i created the old gods

Chapter 196 Attack on the Coast

Chapter 196 Attack on the Coast

Brilliant sparks ignited from the sea level, and Maga's "Invincible Fleet" was destroyed in the coastal defense line.

Salvester's figure shuttled through the smoke, speeding away across the land of Africa, with an unknown fire rising in his heart.

It is very clear that the initial attack was not from these warships, but from the coast and from land!
Those warships on the ocean are just appetizers, Salvest's real goal is land!
Not only that, Salvester also smelled some unusual smells here.

"Breath of London"

Salvester's anger subsided slightly, and then he smiled slightly: "Is it those non-human bodies in London back then?"

As a personal experiencer of the London incident, Salvester is too familiar with their aura, what he is familiar with can hardly be more familiar.

This feeling is like a cat seeing a mouse, not to mention how comfortable it is.

After finishing reading, Salvester looked up to the sky and let out a long roar. The roar of the dragon filled the sky. He immediately fluttered his wings and flew quickly towards the coastline, doubling his speed compared to before.

He seems to be eager to rush to the coastline and fight the Destroyer gang headed by Celtic.

Shifting his gaze to the coast, a few lonely coastal defense guns were firing continuously at Salvest, which was moving at high speed. Although the sound of the shells was as loud as a bell, it was just a loud thunder and a small amount of rain. In Salvest It's not enough to see in front of you, and it doesn't have any harm.

"What's going on? Did you get hit?"

The Maga officer looked expectantly at the soldier responsible for firing the artillery shells. He swallowed and asked, "If you hit once, your Excellency the President will reward you with 500 meters!"

"no no."

The soldier trembled when he heard 500 meters, and a flash of fire flashed in his eyes. However, after thinking about his record, he could only sigh and lowered his head.


In an instant, the black officer became furious and shouted insults: "You idiot, raised by a female cousin, why don't you continue to hit me if you miss?!"

"Yes Yes!"

The soldier hurriedly spoke, but before he could fill the cannonball, a screaming dragon roar suddenly came from the sky above his head!


The huge roar of the dragon lingered along the entire coastline, and everyone nearby was aware of it. The soldiers were even trembling with fear from the roar of the dragon!
"It's not good, it's not good, the monster is coming!"

The soldier who was preparing to fill the shells collapsed on the ground in an instant, with no thought of the 500-meter yuan. His mind was now blank, and he only thought about escaping with his life.


The black officer was brave. At the moment when the dragon's roar sounded, he did not paralyze like his compatriots. Instead, he picked up the submachine gun in his hand and quickly came outside, preparing to shoot the monster with the submachine gun!

He pushed open the door, loaded the bullet, and without saying a word raised his submachine gun and pointed it at the source of the sound in the sky.

But when he saw the gleaming dragon scales and the huge hideous dragon head in the sun, he was stunned.

Dragon of the West!
Unlike other soldiers in Africa who didn't know what a giant dragon was, he was a learned New Age man who had studied abroad and knew what a giant dragon was.

"This this."

Every cell in this officer's body was trembling, and the hand holding the gun was a little less sensitive.

He is the president's confidant, and the president ordered him to resist the monster, but he never said that the monster was a giant dragon!
At this moment, he understood that he had been tricked by the president!

The officer took a deep breath and tried to stay calm as much as possible. He immediately began to plan to escape back indoors quickly. However, the moment he turned around, a huge heat wave shot out from the sky in an instant!

The officer watched helplessly as the command room of the coastal defense artillery was engulfed by dragon flames. Immediately afterwards, a huge explosion sounded. The officer was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground by the aftermath. He only felt a 'buzzing' sound in his ears. , making him feel a burst of pain.


The sound of swirling air flow sounded in his ears. He stood up with difficulty, only to find that the giant dragon covered with white and blue scales was floating in front of him. Its wings were constantly flapping. The sound of swirling air flow sounded in his ears just now. It's the sound of wings flapping.


A dull sound rang out, and the Maga officer knelt down directly on the ground, saluted devoutly to Salvester, his whole body was trembling, and at the same time prayed devoutly in African dialect: "Great God, please forgive me. No disrespect, please please.please”

The previous thought of submachine gun shooting had disappeared from his mind, and what remained was only fear and devout prayer and kneeling.

For such an invincible existence, this officer really didn't have the slightest idea of ​​fighting him.


A moist wave of heat rushed out from Salvester's breath. He stared at the black officer in front of him, suddenly spoke English, and opened his mouth: "Where is your boss?"


The officer really didn't expect Salvester to be able to speak. After being stunned for a while, he immediately said: "Your Majesty, the President is at the tactical command center. It is about seven hundred miles away from here. You just need to fly south and see a That’s the building with the huge antenna.”

He is someone who has studied abroad. Although he is not very proficient in English, he can still speak a little bit.

Under the threat of death, he even used all the English skills he had learned in his life.

After getting the answer, Salvester did not stop too much, but flapped his wings and flew in the direction pointed out by the military official.

He was not worried at all that the officer was lying to him, because he had left a breath on that officer. As long as he dared to lie to himself, Salvester would let him know the price of deceiving a giant dragon.

The blue dragon is famous for his retribution.

The officer who was watching Salvester fly away looked blankly at the sky, then raised his hands, looking at all this in disbelief.

"I survived?"

He became a little confused, feeling a little unconvinced that this was real: after all, in various legends and stories, people like him were usually crushed to death.

But if he escaped, he would naturally not die.

He looked at the direction Salvester was flying away, clenched his fists, and determined that he must become the possessor of super powers!

"I swear, I, Matontre Tuishuo Ssemourbinrid Takita. (Twenty words are omitted below) will definitely become a wizard that everyone admires!"

(End of this chapter)

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