i created the old gods

Chapter 194 Manipulating People's Hearts

Chapter 194 Manipulating People's Hearts
"Oh my god, a dragon?! There's a dragon in London?!"

"Man, your focus is not right, isn't it? Shouldn't it be an angel?"

"omg, gods above, I really never thought that there are still angels in this world!"

"I was in London at the time, and it was the angel who saved my life and defeated that hateful Eye of Destruction!"

"Long live the angels!"

"Did tens of thousands of people die in London this time? This is really sad for the whole world. I heard that the Church of Thunder also lost a bishop. Alas, when will mankind be truly safe?"

There were all kinds of comments about the events in London, but for Celtic they were sad rather than shocking.

He has lived in London since he was a child, and every bit of this city will remain in his heart. They are all his beautiful memories.

Celtic was also heartbroken and very sad about the destruction of half of London.

However, this did not affect too much. What really shocked Celtic was the heavy news released by the British government this morning!

"The legendary mage Merlin plans to open a magic academy in Britain and plans to enroll [-] students to cultivate new era talents for the world."

Shocked, Kelt only had the word shock in his mind right now, and no other thoughts.

"Merlin wants to open a magic academy. What does he want to do?!"

Kelt couldn't sit still, jumped up from his chair, and began to look through netizens' comments and other official news bit by bit.

"Awesome! Merlin is indeed a legendary magician. This way of benefiting all mankind is worth learning from! [Like] [Like]"

"I am an Australian. What I want to ask now is whether members of the British Commonwealth can also get study opportunities? What are the admission standards for the Academy of Magic? I am 49 years old and have always had a dream of learning magic. I don’t know if I can come here. accomplish"

"49 years old?! Forget it, my friend, you should give young people a chance. The British government propaganda clearly states that young people under the age of 23 from all countries in the world can sign up."

"Fuck, I just celebrated my birthday yesterday and I am now 24 years old. Damn it——!!!"

The news about the Magic Academy has been reported all over the world. This news has almost detonated the whole world. People from different countries and different skin colors who have the ability to log on to the Internet are paying attention to the news about the Magic Academy.

This is different from the past when gods came to the world and monsters invaded. Those situations would only be noticed by people in and around the place where they occurred, but now the enrollment of magic academy is related to the fate of every family!
Extraordinary people, this is the first time to openly recruit extraordinary people!

A serious look flashed in Kelt's eyes. He hurriedly stood up and walked towards Leanna's office, wanting to report the situation to Leanna.

But before he took two steps, Celtic's figure suddenly froze in place, as if he thought of something: Wait, why should I inform Leanna?
In the conscience of heaven and earth, Celtic only wanted to protect himself when he joined the Destroyer, but he never thought about working for the Destroyer wholeheartedly!

But now, he didn't know why he had such an idea, and he didn't know why he wanted to inform Leanna.

Moreover, Kelt was horrified to find that he seemed to have become accustomed to the orders issued by Leanna recently, as if he had followed Leanna wholeheartedly!
Thinking of this, Kelt couldn't help but shudder, and the phone in his hand couldn't help but fall to the ground, but he didn't notice anything. He only felt as if he was in an ice cave: "Something's wrong, something's wrong!"

He looked at his hands in horror, and a fear from his soul welled up from deep in his heart.

Celtic gasped heavily and tried his best to regain his composure. He never dreamed that Leanna could secretly control his mind!

He heard that Atlaine seemed to have a somewhat hostile relationship with Leanna back then, but now Atlaine is obedient to Leanna.

Thinking about it carefully, Kelt is panicking now. He doesn't know when he will lose his mind, and now he doesn't dare to resist: his family is in Leanna's hands.

In this way, after a moment of panic, Kelt started chatting on his cell phone, took a deep breath, and started walking towards Leanna's office.

Celtic knew that now he couldn't show any performance that was out of Leanna's control. If Leanna saw it, then his end would probably be as simple as being thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

Therefore, Kelt felt that he still had to disguise himself, disguise to the extreme, and at the same time look for suitable opportunities to see if he could transfer his relatives and friends!

Celtic was thinking as he walked in the corridor of the Destroyer's underground base. After a while, he came to Leanna's office. He stood there calmly for a while, and then the door of Leanna's office opened automatically.

"What did you come to do with me?"

Leanna's voice was a little cold. She looked at Celtic with a somewhat indifferent expression: "Just in time, I also have something to tell you."


Seeing Leanna taking the initiative to speak, Kelt was stunned for a moment, and sorted out his words: "Your Highness Leanna, I came to you because of the incident at the Magic Academy. Have you read the news?"

"I know that Merlin wants to open a magic academy."

Leanna said slowly: "But relying only on his own abilities, I'm afraid this magic academy won't be very good."

Britain has officially announced [-] enrollment quotas, of which [-] are for countries around the world. Each major country will arrange for talents from their own countries to study in Britain; [-] quotas are for internal digestion in Britain; and the remaining [-] are for British students. Will be selected from ordinary people.

And Leanna has long been preparing to arrange a wave of undercover agents in the magic academy through the United States or the Maple Leaf Kingdom.

This matter is the top secret of the Destroyer. Now only Leanna and the Destroyer's senior officials in the Maple Leaf Kingdom and the United States government as well as undercover personnel know about it. The rest, even Atline, don't know about it.

Of course, Leanna would not tell Celtic.

"Now that you have made your choice, I won't say any more."

After Kelt said that, he continued: "I wonder what you have to ask me for?"

"It's not a big deal. I need you to go to Europe to bring the Cyclops family to the African base."

Leanna showed a long-lost smile: "At the same time, you should also settle down in Africa. I think Africa is very suitable for you."

Celtic:? ? ?

Although he was a little confused, Kelt still said respectfully: "Yes, Your Highness Leanna."

Leanna nodded with satisfaction and waved her hand: "Get ready. I hope to see an action organization in Africa that is no less than the headquarters."


Kelt retreated in response, and at the same time he was a little uncertain about Leanna's arrangement.

What do you mean, let me go to Africa?
Distribution or attention?

Question after question echoed in Celtic's mind. Ever since he learned that Leanna had some means of manipulating people's hearts, he had become more and more cautious about Leanna.

He was thinking about this problem all the way, and before he knew it, he returned to his room.

When Kelt returned to his room, his tense heart relaxed, and he thought to himself: 'Forget it, it's a good thing to be away from Leanna after going to Africa. '

The sky is high and the emperor is far away. As long as you are careful, Leanna will never be able to affect you.

When the time comes, I will find an excuse to take my family to Africa. Thinking about it from another perspective, wouldn’t it mean that I am already out of Leanna’s control?
A smile gradually bloomed on Kelt's face, feeling that it was really not easy for him.

In R'lyeh, Cthulhu's huge body was sleeping on the bottom of the sea, and Jingchuan's figure appeared in R'lyeh's throne, falling into a new round of contemplation.

The characteristics of Cthulhu have been completely figured out by me. After the development of these events, I have successfully created Cthulhu!

Jingchuan looked at Cthulhu sleeping in R'lye and murmured: "Cthulhu, Cthulhu, all the abilities have created you, don't let me down."

Laleye, this is the starting point of Jingchuan, but it will definitely not be the end of Jingchuan.

The reason why Jingchuan created Cthulhu is not just because of R'lyeh. Jingchuan's real purpose is to let Cthulhu invade the other world where the believing gods gather through R'lyeh's two-world passage!

It may sound philosophical, but it is what it is and there is no way around it.

"When the stars reach the right position, Cthulhu will rise and dominate the world."

Jingchuan murmured to himself, and at the same time, he had already set the time to invade the other world.

When the stars return, that is, when the Starry Sky Council convenes next, Cthulhu sleeping in R'lyeh will arrive in another world and devour the gods of the other world!

By then, there will only be a legend left in the other world about the Lord of Eternal Night's resistance to Cthulhu, the Great Old One!
If the human beings in the other world want to survive, they can only believe in the Lord of Eternal Night. After conquering the faith, Jing Chuan can take advantage of the victory and pursue it, completely taking the other world into his pocket.

No way, the journey of the famous oboe actor to another world is so simple, boring and tasteless.

Jingchuan stood up from the throne, his eyes instantly understood everything, and he looked towards London, Britain. Seeing that Merlin had issued a declaration about the Academy of Magic, he immediately yawned, then controlled the blue dragon and flew towards London.

Not only that, the magicians who had been arranged by Jingchuan early on were also resurrected across Europe, waiting for Merlin to take the initiative to come to them.

After doing all this, Jingchuan whispered: "Everything has been arranged for you. If this can't be done, then I can only let Leanna take over Europe."

Really, if Merlin can't run a magic academy, then Jingchuan can only let Leanna accept Europe and turn Europe into an era of vampires, werewolves, and demon hunters.

It just so happens that Jingchuan also has the Thunder Church in Europe, so a confrontation between the two sides is also a good choice.

At the same time, the blue dragon Salvest had already set off, soaring in the sky, flying along with the wind. The unrestrained feeling made it very useful.

Not long ago, it was ordered by its owner to go to London to help a magician named Merlin build some bullshit magic academy, which made it feel very comfortable.

There is one thing to say, a fool knows how to choose between being a mount under the master's crotch and being an uncle in London, and the blue dragon Salvester is no exception.

Salvester is a hybrid dragon of blue and white dragons. He has the abilities of both white and blue dragons, but he prefers to call himself a blue dragon instead of a white dragon. The main reason is that he prefers blue. .

As for which one is stronger, the blue dragon or the white dragon. It's hard to say. Black dragon, red dragon, green dragon, blue dragon, white dragon, the five-color dragon represents the five elements, and their strengths are different, so there is no comparison.


Salvester roared in the sky, in a happy mood, staring in the direction of London from a distance, gradually descending, and went to meet Merlin.

It's just that the development of things is a little different from what he imagined.

"What the hell, Merlin is not in London right now. Where has he gone?"

Looking at the ant-like human at his feet, Salvester looked at him with a somewhat displeased expression: "You won't lie to me again, will you?!"

Salvester's voice was as loud as a bell, echoing through the streets of London and making the whole street tremble.

The British Prime Minister's legs were trembling as Salvester stared at him, and he almost cried: "Mr. Dragon, I really don't know where Mr. Merlin is now. Mr. Merlin said that he was going to inspect the location of the Magic Academy. Location, look for a place with a high magic index and good terrain."

His mentality was shattered. The British Prime Minister never expected that he would be in such a situation after Merlin left.

If I had known this, I would have sent people to follow Merlin no matter what, at least to know Merlin's whereabouts!
It's too late to say anything now. The British Prime Minister even suspected that the talking dragon in front of him could eat him directly!
"You really don't know?"

The warm breath from Salvester's mouth hit his face. The British Prime Minister was trembling and said without hesitation: "I really don't know. I swear, I will never lie to you."

"If you let me know that you are lying to me, I will make you feel the wrath of a dragon!"

After hearing this, Salvester stood up from the ground, flapped his wings, and soon disappeared from the sight of the Londoners. The British Prime Minister, who was watched by Salvest, was also relieved, taking a big breath to relieve his pain. Feeling.

The Prime Minister's eyes were full of panic, and it took a long time for him to come back to his senses and return to normalcy.

It was too dangerous to be Prime Minister, and for the first time he had the idea of ​​retreating.

However, after a moment of expediency, he finally chose to continue walking.

Nothing else, just because the smell of power is too charming.

After taking a few deep breaths, the Prime Minister asked softly: "How is the enrollment situation at the Magic Academy? How many lists have been submitted by each country now?"

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, the three hundred quotas have been filled, and the number of outside applicants has exceeded 80. You see"

"Let them screen out a group of people in their own country, and then come to London. We will screen out a group of people. These tasks must be completed within three months. We cannot hold back Lord Merlin!"

 Two in one, 4100 words.

(End of this chapter)

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