrosive pus began to flow. Unbridled squirting!

Seeing this, Merlin's heart sank suddenly.

Looking at the approaching Leanna and the giant worms that sprayed corrosive pus unscrupulously, Merlin almost did not hesitate. The silver-white staff in his hand was activated, and the white light enveloped the people, and the highly corrosive pus was illuminated by the light. It was swung away without causing any harm to the people.

But at the same time, Leanna's short blade arrived and plunged straight into Merlin's chest. Blood spattered out. Merlin groaned dullly, and strong energy suddenly erupted from his body, knocking Leanna away! ,


A trace of blood spattered from the corner of Merlin's mouth. His figure slowly descended, his feet hit the ground, and his face became twice as old.

Merlin hasn't been hurt for a long time since he followed King Arthur in his wars.

Today, he was injured twice.

Leanna looked at Merlin, sneered, and moaned softly: "Merlin, your weakness is not only as simple as being weak when casting spells, but more importantly, the influence of those innocent civilians on you."

As one of the rulers who once ruled Britain, Merlin really couldn't tolerate civilians being harmed in front of him. This was also an important point for Rhyanna to think she could defeat Merlin.

Merlin was backlashed by magic before the battle, and his strength was only [-]/[-]%. Coupled with this action, Merlin was in trouble!

Everything is under control.

Leanna smiled contemptuously and waved her hand, and three huge macrophage worms came up and slowly moved in the direction of Merlin. Leanna ignored all the people and walked towards the back hall of Thunder Church.

There, Leanna felt the powerful power of thunder, and the spare crystal ball was there. As long as the crystal ball was destroyed, London would usher in the brilliance of the great Eye of Destruction!
"Stop her!"


The missionaries of the Church of Thunder rushed to stop Leanna one after another. Seeing this, Leanna just waved her hand gently. An invisible force instantly knocked them away and hit the ruins, causing blood to flow all over the ground.

"Damn it!"

Ayton covered the spot where he was shot in the abdomen and struggled to get up. The arc in his fingers began to flash rapidly. Before he could react, Leanna's voice came softly again: "If you are injured, take a good rest." , stop struggling."

After reading it, Ayton felt dizzy for a moment, as if the world began to hang upside down. He slowly closed his eyes and fell into a coma.

With a slight smile, Leanna strode towards the backyard with strides. Merlin was held back by the three giant worms, and the civilians were afraid of Leanna's extraordinary means. Leanna got the crystal easily. After playing with the ball for a moment, he threw it away.


The crisp sound echoed on the church floor, and the crystal ball, regarded as the last hope of London, shattered easily like glass.


Merlin, who was being besieged by three giant phagocytic worms, suddenly changed his face. He cursed in a low voice, and the scorching fireball galloped away, devouring one giant phagocytic worm and burning it to ashes!

Merlin will only be entangled and cannot be defeated by these giant worms.

After all, he is a legendary magician in Britain, how could he be defeated by the giant worm.

But it's too late to say anything now. The crystal ball has been shattered, and the Thunder's hope of protecting London has been shattered!
"Now, only the Eternal Eye of Destruction can rule London."

There was a trace of fire in Leanna's eyes. She looked at the giant worm that fell to the ground and was roasted into coal by Merlin. She gave a soft drink and said: "Kill everyone here!"

Now Leanna can be unscrupulous. The last thing that may cause trouble to the plan to destroy London has been cleared up. Now the Destroyer is unbeatable!
Thinking of this, Leanna also sighed more or less.

In the past, she carefully planned three disasters in New York, Zealand, and Rome, but they all fell short. In London, she just wanted to test Merlin's strength, and she didn't plan to do anything at all.
Deliberately plant flowers and flowers will not bloom, but unintentionally plant willows and willows to make shade, sometimes the world is so wonderful.

There was no way, Leanna could only passively accept this fact.


Suddenly, there was a tremor between heaven and earth. Leanna was startled by the sudden tremor. She quickly raised her head and looked at the direction where the sound came from. She didn't see it, and she was shocked.

A dragon!

A giant blue dragon suddenly appeared in the sky!
Its whole body is covered with beautiful snow-white scales, it is huge and extremely tall, its head is huge and ferocious, and its horns are exceptionally strong!

The barbs extend from the ears to the tail, and the long and narrow back is covered with barbs that shine with a cold light!

The whole body is full of violent beauty, which makes people feel frightened and intoxicated at a glance!


The blue dragon roared, and the sound shook the sky. Everyone in London noticed this dragon flying in the sky and flashing its wings, and they were horrified!
"what is that?!"

"Dragon, it's a dragon!"

"It's actually a blue dragon!"

"No, the blue dragon is extremely arrogant and belongs to the lawful evil camp. Why does it appear in London?!"

All the citizens of London were horrified, with different expressions on the sudden appearance of this behemoth.

Of course, there are also many online bloggers who take photos and videos with their mobile phones. In this case, there will naturally be people who risk their lives for the sake of traffic.

Leanna's mentality was different from that of ordinary people. When she saw the blue dragon constantly hovering in the airspace of Thunder Church, her heart suddenly sank.

She didn't remember that there was a blue dragon in Destroyer!

"Boss, there seems to be someone behind Blue Dragon!"

Atline squinted his eyes and used the vampire's extraordinary eyesight to see the person sitting behind the blue dragon at a glance. He couldn't help but murmured: "Don't you think the barbs are a bit harsh on the butt? He's actually sitting behind the dragon."

No one would restore Atline's cerebral palsy. Everyone was looking intently at the blue dragon in the sky and the master behind him. Leanna's expression was particularly serious.

But the more serious she was, the more Leanna's mood dropped.

The figure behind the blue dragon was wearing a gray robe and a pointed wizard hat. Although his face could not be seen clearly, Leanna could conclude that this was a magician!

A magician who can control dragons!

The dragon's roar came again, and then, the blue dragon began to dive in the direction of the Thunder Church, spraying out endless frost from its mouth.

The breath is not all fire, there is also frost!

Not to be outdone, the giant worm raised its huge head and was about to spray venom, but the extremely freezing frost instantly froze it into an ice sculpture!
After exhaling, the blue dragon did not continue to descend, but readjusted its direction and planned to do it again!
The Destroyers were in panic. Leanna's face darkened when she saw this, and she could only helplessly shout: "Don't worry about Merlin, let's retreat first!"

As soon as Leanna finished speaking, Atlaine was the first to spread his wings and start to escape. It seemed that he had been prepared for a long time. The other members also began to evacuate quickly. Leanna glanced at the seriously injured Merlin and the blue spinning in the sky unwillingly. Dragon, began to withdraw.

What can I do if I can't kill Merlin?

The great Eye of Destruction has brought destruction to London, and London is destined to be destroyed!

I've got London, even the Thunder Lords can't keep it, Leanna said it!
With regret, Leanna left the Thunder Church and began to prepare to evacuate and reunite with Celtic.

The Thunder Church was in a mess, the bishop here, Ayton, was seriously injured and unconscious, Merlin was seriously injured, and the remaining people were also severely affected by the battle.

The giant blue dragon descended slowly. Merlin looked at the giant blue dragon with a bitter smile on his face and said, "Thank you for your help. You and I have never seen each other before, but you can help us. If there is any chance in the future, If you need anything, just come to me."

Merlin couldn't see clearly the face of the figure behind the blue dragon, he could only see his appearance.

This man's magic fluctuations were astonishing, like an endless ocean. Merlin couldn't figure out how much his magic energy was, it seemed endless.

Merlin believed that even in his prime, he might not be a match for the man in front of him!
Who is he, and why have I never learned this person's identity despite being in the magical world for nearly a hundred years?

Merlin was thinking secretly in his heart, but before he could finish his thoughts, the figure took the initiative to speak: "I once made a deal with the guardian of Britain. In the event of a supernatural invasion, I will protect Britain once. Evil God The power is so amazing that I can do nothing but drive away those cultists for you. Now I have completed my mission."

"But I have already prayed to a crown prince, and that crown prince will come to defeat the evil god soon. Don't worry."

After saying that, the figure was silent for a moment, and then continued: "You can't always rely on the gods. No matter how strong you are, you are only one person after all. Don't forget your origins and where you come from."

Listening to this man's words, Merlin fell into deep thought.

The figure looked at Merlin, who was deep in thought, and slowly said, "I will give you some help when necessary. Now it's time for me to leave."

After that, the blue dragon took off again and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Merlin fell into deep thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head and looked at the eyes of destruction hanging high in the dome, feeling a slight pain in his mind.

But it was this feeling of pain that made Merlin understand one thing.

'He is right, no matter how strong I am, I am only one person. Back then, Arthur had the help of hundreds of magicians to ensure peace in Britain. I also need some help. '

'Since no one is willing to stand up, why don't I train some magicians and let them become the guardians of Britain? '

The plan had just taken shape in Merlin's mind, and suddenly, Merlin suddenly felt an elegant and holy aura!

Merlin looked up and saw a burst of broken light bursting out in the sky. The light traveled thousands of meters away, breaking through the sky and speeding straight towards the huge eye of the Eye of Destruction!

A white shadow with six wings can be vaguely seen in the center of the broken light, quiet and lofty!
"That is."

Merlin murmured: "Angel?!"

The light shines on the earth, and hope rises in the hearts of all London citizens. The pure white holy light flies freely in the sky like an elf.

The blood-red clouds in the sky were shattered by the holy light, and the red clouds that filled the sky shrank rapidly.

The Eye of Destruction blinked, seeming to notice something, and quickly began to turn transparent.

Seeing this, Merlin breathed a sigh of relief and sincerely blessed the angel who took action. However, before he could start praying, a voice filled with the smell of death suddenly lingered in his ears: "Come, everyone will die!"



Merlin felt a splitting headache and almost fell to the ground. The people were in even more pain. Many of them had been shocked by the sound and turned into fools!
What's more, his head exploded, as if he couldn't bear the sound!
The angel figure flying in the sky also paused, and his movements obviously slowed down.

However, the angel quickly adjusted his posture, looked down at London, raised his hand slightly, and a flawless white light spread from his fingers, beginning to eliminate the influence of this whisper in people's ears.

The citizens who had become idiots gradually returned to normal, and Merlin also felt that the pain was relieved.

He breathed a sigh of relief and raised his head, only to find that the angel had disappeared, leaving only the city of London in chaos.

 The content has been shortened a bit, 4000 words in two in one.

(End of this chapter)

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