i created the old gods

Chapter 197 Blue Dragon VS Cyclops

Chapter 197 Blue Dragon VS Cyclops
Takita (twenty words omitted below) naturally did not deceive Salvest. The direction he pointed out to Salvest was really the location of the president.

His original idea was to drag the president to death with him, and he would have a backer on the road.

However, who would have thought that the kind-hearted evil dragon Salvester would let him go and let him pursue the meaning of the rest of his life. This is really something that makes everyone sad when he hears it and sheds tears when he sees it.

Following the direction given by Takita, Salvester flew towards the tactical command center at a very fast speed, fearing that if he was a step too late, the people there would escape.

After all, a full hour has passed since he showed up. Maybe those non-human beings really ran away.


Just when Salvester was flying with all his heart, a cold light flashed suddenly, and an iron spear with a length of more than ten meters suddenly flew from a certain point on the ground, rubbing against Salvester's scales Drifting past, Salvester's original blue and white scales were scratched with a bloody streak.


Salvester roared angrily. If he hadn't reacted in time, the iron spear would have pierced his wing!

"Damn it, you dare to sneak attack the great blue dragon Salvester!"

Salvester angrily moved his gaze downwards. In a vast green forest, he saw several ugly monsters with only one eye, like primitive people, carrying iron spears and planning to throw them in his direction. Come!

One of them, a nine-meter-tall one-eyed giant, was holding a mace like a big tree. He laughed ferociously and said: "That big flying lizard, get out of here quickly. We brothers haven't eaten it for a long time." Lizard meat!”


Salvester instantly knew their identities, and after nimbly dodging several incoming iron spears, a strong arctic storm began to condense in his mouth, preparing to freeze these cyclops here!

Although he didn't know why these Cyclops appeared here, he knew that it had something to do with the organization that was wreaking havoc in London!
Counting, there are five one-eyed giants here. Killing them has the same effect as killing those non-humans in the tactical command center!

After finishing reading, Salvest opened his mouth. Then, a terrifying cold mist visible to the naked eye spurted out from Salvest's mouth. This cold mist seemed to want to freeze the air and headed towards The direction of the one-eyed giant spread quickly.

"Haha, you big lizards can only spit fire, spit ice and spray venom, these dirty tricks!"

A Cyclops grinned, and the ferocious bloody mouth made people feel cold. He stood up, took a breath, and screamed up to the sky. In an instant, a wave of heat shot out from his mouth, colliding with the frost, Two states of fire and ice instantly formed in the sky!

Ice and fire met with a huge explosion. After Salvester circled in the air, dragon roars circled around. The one-eyed giants once again threw their iron spears, blocking Salvest's movement. .

The Cyclops had a lot of iron spears. No one was equipped with more than 20. They were all carried on their backs, ready to be thrown out at any time. Whenever there was a chance, they would be thrown out to give Salvester a hard blow.

This is the first time they have received an order from Leanna, so they can't mess it up!

And Salvester's eyes also flashed with cold light. He looked at the Cyclops, and drastic changes began to occur in his body!

Salvester let out a dull roar, like a thunderous roar, and the shining fangs looked even more impressive under the sunlight.

At the moment when he roared out, the strength in his whole body surged to the extreme, and his blood was surging, as if he had been drugged by some kind of illegal drug. He waved his dragon wings and rose up in the sky. His figure suddenly grew, leaving a trail in the air. The afterimage was shot in the direction of the one-eyed giant!

With a loud noise, this dragon claw directly smashed through one of the Cyclops, making a huge explosion sound, which shook the originally peaceful forest with strong ups and downs!

This powerful force made the ground tremble, which was horrifying. Salvester's eyes were filled with blood, and his dragon tail was like a giant tree, frantically lashing out at the other one-eyed giants, preventing them from getting close to him!

He wants to take out a Cyclops quickly and take them down one by one!

But what puzzled Salvester was that the one-eyed giants actually abandoned their companions and started running wildly in all directions.

'What an inferior race with a cold nature. '

After Salvester taunted in his heart, he began to plan to kill the one-eyed giant.

"Hoo, ho, hey ho!"

The attacked one-eyed giant was screaming wildly, his body was covered with scars, scarlet blood was seeping out of his body, the one-eyed giant's body was dancing with flames, and his whole figure seemed to be on fire.


Before Salvest could react, a violent energy burst out from the body of the attacked one-eyed giant. Salvest's dragon eyes suddenly shrank, and he quickly spread his wings and flew towards Fly quickly through the sky, away from this one-eyed giant!


The next second, a brilliant explosion centered on the one-eyed giant and bombarded a distance of nearly 500 meters in a radius. The huge explosion directly razed the place to the ground!

The howling wind surged around Salvester. Salvest never expected that the Cyclops could self-destruct.

But now is not the time for him to be surprised. Salvester knows that now is a good time for him to separate these cyclops and defeat them!

He aimed at the weakest one of the remaining four Cyclops, charged away quickly, and swept his tail forward. The Cyclops didn't have time to react, and was directly hit in the back by Salvester's tail. Screams, suffered a violent collision!


The one-eyed giant felt very uncomfortable. A pool of blood spurted out from his mouth. He stumbled and stumbled a few steps. Then he turned around, picked up the mace in his hand, and was about to use all his strength to attack Salvester. He smashed it, but unexpectedly, Salvester's figure had disappeared!

The one-eyed giant was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, he suddenly felt his eyes go dark, followed by a sharp pain in his neck, and the next moment he lost consciousness.

And Salvester held the one-eyed giant's head up into the sky, dropped the head high in the sky, and let out a deafening dragon roar!
At this moment, the remaining three strongest one-eyed giants had already met. Their faces were gloomy, and they seemed to want to launch a final attack on Salvester.

Salvester's dragon eyes stared at the three one-eyed giants. At this critical moment, Salvest suddenly fluttered his wings and quickly disappeared into the sky without a trace.

The remaining three Cyclops were stunned. They never imagined that Salvester would run away!
(End of this chapter)

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