i created the old gods

Chapter 191 London After the Disaster

Chapter 191 London After the Disaster

The streets were filled with sirens, police cars, ambulances, and fire engines roared in and out. The whole of London was busy, filled with groaning injured people and bodies submerged in the ruins.

"How is Mr. Merlin doing?"

The Prime Minister of Britain, with gauze tied on his forehead, stood in front of the mostly-demolished Parliament Building, listening to reports from nearby officials, his head still aching slightly.

The situation here is no longer optimistic, and the British Prime Minister has no idea why things have developed like this.

"Mr. Merlin has been placed in the Royal Hospital. He is not in any danger. He will just rest for a few days."

A cabinet member smiled bitterly and said: "Water and power outages, people were injured extensively, half of London was destroyed, and even our government personnel suffered a large number of casualties."

"There is nothing we can do. The city has entered a state of emergency combat readiness. All that remains is to see whether our people can survive it."

The Prime Minister covered his injured head, groaned slightly, and then continued: "In response to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we must do our best to publicize the dragon and angel that appeared a few ten minutes ago, and try to restore as much of our capabilities as possible."

"By the way, Lord Merlin, we must focus on promoting it!"

At this point, the Prime Minister has to take other paths to make Britain look as strong as possible.

The Eye of Destruction descended on London and destroyed half of London. It is estimated that London will not be able to recover from this situation in a few years. This will undoubtedly greatly reduce the credibility of the British government and make the citizens feel unconfident.

How can a country feel safe if its capital can be destroyed at will?

The last one that was ridiculed internationally was Rome, Italy. However, judging from the current situation, Rome did much better and safer than London at that time. After all, there is no god coming to Rome!

"I understand." The cabinet member said seriously, indicating that he knew what to do.


The Prime Minister nodded with satisfaction and immediately said: "Let's rush to the hospital now to visit Lord Merlin. The only one we can rely on now is Lord Merlin."

There is a saying that the British Prime Minister is a little disappointed with Merlin's strength.

In his impression, Merlin should be a great mage with the ability to destroy the world, almost the same as a god, but he did not expect that the real Merlin could not compete with a god.

Although Merlin's condition has declined significantly due to his long-term sealing state, it's not like this, right?
Dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction gathered in the heart of the British Prime Minister, but he covered it up well.

If there was no dragon-controlling magician, if there were no glorious angels, then Merlin would be a life-saving straw for London and Britain. Just like before the incident, he would be welcomed by everyone in London.

But compared with angels and dragon-controlling magicians, Merlin at this moment has become the world's number one player with average strength in the eyes of the current British officials.

With a stronger one, people are more accustomed to comparing what they have with a stronger one. Merlin is a powerful magician, but he cannot compare with the gods.

The Prime Minister of Britain got into an undamaged car owned by the government and drove towards the hospital where Merlin was staying.

Although he is dissatisfied with Merlin's strength, he is not stupid. He knows that Merlin is the only transcendent who clearly sides with him at this stage, and he should win over Merlin no matter what.

Regardless of whether he is the best player in the world or not, the two words 'Merlin' are a golden sign that will be recognized by the whole of Europe. With the name of Merlin, it is easier for Britain to have some say in the international community.

What, London was mostly destroyed by the Eye of Destruction?

That's because we made some oversights and made some deviations in defensive alternations. Didn't New York and Boston in the United States and Rome in Italy also suffer attacks?
Don't tell me so much, the international superstar Merlin is our British magician, and I, Britain, have the absolute right to speak in the extraordinary field!
The Prime Minister looked out the window at the ruins and the painful crowds. He sighed heavily, feeling a little lost.

He was not frustrated because people were hurt and buildings were destroyed, but because he was seeking re-election.

He felt that he was probably cold. The situation in London was already like this. In all likelihood, he would be impeached. The Queen of Britain would protect him, and then he could leave after just a few more months of power transfer.

There is no way. When New York and Boston launched chaos, firstly, the scope of the disaster was not large, and secondly, there were enough extraordinary people to protect them after the disaster.

He couldn't do it. The Church of Thunder had settled in London before the disaster. During the disaster, the legendary magician Merlin, the mysterious dragon-controlling magician and the angels helped. With such 'luxury' help, he was still able to survive. If he can cause such a big loss, then he, the Prime Minister, will have no choice but to step down.

Especially the ones who broke through the Thunder Church's barrier were citizens of British London!

The Prime Minister felt very aggrieved and could only say that it was bad luck.

He believed that even if he randomly pulled out any of the previous British prime ministers, he would be unable to do anything about this situation.

The right time, the right place, the right people, and if you don't take advantage of any of the three, it's perfect.

Now, the key to whether he can be re-elected lies in Merlin and Thunder Church. If he can make any big move in Merlin and Thunder Church, then his status will definitely be reversed. Even if there is any impact, there will be no such thing as This is an embarrassing situation now.

"Mr. Prime Minister, the hospital has arrived."

Suddenly, the driver's reminder woke up the British Prime Minister. He nodded with a smile, got out of the car and headed straight to where Merlin was.

In the hospital, the Prime Minister saw an unusual sight.

Normally, when he visited the hospital, everyone from the dean to the nurses would warmly welcome him. But now he could only see the hurried medical staff, the pungent smell of disinfectant, and the screams of the injured.

The Prime Minister's heart sank, and he whispered: "Financial allocations will be allocated to major hospitals, and government subsidies will be provided to place the wounded in London as soon as possible. Let the hospital directors come to see me later."

Normally, he would not have allocated a penny of funds to the Royal Hospital even if it exploded, but now, it is more important to restore some image.

"Okay Prime Minister, it's just"

The official following the Prime Minister nodded and said with a slight hesitation: "The director has been killed by the whisper of the Eye of Destruction. The current person in charge of the Royal Hospital is Mr. Kevin, the deputy director."

"It doesn't matter, just let the person in charge talk to me."

The Prime Minister spoke without looking back, and finally stopped in a luxurious single room at the end of the corridor: "Okay, come with me to meet Lord Merlin in a new state."

After that, he gently knocked on the door a few times. After getting Merlin's permission, the Prime Minister opened the door and walked in with a very deep and sad expression. He sat up and looked blankly at Merlin, who was looking at the scene outside the window, said sadly: "Your Excellency Merlin, it is unfortunate that you saw this scene today."

"The evil god is becoming more and more rampant. Even London has become a toy that he can knead at will. This is a shame to the gods."

The Prime Minister looked very sad, but Merlin just turned around and looked at him quietly without saying anything.

Merlin is a legendary magician. Even if he is now in a state of being too thin for a sword to be sharp, he is not a fool. He can clearly hear what the Prime Minister said in the corridor, and his mental state is also controlled by Merlin.

Therefore, Merlin knew everything about the Prime Minister's performance here, and even knew why he performed it.

But Merlin didn't intend to expose him, because what he had to do next had to have some connection with the current government.

In just a few hours, Merlin was bursting with inspiration. He had designed everything in such a short time, and a crazy plan was formed in Merlin's mind.

Since ordinary people have universities to train talents, why can’t magicians have a university to train magicians?

Moreover, there were books for entertainment in the luxurious ward. Merlin also read "Harry Potter" thoroughly, and he was somewhat yearning for the Hogwarts in it.

"Cough cough."

Merlin coughed lightly and said softly, without following the Prime Minister's words: "I have an idea recently."


The Prime Minister was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why Merlin didn't follow his script, so he could only improvise and said: "You said, we will try our best to realize your idea."

"I want to create a magic school, just like Hogwarts. I watched Harry Potter for a short time and learned about the path of the magic school."

Merlin spoke slowly, expressing his views and thoughts to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister's first reaction after hearing the words was disbelief, but then he quickly reacted.

Seems to work!
He was worrying about how to build a big business and secure his position as prime minister, but he didn't expect that Merlin actually wanted to open a magic academy.
Let him do it, let him do it!
After he succeeds, he will also have the credit for promoting it. Will people who want to enroll in the school dismiss him as the promoter of the magic academy?


The Prime Minister was secretly happy in his heart, but on the outside he was extremely serious. He followed Merlin's words and started to discuss: "Yes, Your Excellency Merlin's proposal is good, but I want to know. What should Shiyuan do?"

"Don't worry about the students. There are so many people on the earth, and there are countless people with outstanding talents. But the problem is, teacher, we seem to have only you now. Why can't the Magic Academy have just one teacher?"

Listening to the Prime Minister's words, Merlin smiled slightly and said, "The dragon-controlling mage told me not long ago that he would help me solve part of the problem. I believe him."

Very good. You have already been in contact with the dragon-controlling magician. Okay, this situation is stable.

When the Prime Minister saw this, his smile became even more satisfied, and his position as Prime Minister seemed to have been stabilized.

"Okay, after the matter is settled, I will arrange for a piece of land to be handed over to you. At the same time, I will also spread this caution to the whole world."

After the Prime Minister finished speaking, he paused, glanced at Merlin, and continued: "By the way, I wonder how many students you plan to recruit?"

After hesitating for a moment, Merlin said slowly: "Five hundred, maybe it will be reduced."

"it is good."

The Prime Minister nodded, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Merlin, both feeling very satisfied.

In this way, it is good for everyone.

In the suburbs of London, Rianna had already left London in an 'extended Lincoln'. Her mood was relatively calm, and she was not unhappy because London had not been destroyed.

"Merlin, the dragon magician and an unknown angel, tsk."

Leanna felt a little headache and couldn't help but murmured: "Sure enough, these big countries with a long history have some back-ups."

She has even begun to wonder if there is a similar existence in Rome, but it has not been revealed yet.

"It seems that we need to temporarily adjust our plan and focus our efforts on unknown countries with little historical background."

Leanna thought about it and already had several better locations in mind.

Africa, Australia, South America
It's not that these places necessarily don't have extraordinary heritage, but the probability is relatively low compared to other countries.

"It doesn't matter, I listen to you."

Atline said he didn't care: "But what about Rome's Joseline? She is a noble vampire. Do we have to give up on her?"

In the past, it didn't matter whether Qiaocelin gave up or not, because she was just a human being, but now Qiaocelin couldn't just give up.

After all, Jocelyn has been transformed by Atlaine's First Embrace. In Atlaine's eyes, Jocelyn is his own race and a noble blood race.

"Let her keep a low profile in Rome and stop contacting her in a short time."

Leanna spoke. After she finished speaking, it seemed that something happened to her again. She whispered to Atline: "When you arrive at the destination later, go and bring Celtic back to the ordinary man for the first time." Alright."

"The one named Will?"

Atline showed a look of disgust: "Didn't Celtic say he was going to be transformed into a werewolf? I don't want to compete with a despicable werewolf for such a disgusting human being!"

"You have to do this, and you have to embrace it for the first time when Celtic transforms Will into a werewolf, so that Will has both the abilities of a werewolf and a vampire in his body."

Leanna said calmly: "You won't be needed for the rest of the matter. I will conduct an in-depth study of Will. If successful, Will will most likely become our absolute trump card."

"An absolute trump card that may die for us at a critical moment!"

Looking at Leanna who was already a little crazy, Atline took a deep breath, nodded slowly and said: "Okay, I agree to you for the time being. I only have one request, and that is that in the next few months, let me rest for few days."

'There are a lot of new games released recently, and Atline wants to experience them one by one.

"make a deal."

PS: When I was writing this, I suddenly remembered that when I was a child, I planned to buy the Harry Potter novels, but I bought the wrong Hamlet. I just read The Revenge of the Prince for a long time. I was still wondering when children would have magic. Later I realized that I had read it wrong. .(If the number of characters in this paragraph is less than 200, there will be no charge)

(End of this chapter)

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