i created the old gods

Chapter 192 Miserable Will

Chapter 192 Miserable Will


Will woke up from his sleep, feeling numb and numb all over his body, making Will feel extremely uncomfortable.

What happened? Where am I now?

Will felt some swelling and pain in his head. He could clearly feel that there seemed to be many needles on his body, and his nose could clearly smell the smell of hospital disinfectant.

I was rescued. Am I in the hospital now?

Will thought drowsily, he never imagined that the Celtic Sheriff whom he regarded as his idol was actually a werewolf!
It’s just that he was a werewolf, but he was kidnapped and taken away with the evil elements of the Destroyer. It’s really abominable!
Will thought fiercely in his heart. He slowly opened his eyes. What he saw were many doctors in white coats. They were looking at the data on the computer and seemed to be discussing something.

Will's heart was relieved, but what made him feel a little confused was that the environment of this hospital was too simple, and it was actually a rough room, which made Will a little uncomfortable.

Are there still such shabby operating theaters in London?
Will was extremely confused. In his impression, the hospital's operating room had always been full of high-tech. After all, the operating room served the rich, and it was impossible for the hospital to deduct any funds from the operating room.

His lips trembled slightly, and he was about to say something when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure from the corner of his eye.

Celtic Sheriff!
At this moment, Will, who was already relieved, once again had his heart in his throat, as if falling into an ice cave, his whole body was covered in cold sweat and his hands and feet were cold on a hot day.

Why is Celtic here? !

His heart was roaring crazily. He didn't understand why Celtic appeared here? !
Is it
Suddenly, a bold idea was born in his heart, and his heart couldn't help but "thump": Could this be the territory of the Destroyer?
As if to confirm Will's guess, the doctors surrounding Will accidentally exposed their backs, and the word 'Destroyer' printed on the back of their white coats completely confirmed his guess.

Because the English meaning is very simple, translated as destroyer or destroyer, destroyer. Of course, the one appearing here cannot be a destroyer, so it can only mean destroyer!
At this moment, Will's mentality collapsed. He never expected that he would fall into the clutches of the Destroyer.

What do they want to do? Do they want to use me for human experiments?

Will thought desperately, filled with despair about his future.

I don’t know whether Will is a great prophet or a peerless poisoner. Soon, a scientist in a white coat slowly walked towards Will with an injection containing green liquid, and began to pour the liquid out expressionlessly. Injected into Will's body.


Will struggled desperately, but it was all in vain, he couldn't get rid of the restraint belt on his body at all, and could only allow the liquid to be injected into his body from his left hand!

The cold needle pierced Will's skin, and a cold current began to circulate in the blood vessels along the blood. Soon after the liquid injection was completed, Will felt his whole body heat up, and his body seemed to have inexhaustible power!


But the same thing is that this power is accompanied by a strong stinging sensation. Will now feels as if thousands of killer ants are eating his body and trying to tear him apart!

Hair began to grow crazily all over Will's body, like a werewolf transforming, but then, a pair of bat-like wings spread out from behind, and the genes of both werewolves and vampires were revealed in Will's body at the same time!
Water and fire are incompatible, and werewolf genes and vampire genes are also incompatible!
These scientific researchers affiliated with the Destroyer injected part of the concentrated essence of the macrophage worm into Will's body, hoping to use the macrophage worm to combine the genes of the vampires and the werewolves into one, but the effect did not seem to be very good.

"Kill me! Please kill me!!! Kill me quickly!!!"

Will only felt endless pain, he shouted frantically, and the researchers who belonged to the Destroyer around him ignored them and continued to talk about the genes in the body.

Kelt, who was sitting next to him, looked at Will worriedly, with a hint of guilt in his heart.

If he hadn't brought Will here, if he had been firmer and told Will not to come, if he had killed Will directly. Will would not have suffered such pain.

Kelt had no choice, he wanted to live, and he also wanted his family to live.

His family members are all humans. Even if the British government comes to visit them, it will be of no use. They cannot detect any non-human genes. Now it is not an ancient tradition to sit together. Even if his family members suffer some discrimination, it is better than death.

The British government is subject to humanitarianism, but the Destroyer does not talk about humanity. As long as Celtic is disobedient, Rianna has a hundred ways to make Celtic's relatives die.

For the safety of his family, Celtic had no choice but to cooperate with the Destroyer and go further and further down the wrong path.
Outside the door, Leanna stood on the bench, looking at the situation in the room through the window. She looked at the South Korean researcher next to her and said expressionlessly: "How is it? How is Will's situation?"

The southern stick-born scientific researcher flattered: "Your Highness, this time the gene fusion failed. The genes of the macrophage worm cannot suppress the vampires and werewolves. We need more powerful genes. But his vitality is very tenacious, we can continue the experiment." .”

His name is Park Yisheng, and he is an ordinary scientific researcher in Nanbang. In Nanbang, evil sects are prevalent, and the concept of hierarchy is deeply rooted in the bones. He may have to be in his [-]s or [-]s before he is qualified to become the main person of a project in Nanbang. .

It just so happened that the Destroyer was a well-known extreme evil organization that believed in the Eye of Destruction, and its promotion channels were very fast, so he rushed from Nanbang to the Maple Leaf Kingdom to join the Destroyer without saying a word.

There are not many people like him in Nanbang Country.

But here in Destroyer, he is already the third person in charge of the Will project team. The first and second are both world-renowned industry insiders from the United States. Of course, he will not complain about anything, and he is even a little ecstatic.

"You look very confident."

Leanna turned her head slightly, glanced at Park Yisheng, and said: "Then from today on, you will be responsible for his daily life. I don't want to see him die, do you understand?"

"If I can keep him going, I don't mind praying to the great God and asking Him to give you the power of God and make you an apostle of God."

Park Yisheng burst into tears of gratitude: "Please rest assured, I will take good care of him!"

(End of this chapter)

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