i created the old gods

Chapter 195 Dragon's Wrath

Chapter 195 Dragon's Wrath

Salvester soared freely between heaven and earth, carefully searching for Merlin's figure in every corner of Britain, but Merlin seemed to know something and deliberately hid it so that he could not find him.

There was a trace of flame around the corner of Salvester's mouth, and his expression was obviously unhappy: "You are not a good person, but you are not too proud!"

As a noble dragon, Salvest was particularly fed up with this situation. However, due to his master's instructions, Salvest had no choice but to look for Merlin.

Salvester soared in the sky at extremely fast speeds and could travel around Britain in a few hours, but he found no trace of Merlin.

"Damn it, where the hell is Merlin?"

Salvester's expression was a little ferocious, and he was obviously impatient. However, after a second thought, he suddenly thought of another possibility: "Maybe. He is not in Britain?"

It's possible. Who said that magic schools have to be opened in Britain?

If this conjecture is confirmed, then the choice before Salvester becomes to search for Merlin around the world.

'Britain isn't enough for you, is it? '

After Salvester complained in his heart, he flapped his wings and flew towards the European continent.

Starting from the nearest place first and searching slowly is the wisest choice. Only a fool would go to far away places.

After reading this, Salvester instantly disappeared into the clouds of Britain.

On this day, residents across Britain were affected by the dragon's roar in the sky, and the Internet was flooded with videos of the blue and white dragon Salvester.

Suddenly, Salvester became popular all over the world, and everyone in the world knew about it. Movies and TV shows about dragons began to quickly become popular.

Britain's national television even announced that it would film a "Legend of the Blue Dragon" to sing the great story of the dragon defending Britain.

Anyone could tell that Britain was licking, but no one could argue with it.

No way, who made the dragon really appear in Britain?

It also flew three or four times around the British island. This obvious intention could be seen by everyone. Therefore, everyone could only retract their envious eyes and congratulate Britain on harvesting the dragon guardian.

In the past, Merlin founded the Magic Academy, and later, there were dragons flying around the island to demonstrate. In the hearts of the people of the world, Britain has become the extraordinary leader at this stage, and Britain itself is probably indestructible.

As for the truth of the matter, only the British officials know it, and they are unable to tell the truth.


Salvester spread his wings and flew, his wings extended to almost cover the sky, and he flew across the ocean at a sudden speed, bringing up hurricanes.

With strong winds on both sides and an unobstructed view of the sea in front of him, Salvester felt extremely comfortable. He set off from Britain and wandered around in the sky without seeing Merlin's figure. He could only fly towards the sea, in the world Flying aimlessly.

He didn't know where it was. He just felt relaxed and relaxed. He hadn't had this unrestrained feeling for a long time.

Just fly and that's it. If the master asks him about it, Salvester will have an excuse, saying that Merlin is running around the world and he is looking for it, and he doesn't want to play at all.

On the vast and boundless sea level, the sea breeze blows vigorously, and the phosphorescent ground surface is illuminated by the sun, rolling up waves one after another, and the huge dragon is flying in the wind, forming a wonderful picture on the Atlantic Ocean.

"what is that?!"

"Dragon, it's a dragon!"

On the sea, some dark-skinned fishermen showed shock and fear in their eyes. They all worshiped Salvester. On the fishing boat, it was like meeting a god.

Salvester didn't want to pay attention to them at all, and continued to spread his wings and fly, flying past these dark-skinned humans, towards the continent that appeared in his sight ahead.

Although Salvester could see that there was a continent there, he also knew that he was far away from the continent and it would take about three to 10 minutes to fly.

But where have I flown to now, and why are there such black people in the world?
While flying, Salvest's heart was also full of confusion. It didn't know where it was now. It only knew that 90.00% of the people on the fishing boat were black, and only a few had slightly whiter skin. of white people.

In Salvester's memory, it seems that people with this kind of skin color can only appear in the south.

But soon, this thought disappeared in Salvester's heart. Now he only had one thought: "Forget it, never mind it, rush, rush!"

However, at the same time, in a mysterious base on the west coast of Africa, looking at Salvester moving at high speed on the radar, Celtic and the surrounding members of the local official organization controlled by the Destroyer looked at each other.

The corner of Kelt's mouth twitched slightly, he took a deep breath to keep himself calm, and asked: "What's going on? What's going on with this giant dragon?"

He finally escaped from Leanna's clutches and came to the west coast of Africa, where he was ready to show off his ambitions and establish a great cause.

But he never expected that he would encounter a giant dragon head-on the first morning he came to Africa.

What kind of situation is this really so unlucky for?

The local black official was also confused and explained to Celtic in a low voice: "Mr. Special Envoy, we don't know what happened."

If you don't do anything wrong, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door. But Celtic did something wrong. When he saw Salvester flying towards Africa, he naturally thought of London's behavior. He panicked and immediately said: "It Flying at such a fast speed, he must be heading towards us!"

"Then what should we do?" The black official who was controlled also panicked and asked quickly.

"Fight! Didn't your country buy a destroyer from the United States last year? Use the destroyer to fight this giant dragon!" Celtic said viciously.

When the person in charge of Maga Kingdom heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he stumbled and said in unskilled English: "Hit it?!"

"Yes, otherwise we will all be doomed!"

Kelt nodded solemnly: "It just so happens that your destroyer is still on the sea. Then you can find some excuse to let the destroyer attack the dragon and cause a battle!"

After saying that, Kelt comforted him: "Don't worry, the Destroyer will definitely not let the dragon go. Her Royal Highness Leanna will rush to help soon."

The destroyers Maga purchased from the United States at a high price have been working on the sea recently. The main reason is to prevent any monsters from attacking from the sea.

In the past, the Maga Kingdom did not care, but now the Destroyer does.

The ocean is a huge world, and there are not many areas that humans can explore. There are likely to be other extraordinary creatures hidden in the deep sea.

If discovered in time, the Destroyer can take advantage of it and get first-hand intelligence.

With such considerations in mind, the destroyer has been patrolling the sea, and all the resources it consumes every day are provided by the Destroyer. According to this situation, this destroyer can stay on the sea for more than three years without panic at all.

Moreover, although this destroyer was purchased as a decommissioned destroyer from the United States, it is still intact and has sufficient ammunition. It is still very lethal in Africa. This is why Celtic is determined to let the destroyer ambush the dragon.

After hearing Celtic's deception, the person in charge of Maga Kingdom hesitated for a moment and nodded firmly: "Okay, I will order the 'Accommodation' to attack right now!"

Kelte nodded, watched the person in charge of Maga Kingdom leaving, and quickly contacted all parties: "Your Highness Leanna, something happened here. The giant blue dragon is attacking us. It seems to want to destroy our base!"

"Our base on the west coast of Africa has not yet been completed, so there is no harm in abandoning the Maga Kingdom."

Leanna's calm voice came from the other end of the satellite phone: "But... I need you to hurt this blue dragon and get some of its blood. Five Cyclops will come to help you."

When Kelt heard this, he took a deep breath. This familiar feeling reminded him of the person in charge of Maga Kingdom who had just left.

The person in charge of Maga Kingdom is a tool man in Kelt's eyes, and Kelt is also a tool man in Leanna's eyes.

Kelt took a deep breath, calmed down his heart, and said respectfully: "Yes."

In any case, he is not the opponent of the entire Destroyer yet, so he can endure the calm for a while and take a step back to open up the world.

"General, we found a creature moving towards us at high speed from the front, do you want to attack?!"

On the Maga Kingdom's destroyer, the black officer was startled by his subordinate's words. He glanced at the worn-out radar and asked, "What's the situation? What is it? Is it hostile to us?"

The black guy froze for a moment, and replied, "General, I don't know yet."

The black general heard this and narrowed his eyes, not daring to do anything to underestimate the enemy.

Behind them is the Maga Kingdom. If the creatures in front are to destroy the Maga Kingdom, then aren't they the first line of attack?
Suddenly, the voice of the telegraph soldier reached the black general's ears: "General, we just received an urgent report from the president!"

The general heard this and asked, "What does the president want us to do?"

"General, the president wants us to destroy this dragon so that it cannot harm our country!"

After receiving the news from the president, the messenger clearly conveyed the president's intention to the general, but the voice of the report became smaller and smaller.
Fuck you, start a war with a dragon? !

The general was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then became furious.

However, it suppressed the anger in its heart and instead spoke in a pleasant tone: "Tell Mr. President to let him come here to communicate with the dragon and let God ensure his own safety."

Dragons are not creatures of conscience. In legends and epics, they are the representative monsters that destroy countries and cities, and they like to capture princesses the most.

You want us to go to war with a giant dragon that can destroy countries and cities?
What are your intentions? You want me to die!

"General, the president said that reinforcements will be coming to support us when the time comes, and the coastal defense artillery has already launched an attack on the dragon!"


The black general spit out thick phlegm and was about to curse angrily when he suddenly heard a shocking sound and the entire destroyer trembled slightly!
While the general was still confused, he suddenly heard a soldier shouting: "General, the dragon has attacked our warships, and three warships including the Ange have been sunk!"

"General, what should we do?!"

Except for this destroyer, the warships of the Maga Kingdom were all armed ships transformed from merchant ships. They were euphemistically called warships. There were a total of twenty such armed ships near the destroyer. But at this moment, Three ships have sunk? !
The series of questions made the black general a little confused. From the president's order to the dragon attack, everything happened in less than 2 minutes!
"Damn it, if I'm still alive, I'll mutiny when I get back!"

The black general yelled angrily and shouted at the same time: "Counterattack! Attack the dragon and kill it. We will be the dragon-slaying warriors!"

The arrow is on the string, and it has to be sent!
He can no longer avoid it and can only fight!
"General! That...that dragon is flying towards us!"

"Counterattack! Counterattack!"

Not far away, the breath of the blue dragon Salvester revealed a frosty air. It spread its wings and quickly flew towards the destroyer. All the various armed fleets it encountered were killed by its breath. .

It is a little angry. The humans here dare to attack it. Don't they know what the dragon's anger is? !


The destroyer suddenly fired one shell after another, hitting it accurately. Before everyone could cheer, they found that Salvester was intact.

Salvester's dragon eyes were fixed on the destroyer, his abdomen suddenly shrank and opened, and the frost breath that had been brewing for several hours burst out from his mouth at this moment!

The general's hands trembled, and he almost roared. The crew on the fleet also knew the seriousness of the matter, and quickly fired all the missiles that could be launched at this moment. In an instant, dozens of missiles flew towards Salvester!
The icy frost breath accurately contacted the missiles in the air. The storm formed by the frost breath froze some missiles and detonated some missiles. Deafening explosions sounded on the sea.

Immediately afterwards, the storm continued to move forward. It was not affected by the missiles at all. Under Salvest's continuous spitting, more and more people were spitting out, directly freezing the nearby sea surface and freezing the destroyer!
"Run, run!"

On the air defense platform, the soldiers who were supposed to fight back instantly collapsed and began to flee in all directions, but this had no effect. The moment the frost breathed out, they instantly lost consciousness and turned into ice sculptures.

Perhaps due to the high temperature in the command room, the black general only felt waves of coldness coming over him. His whole body was so cold that even his teeth were chattering, but he still maintained his life and did not fall asleep like an ice sculpture.

"Fuck! Can we still fight back? Can the life capsule escape?"

The black general's teeth chattered and he asked tremblingly.

But soon, his ears lost any function of receiving sound, and his eyes were filled with fear!
He saw ahead, the blue dragon rotated in the sky and dived towards the destroyer!

The giant dragon opened its bloody mouth, and a scorching temperature spread from its mouth. Balls of flames began to form quickly like a furnace!

 Two-in-one, the code words have not been in a good state recently, I feel that the writing is so messy, I used the plot written in the previous book.

(End of this chapter)

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